Podcast: The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast) (LS 64 · TOP 0.05% what is this?))Episode: Ep. 310: Wittgenstein On World-Pictures (Part One))Pub date: 2023-02-06[Get Podcast Transcript →](https://www.listen411.com/?audio_url=https://audio.listennotes.com/e/p/ce3026e140e2403cbb475af9c1532dea/¬es=Ep. 310: Wittgenstein On World-Pictures (Part One)))powered by Listen411) - fast audio-to-text and summarization We continue with Ludwig Wittgenstein's On Certainty (written 1951), with guest Christopher Heath.
What is Wittgenstein's philosophy of science as it's reflected in this book? We talk about Weltbilds (world pictures) and how these relate to language games, relativism, verification, paradigms, testimony, and more.
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