A podcast about lending in all its forms and in all the markets in which it takes place, however div
"It was, at that time, a very crazy idea", Neel Juriasingani tells me. "A lot of people still l
We eat volatility for breakfast, we make love to volatility! Which is handy, because we’ve all heard
Not all bankers wear suits - some, like Todd Kleperis, are built for frontier markets. It has been a
Open Banking is a proven technology with proven use cases, and in the UK, perhaps its spiritual home
BNPL is usually spoken about in terms of it being a more convenient payment tool for people in optio
More than 200 million formal and informal micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in emerging mar
Nicole Lapin, Host of Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin, is “the only financial expert you don't need a
South Africa has an awkward history with payday lending and payday adjacent lending, so I was a touc
Singapore might not feel like a natural home for a mobile banking app built on a vision to increase
Stephen Hawking starts A Brief History of Time with an anecdote he attributes to Bertrand Russel who
Early in Dead Poets Society, we’re introduced to Dr J. Evans Prichard’s approach to measuring the gr
“Please, sir, may I have some more regulation?”The Lending Standards Board is the primary self-regul
It’s not often that a bank’s ATMs running out of cash is a sign of its success, but that’s exactly w
When I was living in Denmark and working at Experian, my boss’s boss was a rockstar, you would never
We all pay a mortgage every month, just sometimes it's our landlord’s mortgage we're paying… I was i
You may have noticed, but the world is a little unsettled these days. Incomes are variable. We’ve ha
The first really big event that I spoke at during my time in Asia was in Shanghai. I was at Lendit C
I used to feel a little bit exotic knowing a person born in Moldova, but since he left as a baby, th
I feel a strange affinity with peer to peer lending. I've never done it myself as a lender, borrower
Thailand is one of my favourite markets. My main memories are of the fantastic food, the vibrant str