cover of episode 72 Hours to Save the Republic - STAY IN LINE - HOLD THE LINE!

72 Hours to Save the Republic - STAY IN LINE - HOLD THE LINE!

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Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Jack Posobiec
Mike Benz
Rich Barris
Jack Posobiec: 本期节目主要围绕宾夕法尼亚州的选举展开,重点关注巴克斯县的投票情况。主持人强调了在巴克斯县投票点出现的长队,这被视为爱国者运动力量的体现。他还宣传了他的新书《防弹》,并呼吁听众保持警惕,关注选举进程。同时穿插着对相关产品的广告宣传。 他还纪念了在巴特勒事件中为保护家人而牺牲的Corey Campitore,以此激励听众积极参与投票。节目中多次强调了'坚守阵线'的重要性,并呼吁听众积极参与投票,尽可能扩大特朗普的胜选优势,以应对潜在的选举舞弊和社会动荡。 Mike Benz: Benz从地缘政治和选举策略的角度分析了当前局势。他详细阐述了民主党可能采取的'颜色革命'策略,并将其与2004年乌克兰橙色革命进行了比较。他认为,民主党这次比2020年更弱,但仍然存在威胁。他指出,民主党需要一个法律依据来质疑选举结果,并可能利用媒体和街头抗议来施压。他还提到了民主党利用联邦资金资助非政府组织进行选民登记,其中存在欺诈行为。他强调,赢得大选的关键在于高投票率,并呼吁听众积极参与投票。 Rich Barris: Barris主要从数据分析的角度解读了选举形势。他分析了宾夕法尼亚州的早期投票数据,认为共和党在争取低投票率选民方面做得更好。他指出,民主党人的投票率下降,尤其是在关键群体和地区。他还驳斥了一些媒体关于民主党女性选民投票率高的说法,认为这被夸大了,并提醒听众不要被敌对宣传所影响。他强调,当前的关键在于动员共和党选民投票,并压制民主党选民的投票积极性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the turnout for Democratic voters lower than expected in key areas?

Democratic turnout is down among key groups and in key areas, particularly among black men and younger voters.

Why are Republicans focusing on Pennsylvania in their final campaign rallies?

If Trump wins Pennsylvania, the election is effectively over, making it a critical state for both campaigns.

Why is it important for Republicans to win by a significant margin?

A significant win makes it harder for the opposition to delegitimize the victory through legal challenges and street protests.

Why are some Republican men less likely to vote early?

Republican men, especially, are more skeptical of early voting and prefer to vote in person on election day.

Why is the media focusing on the higher turnout of women voters?

The media is hyping the women's vote to create a sense of inevitability for the Democratic candidate and potentially suppress Republican turnout.

Why is it crucial for Republicans to stay focused and not fall for media narratives?

The media and the opposition are using fear and despair to depress Republican turnout, which is their only hope of winning.

Why are some polls showing a closer race than expected?

Some polls may be overstating support for the Democratic candidate due to historical inaccuracies and oversampling in certain areas.

The focus is on Pennsylvania's crucial role in the upcoming election and the importance of maintaining order and integrity in the voting process.
  • Lines are long in Levittown, Bucks County, with voters urged to stay in line to ensure their votes are counted.
  • The human events audience plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of the voting process by sharing videos and information.

Shownotes Transcript


Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is almost over. Bulletproof. The truth about the assassination attempts on Donald Trump is now available for pre-order. Go to Amazon right now and get your copy. Make sure it's secured so that when it releases on October 22nd,

You will have a copy that you'll be able to show everyone the truth about what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania and what happened down in West Palm Beach. You can also get a signed copy at Make sure to sign up today. This is what happens when the fourth turning meets fifth generation warfare. Oh, no.

A commentator, international social media sensation, and former Navy intelligence veteran. This is Human Events with your host, Jack Posobiec. Christ is King!

How do you like my garbage truck? This truck is in honor of Kamala and Joe Biden. Donald Trump, you never see him around strong, intelligent women, ever. Respectfully, Mark Cuban, you would not know a strong, intelligent female if she slapped you across the face. It's a massive drop, of course, from what we saw in September. That number was also revised lower, down to 223,000 jobs. In fact, what we lost

was over 110,000 jobs over August and September. I spend 30 minutes praying every day when I get out of bed. I asked God for 19 years to put me in a position where I could end the chronic disease epidemic and bring health back to our children. And in August, God sent me Donald Trump. I'm here moving forward.

moving forward. Understand the difference here. What we are looking at, a difference in this election. Let's move forward and see where we are. It's like, where are you going? You want to get the lights that they use with air traffic control? Come this way. Help her out. The only way I can describe it is she talks in circles. Tim Dillon says it's like she does gypsy curses because she speaks in gypsy curses.

