cover of episode The (High) Cost of Kids w/ Emily Oster #902

The (High) Cost of Kids w/ Emily Oster #902

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Emily Oster
Joel: 本期节目讨论了养育孩子的成本与美国生育率下降的关系,指出高昂的养育成本是导致生育率低的重要原因之一,并引用了相关研究数据,指出养育一个孩子可能花费高达40万美元。 Matt: 认同养育孩子的成本高昂,并分享了个人经验,指出养育孩子的成本会影响人们生育的意愿。 Emily Oster: 作为经济学家,Emily Oster 认为运用数据分析方法进行日常决策,包括养育子女,是合理的。她指出数据本身并不能直接给出答案,需要结合个人偏好和成本效益进行权衡。她还指出许多育儿建议缺乏数据支持,人们往往过度解读自身经验或期望自己的育儿方式适用于所有人。她认为育儿决策应结合数据分析和个人偏好,而非盲目遵循单一标准。她还探讨了全球生育率下降的原因复杂,并非单一因素所致,目前尚无明确答案。她认为养育孩子的成本存在灵活性,并非所有昂贵的支出都是必要的,人们对父母的期望过高,要求父母始终专注于孩子,这可能导致生育率下降。她还探讨了人口下降和老龄化将改变社会结构,对社会服务、就业和经济增长产生重大影响,但具体影响难以预测。 Emily Oster: 她认为将家庭管理视为一项事业,有助于更有效地进行决策,优化资源利用。她指出现代家庭中,双职工家庭更普遍,孩子的课外活动安排也更密集,因此需要更主动地进行家庭决策。她认为课外活动的选择应以孩子的兴趣和归属感为重点,而非以升学为目的。在子女教育支出方面,她建议考虑各种支出的机会成本,并将其视为可互换的资源。她认为父母是否工作对孩子影响很小,主要应考虑父母的意愿和经济影响。在选择大学专业和学校时,她建议考虑该专业毕业生的平均收入,并广泛考虑各种学校选择,包括性价比高的州立大学。她还讨论了关于是否给孩子零花钱,没有确切的数据支持哪种方式更好,应根据家庭情况选择。在衡量孩子屏幕时间方面,她建议考虑其机会成本,即孩子在使用屏幕时错过了哪些其他活动。

Deep Dive

The conversation begins with a discussion on the high cost of raising kids and the societal implications of declining birth rates.
  • The average cost of raising a child can exceed $400,000.
  • Declining birth rates are a global phenomenon, not just in the U.S.
  • The high cost of raising kids is a significant factor in the declining birth rate.

Shownotes Transcript

Here on the podcast we don’t shy away from the fact that we’re big fans of having kids- Joel has three, Matt has four. But that is not typical here in the United States where the average is 1.6 births per woman… but why? We think the costly nature of having kids is one of the reasons. Depending on which study you’re looking at and the cost of living cited, we’ve seen upwards of $400,000 per kid! But even still, should it be all about the numbers? Should that data drive all of our decisions? Luckily we’re joined by someone who is a parent and knows all about the data- Emily Oster. Emily is a professor of economics at Brown University, the author of books like Expecting Better, Cribsheet, and Family Firm, and now host of the new podcast Raising Parents. And while you might know her as the lady who says it’s ok to have wine and coffee in moderation while pregnant, or as the health economist who shared unpopular opinions on Covid policies during the pandemic, we’re excited to share our conversation that’s all about our money and kids: making career breaks and staying home with the kids, why we need to approach family decisions the way a business would, Emily’s take on allowances, and more!


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