How to Lend Money to Strangers

A podcast about lending in all its forms and in all the markets in which it takes place, however div


Total: 165

"If you help a bank to create lending IP, there's always a question around 'who now understands how

We've spoken about lending systems, we've spoken about lending models, and we've spoken about the nu

One of the most exciting things about working in emerging markets is the opportunity to leap frog ol

The Fifa World Cup is the biggest prize in football. So, about ten years ago now, the world's best m

Dr Joseph Breeden is an entrepreneur and a researcher. or perhaps I should describe him as an entrep

Today is Ukraine’s National Day, so there's no better time than to support the people in their endea

It’s hard enough for consumers who earn precipitable salaries to manage unpredictable expenses, so i

"Profitability is paramount for the global lending industry in 2023. But for lenders to increase pro

Criminals keep changing the game. Which is annoying, don't they know our models depend on them re-en

This week sees a Dutch double-header on HTLMTS, with two episodes I recorded in Rotterdam while atte

We Finance Progress... when you visit you're met with this brief but powerful message

Today's episode stretches the lending niche, but fifty-four years ago, humanity landed on the moon,

"Living without a bank account is not only a hindrance to everyday life, but also stunts the financi

When I lived in Hong Kong, which was not all that long ago, there were these rather complicated-look

“So eventually we raised capital, left our previous platforms, and built this place where the black

It's no secret that I am a fan of the BNPL concept while still being a little nervous about how it h

Lendoe are a UK-based lender focused on supporting black, ethnic minority and early stage entreprene

Recorded yesterday in front of live audience at Money2020 Europe, I welcome Craig Smith back to the

Recycling is a good thing, right? Well, in that case, let me recycle this from yesterday’s show note

Most consumers have a fairly steady income stream that turns hours into wages on a weekly, bi-weekly