That's very good. Well, I've just got to say, we're news people, even though we're at the opinion section. It's got to be reported. Bucks County was reversed by the court and instructed to open up extra days because they violated the law and told people to go home. So that lawsuit was brought by the Republican National Committee, and it was successful. The Supreme Court ruled that Glenn Youngkin was successful. We are news people, even though we have opinions, and we have to report the whole story if we bring up

part of the story. So yes, he's upset about Bucks County, but he was right and he won in court. That's the story. I don't appreciate being lectured about reporting when, Hugh, many times you come here saying lots of things that aren't based in fact. I won't come back, Jonathan. I'm done. I'm done.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today's edition of Human Events Daily. We are live. It is the Feast of All Hallows. It is All Saints Day. Today is November 1st, 2024. Anno Domini and President Trump has just posted an image, a tweet, celebrating the Feast of All Saints. Remember, I want to be in that number when

when the Saints go marching in to the final battle. And we will be marching in to that final battle just 72 hours away. But listen to this, because Bucks County, and you heard right there, blew up.

on Washington Post Live. Hugh Hewitt storming off the set with the Washington Post lying about the victory that was held in the courts in Pennsylvania, in Bucks County. They won't talk about this. Josh Shapiro won't talk about this. They lied, but we won. President Trump stood tall.

We shared the videos. We showed that we can do this. We got the injunction. But now look what's going on. Levittown, Bucks County. This was just sent in by Jim Worthington, who's there on the scene at Levittown. Listen to what Jim is saying. He said the lines are three to four hours long in Levittown. Do not get out.

of line if you are in line so the three places to vote in pennsylvania today i'm not talking about monday monday we need the big lift as well but we're gonna talk about that later right now i'm talking about today the final day of early in-person voting in pennsylvania only is taking place in bucks county so levittown doylestown wakertown those are the three

I'm told that Quakertown, the line is about an hour. In Doylestown, the lines are shortest, but in Levittown, the lines are the longest. So depending on what part of the county you're in, I would suggest get to Doylestown if you can. But if you are already there in Levittown, do not get out of line as long as you are in line by 4.30.

They must allow you to vote today. So stay in line. Hold the line. We hold the line, we win. And we know that they tried to shut this down. They tried to shut this down. This line only exists because of the power of the human events audience, because we stood strong and we got the videos out. We said, see something, screen something. If you see something, screen something. We got these videos out. Elon Musk has...

Helped by sharing this out. President Trump's campaign then came on board in Bucks County, went in with the lawsuit. We got the affidavits together. People are reaching out to me. People are sharing stuff on the show. People are sending things in to 1776 at This is the alignment of the patriot movement.

and the campaign and the stars aligning for us here on All Saints Day because we will be marching. We're going to march in from Levittown to Bucks County to Quakertown to Doylestown and from Pennsylvania to Pennsylvania Avenue. So you know something, Josh Shapiro? Suck on that. 72 hours. I'll see you there.

You know, they talk about influencers. These are influencers. And they're friends of mine. Jack Posolik. Where's Jack? Jack? He's done a great job.

Jack Posobiec back here, live Human Events Daily. Folks, a couple of weeks ago, over 270 million social security numbers were hacked. Government isn't going to help protect your identity or your data. You're going to have to help yourself, and that's where today's show sponsor, Silent, comes in. Silent's Faraday products block all incoming and outgoing signals

So no one can get their hands on your information from key fobs to phones and laptops. Simply place your device inside, close the sleeve, and that's it. You are off the grid and safeguarded for unauthorized access. Go silent today at slash POSO to save 15% plus free shipping on qualifying orders. Stay ahead of what's coming and secure your privacy today. Again, it's slash POSO for 15% off and free shipping on qualified orders. SLNT. Folks, there's one thing I wanted to say as well about Pennsylvania. We're gonna talk a lot about Pennsylvania over the upcoming days. I'm going to State College tomorrow. Going back, going back to Penn State, folks. Because we are, we're gonna be at the OSU-Penn State game there tomorrow and we're gonna be just going all across the state this entire last week and the entire last 72 hours. But there is something I wanna say, folks. There is something.

We're not just doing this for Donald Trump. We're not just doing this for America. But I want to remind you all of something. Because there's one Pennsylvanian who will not be with us there physically on 5 November. There's a man who very much wanted to be there, very much wanted to cast his vote for Donald Trump. But he's a saint right now. He's a saint. And not only that, he's a Pennsylvanian.

His name is Corey Campitore. And Corey Campitore isn't going to be there with us, but he's going to be cheering us all on while we wait in line because Corey Campitore defended his family from an assassin's bullet. And above all things, he was a Trump supporter and a Christian and a firefighter. He was one of us. He was a Pennsylvanian. And so when you're sitting there, Pennsylvania, and everyone across the country, remember, for Corey.

For Corey and for his family. Want to bring in Mike Benz now. Benz, look, man, we are looking at a lot that's going on. There's a lot that's being thrown at us. I've seen some of the stuff that you're putting out. Are they running? Have they fully activated the Color Revolution Playbook?

