(tw: sexual assault) This week Kimaya Mahajan and I discuss the sexual assault allegations against presumptive party nominee Joe Biden, as well as the pros and cons of asking all former bernie supporters and/or anti trump people to align with the democratic nominee and support them no matter what. (Skip to 15:10 to avoid mentions of the allegation). links! How To Activism Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtoactivismpod/ How To Activism Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/toactivismpod Kimaya Mahajan’s Instagram: https://instagram.com/kimaya.mahajan?igshid=d0cxbtx1o3w0 Kimaya Mahajan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/m\_kimaya Lilah Amon-Lucas’ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilahamonlucas/?hl=en Lilah Amon-Lucas’ Twitter: Lilah✊👊 (@lilahamonlucas) / Twitter Washington Climate Strike Instagram: https://instagram.com/climatestrikewa?igshid=crabqfhelmim Washington Climate Strike Twitter: https://twitter.com/climatestrikewa Washington Climate Strike Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/nWsx3e/