Not yet. They're a lot weaker this time than last time around. Last time around, they had a very robust network already in place ahead of Election Day that had already completed several of the Michael McFaul seven-step plans for how to overthrow a democratically elected government in a color revolution. And I can actually read some of those seven points of the Michael McFaul playbook on this that I think are useful.

Four, five, six and seven. I think everyone should know to be able to identify what they may try should Trump win the electoral college. Number four is an ability. So the first three are you need a semi autocratic rather than a fully autocratic regime, meaning you need some something of an open society to be able to set up your pawns on the chessboard to overthrow the government. The second is an unpopular political opponent who can be easily tarred.

or delegitimized. The third is a united and organized opposition. They're actually on these three points. They're actually some they're considerably weaker than last time in the sense that the incumbent government is actually their own.

The and their united and organized opposition is somewhat fragmented right now because of what appears to be a intra party civil war between the Biden faction and the Harris faction. There appears to be some backbiting and some of the groups are not as unified as they were in 2020. But here's where it gets interesting. Number four is an ability to quickly drive home the point that voting results were falsified, that the official vote tally

that is reported on election night was wrong because of a parallel vote, a parallel tabulation done by so-called independent NGOs, which are all going to be essentially Democrat Party or Never Trump GOP third party tabulators. Number five is enough blob media to inform citizens about the falsified vote. Technically, it says it's enough independent media, but that means independent from Trump

Trump alignment. It means their own captured media. So they need complete control of the media to be able to drive home the point that the official vote numbers were wrong. Number six is a is a political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest the electoral fraud.

Meaning they need mass street protests, Summer of Love, George Floyd, BLM, Antifa-style street protests to run into the police precincts, to capture the parliament building, to capture the government buildings, to shut down the highways, to destabilize the country.

And then number seven is divisions within the regime's coercive forces, meaning a division within the guys with guns, making sure all the guys with guns are on the side of the protesters or at least not willing to stand against them. And so what you see right here is,

is a very different set of pieces on the chessboard than it was four years ago. When they did this war gaming in 2020, in June 2020, it was the week after the George Floyd riots had popped up, popped off. And so you had this CIA, DOD, State Department network teamed up with the political, with both former heads of the political parties, Donna Brazile and Michael Steele, former heads of the DNC and RNC,

All all basically plotting to use Black Lives Matter street muscle as their as their forces, in fact, in their own playbook documents, which were published, I believe, in the Boston Boston Herald or the Boston Globe.

They they specifically plotted to to instrumentalize BLM as this revolutionary force to protest the official vote tally in the case of a clear Trump win and even contemplated the need to run money to BLM so that they would be bribed enough to respond to a Biden call to take to the streets shortly after that 200 billion dollars was

flowed into the racial justice movement from the Chamber of Commerce companies, which were teamed up with the AFL-CIO in a secret agreement as documented by Time magazine shortly after the 2020 election. So what they're doing right now is they have this new plot. It's called State Democracy Defenders.

And as a part of State Democracy Defenders, it's this network that is spearheaded by Norm Eisen. A part of this State Democracy Defenders network is Jamie Raskin, as well as David Podhorzer, who is the main liaison to the AFL-CIO. So you have the what they need is a legal predicate. Should there be a clear Trump victory on on November 5th?

then they need to set up this apparatus and have it take to the streets very, very quickly. They're going to need to say the official vote tally was wrong. They're going to need a legal predicate to hang on it. That's where Norm Eisen comes in that delegitimizes the official vote tally. And they can use any number of predicates for this. They may argue there's voter suppression in certain states.

So certain votes should be counted that weren't. They may argue foreign interference from Russia that can have some nullification effect on national security grounds, or they may take it all the way up to the 14th Amendment argument that Jamie Raskin called for and that Sherilyn Ifill, the former head of the NAACP's legal apparatus, has set up a brand new center at Howard University, which is incidentally exactly where Kamala Harris will be election night,

in order to make this sort of race-based Ku Klux Klan Act style January 6th argument, the same thing the Justice Department hit Trump with at the criminal end to justify nullifying a Trump Electoral College victory on January 6th, 2025. And then the street muscle, I believe, would be coordinated with the David Podhorzer network around AFL-CIO, which has 2 million union workers who are aligned with the Democratic Party who will serve as the street muscle for this.

Well, and a lot of these guys, by the way, they've received those Biden bucks that went out in that. So part of the Green New Scam deal, the Inflation Reduction Act actually included Biden bucks that went out to a lot of groups like this. One of the ones that we're tracking in Pennsylvania is this Field and Media Corps, which really it's the same idea that they were doing with ACORN all those years ago. James O'Keefe exposed. We had them back in Pennsylvania in 2006.

the same networks where they're getting federal dollars to to ngos and ngos non-profits and instead of it going to of course actually be used to just register voters what they're doing is they're paying for registrations they're putting in all sorts of fraudulent reg money and we're seeing this in county after county in pennsylvania i know we've already filed uh

filed issue or I should say open investigation. There are DAs opening criminal investigations now in Lancaster County, in Monroe County. York County is taking a look at this. And I'm being told that Erie County is another one that they're seeing these fraudulent legislations come out. But the point is that the same pot of money is being used to flow into all of these various street networks.

that you're talking about. This is just what the money was being used to, to prep for the election, to get bad ballots into the system, to get dirty ballots in. Whereas what we're doing is making, and look, it's what it comes down to. The only way to overcome all of this, it's not going to be the courts. The way to overcome it is going to be having the numbers

crashing down. We've got Bucks County we're holding in line today, Levittown, Quakertown, Doylestown. And then on election day itself, 5 November, you say to Pennsylvania, whatever state you're in, one of the swings, crash them at the bowling box, at the ballot place, and then

If even if you're in a blue state or a solid red state, go out as well. Why? Let's win the popular vote. Let's get out there and do everything. Because, I mean, Ben's when it comes down to it, I'm just going to admit it to the break. But do you really think that any judge in America is going to overturn a presidential election? It's actually quite interesting. Other than Clarence Thomas, other than Clarence Thomas.

Well, it's quite it's quite interesting. Maybe we can talk about this after the break, because Michael McFaul's in the same seven step playbook that document that he published, you know, this blueprint for the State Department to overthrow governments. He specifically mentioned the strategy of putting coercive pressure on Supreme Court justices to have them make their deliberations under the presence of street riots.

so that they are incentivized to actually take the extraordinary action of nullifying the vote. They gave an example in Georgia, for example, in the early 2000s, where it was a two-month period between Election Day and the certification. And in that two months, they put together a right there. I want to hear this. I want to hear the story. We've seen the threats to Supreme Court Justice Holmes. Quick break, right back. Mike Benz telling you the future before it happens. Stay tuned. Human Events continues. Long hours. I'm always listening to Human Events with Jack Posobiec.

All right, Jack Posobiec back live. We are here at Human Events Daily. Folks, the world is in absolute flames. Kamala Harris, we know she's a complete and total disaster, but it cannot and will not ruin my day. Do you know why? It's because I start my day with the hot America First cup of blackout coffee.

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chase the ballots, and then election day itself comes. So go to slash POSO, use promo code POSO20, get your 20% off your first order. Look, we know that so much is going on, all of the insanity this weekend. We are never, ever going to need more energy than we knew over the next 72 hours. So make sure to give everyone close to your heart who's involved in these operations the gift of being awake, not woke, with

with Blackout Coffee. That's slash POSO, slash POSO, promo code POSO20. Mike Benz, so we are getting a little ahead of ourselves, but I want to talk about this because it's very important. So we have this huge case that came down. We won this court case in Bucks County earlier this week. And how do we do it? We kept our OODA loop so tight. Our OODA loop was less than 24 hours. People don't have to understand what that means.

observe orient decide act so that is your operational loop where you've identified a problem you've oriented yourself to face that problem you have decided how you will take action to correct the problem and then you take the action itself so ooda so our ooda loop was we identified bucks county had issues uh they still have issues actually we oriented ourselves to correct those issues we made

We made a decision working through the legal chain and the videos that we all put together, and then we took steps and took action. They weren't their cycle because they didn't see us coming fast enough. The Democrats, the left, all of these street organizations, they didn't have anything out in the time it took us to get this in front of a judge because we worked quickly and moved swiftly that we were able to get an injunction in place and extend in-person early day voting three days in the aforementioned Bucks County. But you're saying...

that when they do have a bit of longer time, because we know there's going to be time between November 5th and then eventually January 6th and January 20th, any of these court cases, they're going to have time as well. That's when their networks can come into play, isn't it? Yes. And they're very good at setting this up quickly because this apparatus doing this at home, it's their professional job.

to do this abroad in order to overthrow foreign governments when the wrong person gets elected. And so, you know, the great example of this is what happened 20 years ago in Ukraine under the so-called Orange Revolution. This is one of the, you know, color-coded revolutions of the State Department and the CIA.

And what happened was, is the wrong guy won the election. And so the network activated in exactly that two month period between November election and January certification in Ukraine. And I'm going to read a little bit from Michael McFaul's Revolution playbook here. And so the official results come in election day and the State Department's enemy wins the election officially, according to the official vote count.

So what they do is they they descend a swarm of NGOs who say that actually the exit polling reflects disparities with the actual vote tally. We've done an independent parallel vote based on our proprietary methods, our academic methods, and we've decided actually the official vote tally is wrong. It should be the CIA funded firms who are whose vote tally should count.

So then they simultaneously launched a swarm of rent-a-riots to descend on the parliament building, to descend on police precincts, to block the highways. And then it goes on to say the combination of systematically reported irregularities gave a few members of the Central Election Commission the courage to refuse to certify the final count, sending the issue to the Supreme Court.

So again, they kick it up to the Supreme Court to decide who really won the election. And now this next sentence is sort of the coup de grace. The Supreme Court, deliberating amid the grand protests of late November and December 2004, then used the evidence of fraud that the NGOs had gathered as grounds for overturning the official results. So this is the point. And if you remember, there were rumors that Chief Justice Roberts,

had said to a clerk or to Clarence Thomas around last election cycle that they did not want to hear the election integrity lawsuits of the Trump suit because the country might burn to the ground with the riots if they sided with Trump. This is exact. I don't know if that's true. I know that that was reported, but, you know, there's been no direct evidence of that.

But if that is true, that is literally exactly what the U.S. ambassador running the State Department, the ambassador to Russia under the Obama administration, said is what their plan is designed to do, to intimidate the Supreme Court to side with the rioters and by activating these rioters essentially the moment the wrong guy wins the election. And I think they're not pulling this out early because—

Currently, the people in government are their own. If there's destabilization on the streets and the country burning down while Kamala Harris is still in the White House, then protesting the White House doesn't really make much sense.

But that may change very quickly in the days after the vote. And to your point, that's why we need to run through the finish line. The bigger the mandate, the harder it is to pull this off on their side. The more Trump wins by, the harder it is for them to delegitimize a Trump win, which is why part of the TIP playbook, part of this playbook in 2020 was arguing that that the Electoral College should be nullified and the popular vote should decide the winner.

If Trump wins a popular vote, they can't use that. So, you know, all these tactics, it's a sliding scale. The more you win by, the more legitimacy it costs them, the harder it is for them to pull it off, and the more it costs them in terms of legitimacy to activate this. So we do, so, you know, the Trump faction does need to win by a too-big-to-rig faction in order to stave this off.

And this is key. Look, I'm looking at early data numbers. I'm looking at early turnout models, turnout projection. We've got some indication from the early votes. For people who think that this is going to be some blowout election, that's not what we're seeing. And that doesn't mean that... So people get a little bit cocky. Ben, you and I were sitting next to each other at the Madison Square Garden rally. It was a great night. But remember that you still have to win the war. So you get motivated and...

and you have a great time and Patton gives the great speech, but then you still have to storm the beaches and you still have to face the batteries and you still have to face the machine guns and the turrets and everything else. And so that's it. And that's that. And those are the lines and the people waiting in line and all of the things. And then come the street stuff that happens afterwards. All of it. Get ready and buckle up.

The more you win the first battle by, the more favorable your position is for the second and third battles in this, which are going to play out over the course of November to January. So, you know, to your point, if you haven't voted already, vote today. Vote Monday. Do not wait until Tuesday to cast your vote. Stack the deck and tell your friends and family to do the same.

Because the more you win by on election night, the harder it is for this CIA coup, effectively, this Pentagon, State Department, you know, never Trump, DNC, political insider, national security state apparatus to delegitimize the victory if the victory is huge. So it's not enough to win by a little. We have to win by a lot, which means you need to vote early, vote now, vote this afternoon. If you're hearing this, you haven't voted yet.

Go to your polling station immediately after this segment. You'll have a great weekend knowing that you've already done your part. And it's as simple as that. And by the way, if you have done your part already, I'll say this as well, then your part becomes your motivator. So your part becomes your motivator and force multiplier. So I was on War Room earlier and people were asking, can you bring people food? Can you bring lawn chairs? Of course you can. Of course you can. Now it becomes an issue, I will say this, legally speaking, and we've got to say this a couple of times, there's a couple of things you need to worry about.

Number one, no political paraphernalia. No hats, no signs, no stickers, no shirts. Look, I get it. I get it. We love the MAGA hats. We love the shirts, all of it. Don't screw around. This is an operation. You are running the operation. You are actually running the counter operation to the regime's operations that Benz has been laying out here for years now at this point. This is our chance to

to actually beat this thing. So we gotta do it, we gotta do it right. Number one, no political power for that. You put your hat on afterwards, it's fine. You tuck it under, close your coat, whatever you wanna do. Number two, if you are planning to bring food, refreshments, anything like that, you can't do it through the campaign. You can't do it through the campaign, you can't do it through the party, you can only do it as a volunteer grassroots effort.

And keep in mind, I know you're going to see Democrats doing that. They're going to crack down on them the way they won't do on us. So you've got to do it as a volunteer effort. So if you're a human events listener, if you're a war room posse, whatever, you're just a patriot and you want to go do something in your neighborhood, you can do so fine as long as it's done by yourself or with a group of people from a volunteer perspective. So I know Trump Force 47 has a lot of great street teams that are built up, but you can't do it through Trump Force 47 because that becomes an electioneering issue.

Same deal. All that stuff has to be left 10 minutes out. And Ben, talk to me a little bit just as we close out that how it is, why it is that we have to play, we have to pay attention to the rules 10 times more than they do. Well, because they control the Justice Department. And, you know, that's basically what it comes down to. This is the most corrupt Justice Department in United States history by so many orders of magnitude. It's not even close.

the rules do not apply to them. The rules only apply to us. They set the rules, they enforce it selectively to make sure that they are above them. Uh, but the, but the more they do that, now that we have X, now that we have rumble, now that we have free speech again in a relatively unfettered fashion, the harder it is for them to get away with it, or at least the harder it is for them to get away with that with their legitimacy intact. And so,

So publicizing DOJ malfeasance on this is very important. Keeping the pressure up in terms of media reporting is extremely important. And it will remain important through January as they will try every trick in the legal book. But frankly, this is kind of the kind of final battle that this grand saga deserves. They've thrown everything at us.

They've from the Antifa hordes of 2017 to the mass censorship of 2018 to 2020, 23 to the mass arrests, to the lawfare, to the dirty tricks around Russiagate, to the impeachment. You know, it's we're used to having the deck stacked against us. That is not something that I think will deter anyone who has been on this journey for this long. Frankly, it just makes us fight harder.

Jack, I want to see you.

Great job, Jack. Thank you. What a job you do. You know, we have an incredible thing. We're always talking about the fake news and the bad, but we have guys, and these are the guys who should be getting policies. All right, Jack Kosellevik, back live, Human Events Daily. We are going into the final weekend. This is it. This is for everything. This is the regime versus the republic. Who will win? Are you prepared for the unthinkable ahead?

We need to pray. We need to pray for the best. Today is All Saints Day, but we're preparing for the worst. And that means stockpiling emergency food before it's too late.

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All right. I'm looking over the president's final schedule. Now he'll hear the rallies. We're looking at North Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Kingston, North Carolina, Macon, Georgia, Raleigh, North Carolina, Redding, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, Grand Rapids, Michigan. So you're looking at it right there. North Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and then finally wrapping up in Michigan. Rich Barris is on with us now. Rich,

You know what I'm gonna ask? You know what I'm gonna ask? Talk to me about my blue wall. Talk to me about the Rust Belt. Yeah, I'm looking at that schedule, Jack, and this is the third time now I would say. Actually, 2016, that was different. That was the right move. In 2020, some media polls spooked them. I really do believe that. At least they're not doing Ohio like they did in 2020.

But I do think, obviously, where campaigns go tell you a lot about where they think their path is. And the Grand Rapids rally and the focus on Pennsylvania, that is absolutely smart. If he wins Pennsylvania, the election is over and that's it.

End of story. Actually, Harris cannot lose a single one of these blue wall states. She can't. She needs to keep all three because he can put up different combinations, you know, to get to 270. She cannot. And I'm telling you, when we're looking at the data, the early voting data would suggest that some of these turnout models in these polls may be wrong. So walk me through some of that. What do you mean? What do you mean?

Let's get in a little bit more details. Pennsylvania is a perfect example. Pennsylvania is a state where this disparity is a little bit closer, but Republicans are doing a better job getting low propensity voters to the polls. People who never voted, they're zero out of four, meaning they have no history in the last four cycles, or one out of four, one obviously, two, etc., right?

Democrats in the early vote in Pennsylvania have largely banked. I mean, they have not done as good of a job as Republicans in getting those low propensities out. So Democrats have more registrations in the tank because they have a registration edge there. But it looks like it could end up a there's arguments to be made that it could be a slightly R.

slightly D, like anything from like an R plus one to R plus D or a D plus one electorate. But nobody thinks this is going to be a registration blowout edge. I mean, a partisan blowout edge either way. Look, Biden had a three point advantage when he won by 80,000 votes. And when you look at Republicans ballots that they're getting in, they have less ballots, of course, more than anyone expected anyway, but less ballots and more of them.

as a share of their returns are from low prop voters than Democrats. All right, so what does that suggest? I mean, there was just an article in Politico the other day. This narrative has changed in 24 hours based on, we can get into it, but based on stuff that I think is a little bit overhyped. The bottom line is Democratic turnout is really what,

for me, what early vote has to offer as far as what we're learning or gleaming from the early vote. It's that democratic turnout is down among key groups and in key areas. The 2020 voter who mailed in their ballot and put Biden over is not showing up. They're not. And that's not just in Pennsylvania. That's everywhere. And the polls, they think they are.

By the way, that's important to note. A lot of these polls, they do think they're going to show up. And they voted early last time. When are they going to show up, Jack? Tell me.

I mean, they would have shown up in mail already. We would have seen that. So talk to me about this stuff that you're saying that might be a little bit overhyped because I've seen some doom out there. Morning Joe out there is laughing at us. He's saying, oh, you guys are dooming and glooming and you're all freaked out and this women vote is coming in so high and it's too late. The new voters, the new women voters. What's your response, Rich?

Look, there's two things going on that are making this more women than normal. And in a state like Pennsylvania, it's very overhyped because the truth is, and you know, you're from Pennsylvania, I don't have to tell you this,

Women do tend to vote more earlier. The disparity is actually not too different. In some other places, it is, though. And there's two things going on. One is Republicans did a better job getting their voters to vote early. Women are much more, they're easier to get to vote early. Men are more skeptical, especially.

Republican men. And if they do vote early, it's typically in person later in stage in the game here. But definitely it's tough and it's something Republicans are going to have to address going forward. But they like to drop their ballots off on election day and they like to vote in person. And it's harder. And I know this from research we did. Republican women were just more, they were more sold on the idea of, okay, we'll vote early. So this didn't surprise me. And that's happening coupled with

Democratic turnout in certain areas like the Atlanta metro area, in Philadelphia even, in parts of Philadelphia, where black men, and we all know that Kamala Harris has a problem with younger, especially black men. And some of them, it looks like, just aren't going to vote. We see it in Clark County. And that's why Barack Obama is running around.

Barack Obama's running around going to black men said, you got to vote for our girl. You got to vote for our sister. You got to vote for it. All the brothers, all the brothers got to come out. Barack Obama would not be doing that if they didn't have a problem.

And he took a risk yesterday. Again, it made me uncomfortable listening to how Barack Obama was saying, brothers, how could you not vote for a sister? And it was like me thinking four years from now, if Trump is like stumping for Vance and he goes to like Western Pennsylvania and says, my white brothers, how could you not vote for my white vice president? It would be the end of the world. My fellow crackers. No, it's no, it's.

And why? But but Rich, just walk me back from that. So we mentioned about how Trump's how Trump's rally schedule and Trump is in Wisconsin tonight, by the way. So we were talking about the last three days. But yes, Trump is in Wisconsin tonight. We know he was there last night with Brett Favre in Green Bay. So people are asking, where's Wisconsin? That's where Wisconsin is. And so we can see in their geographic choices.

where their head's at, but listen to Barack Obama's rhetorical choices, and that'll show you where their problems are, and it's black men.

And Jack, and we see it in Clark County with Hispanic men. We know this is happening. Look, the bottom line is here. I think that people fail to understand. I know there's a lot of new people to this game on the right, but the persuasion phase is over. The last week is the execution phase. And there are two things that you do during that last week more than anything. You do whatever you have to do to energize your groups that you're not getting out to vote. You have to

energize your own base. And you have to suppress the other side. And that's what all of this talk is about. Trump is lagging with seniors. The female, the electorate is more female. Of course, Republicans have to get those men to vote. But this is not the way they have voted in the past. And since more Republican women are voting early, it pushed that number a bit

So, I mean, it's just overstated. It's most look, I'm just going to use the word. This is a bit of a psyop. There's a fine line between motivating your voters and dooming. And some people on the Republican side crossed that fine line and played into Democratic hands. And it's it's really overstated a lot.

And look, it's as simple as this. You got to be like Patton. You got to be getting the troops ready for crashing the beaches, for storming and going up. And we're going to go up that hill. We're going to take the beach and then we're going to go up the hill. And we are not going to stop marching until we see the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And Donald Trump walks right through them, walks right through them.

That's right. Going to stop until that happens. The right has a habit of dooming and the left knows this and they're very, the media and the left, they're very good at getting Republicans to snatch defeat from the hands of victory. Do not fall for the side of quick, quick break, right back with rich Barris. This is the most important segment you were going to hear this week. Stay tuned. Okay.

Jack is a great guy. He's a fantastic book. Everybody's talking about it. Go get it. And he's been my friend right from the beginning of this whole beautiful event. And we're going to turn it around and make our country great again. Amen. Jack Prasubic back live, Human Events Daily here. Rich Barris, folks.

Enemy propaganda, enemy psyops are firing off on all cylinders. Do not fall for enemy propaganda. Do not spread enemy propaganda. Do not fall for enemy propaganda. Do not spread enemy propaganda. Don't sit there and say, oh, NBC said, oh, Politico, oh, Morning... No, stop.

Stop right now. What are you doing to get voters out? Oh, I got this video and this video and the pressing the button and the button doesn't... No. What are you doing to get voters out? What are you doing to get voters out right now? Right now. I'm talking about like...

don't just sit there and watch the show. Go out and get people to vote. And if you haven't voted yet, then make a plan to figure out how to do that. Rich Barris, talk to me a little bit about what happens if people actually start going and blackpilling and spreading this enemy propaganda.

to them the status of the race right now. Republicans with Donald Trump or anyone in memory, and I could remember as their nominee, are in a position right now stronger than any time that we can point to in modern memory, all right? They need Republicans to stay home, all right? Let me read something

right now from Sean Trendy. He just tweeted it not long ago. All right, I do have to say the storyline that D turnout is way down, but that D's will make it up by doing exceptionally well with Indies is tricky. I can make it work, he's talking about the man. But given that most Indies are partisans at heart, it does require some mental gymnastics to get there. So here is what John Ralston is doing, all right? Oh, you know, Dems are down. They're gonna try to make some up at the end here, but she's gonna win Indies by a big margin anyway.

That almost never happens. When your turnout is higher, you pull your partisan indies with you and they disproportionately turn out. That is the nightmare for them because their turnout right now is not good. I don't care what anybody says. Stop listening to Boner at Target Fart. The guy's wrong every election. He is basically part of the PSYOP trying to keep turnout from breaking the way it does on election day. So they absolutely need...

Republicans to just not show up in the rates that they typically show up with Donald Trump on the ballot. And that is what they're trying to do. All right. So people, I said this during the break and I'll just say it now, like Mike, you know, you get somebody like Mike Cernovich going on Twitter. It's like, that's his role. He's a social media influencer. He's trying to scare you to get out the vote because any campaign strategist or manager is smart. We'll tell you that nothing motivates people like spear. Right.

Right. But there is a line. If other people don't stay in their lane, there is a line that can be crossed. And that fear turns into despair and that despair depresses turnout. And that is what the media and the Harris campaign, the same damn thing, are trying to do to Republicans right now. And unfortunately, in the past,

It's worked. So they know to try to do it again because the likelihood is of it having some success, not in the Trump era, but or not with Trump on the ballot. But certainly even within the Trump era, it's it's worked as recent as 22. So this is what I'm telling people. This is what I'm telling people. Stay frosty. Stay frosty. Stay focused.

Stay on point. We know what we're about. We know what our orders are. We know what our objective is. Get in line, stay in line. Get in line, hold the line. You see something, screen it, get it to us, we'll deal with it. But then you go right back to line. You get in line and you hold the line.

Get in line. Hold the line. It's as simple as that. And then once you're done, you get other people to get in line. It's as simple as that. Don't let any of this other stuff get into your head. And that's the way to beat it out, by the way. That's the way to get through this. If you get anxiety, if you have black pills, if you get despair, et cetera, this isn't the time for psychology. This isn't the time for any of that stuff. It's time to get to work.

You got a job to do. You have a duty, soldier. You have a duty to your country. You have a duty to your republic. You have a duty to your forefathers. You have a duty to the man who was willing to put his life on the line for you in Butler, Pennsylvania. And you have a duty to Corey Campitore, who did lay his life down for you in Butler, Pennsylvania, to go in line and stay in line. Rich Barris.

Look, Jack, you just said you gave them a two-second snippet on, you know, that if Republicans vote...

they are going to win. It really is that simple. And if I was the strategist for the Harris campaign, it would be all about suppressing and dooming right now. That is what I would do because that's the only way she has a prayer. Her voters are not getting out. New Suffolk poll, by the way, just came out. And it's really interesting speaking of Pennsylvania. Northampton, Trump is ahead by a few points by about, I think it was three. And then Erie County, they're tied.

Folks, those are the only two bellwether swing counties left in the state of Pennsylvania.

That's it. All right. So they oversampled them and those were, you know, those were leaning to Trump or tied. That's a very good sign for him because in 16, he won both by a hair's margin and he won the state. In 20, he lost them both by a hair's margin and he lost the state. Like those two counties are so important. It's hard to overstate. And that movement, because this is now the second time they've done those

those oversampling polls in those counties. And they had Harris up like a month ago.

go. So it's movement towards him. It's like the only data, all the fundamentals election forecasters look at, right, and Gallup put up their metrics to just their final metrics this week. They all suggest a Trump win. But the, you know, the only thing I could point to, the only metrics that I could point to that suggests Harris will win this thing, that includes early vote, by the way, and economic sentiment and right track, wrong track and presidential approval, everything we all look

at. The only thing that we also look at that suggests Harris could win

is like one or two of these polls. And I don't want to name drop or anything, but the Marist poll having her ahead by two points in each Rust Belt state is not a good sign for her. I mean, they overstated Biden in Pennsylvania by five points. They overstated Clinton by like 12 or something, Jack. I mean, they had Clinton. Rich, I'm headed up to State College after this. Are you going to be with us on election night? Can you hop on the stream, man?

I'm going to do, I mean, I think we can make something work. We're going to have a lot. We'll make something work. All right. We're going to pop in. Rich, where can people find you? As always, Locals is the best place., Final North Carolina crosstabs are going to be up there shortly. Check it out. Headline's already up, but crosstabs to come. Folks.

Ladies and gentlemen, you have my permission to lay ashore.