cover of episode “Beaming” people anywhere in the world with David Nussbaum of Proto

“Beaming” people anywhere in the world with David Nussbaum of Proto

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How I Built This with Guy Raz

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David Nussbaum
David Nussbaum: Proto 公司的全息投影技术源于对科幻小说的热爱和对未来科技的探索,最初的灵感来自于 Tupac 的全息投影演唱会。他将这项技术应用于连接现实生活中的人们,而非仅仅用于数字复活已故名人。Proto 的技术发展历程中,经历了从早期原型机研发到获得融资,再到产品商业化的过程。早期原型机的研发依赖于个人的人脉和资金,以及一些早期支持者的帮助。通过参加各种展会,Proto 的技术逐渐获得认可,并吸引了投资。目前,Proto 的高端产品主要面向医院、大学等机构客户,用于远程教学、医疗诊断等场景。未来,David Nussbaum 设想 Proto 的产品将面向大众消费者,价格更低,并成为一种日常的沟通和娱乐方式。他认为 Proto 技术能够提供比现有二维视频通话更真实的连接和互动体验,并将在商业领域,例如在商场、商店中使用全息投影进行销售和展示,发挥重要作用。David Nussbaum 相信 Proto 技术将成为改变人们生活方式的重要技术,如同互联网和智能手机一样。 Guy Raz: 作为访谈者,Guy Raz 详细了解了 Proto 公司的全息投影技术,并对该技术的应用场景和未来发展方向进行了深入探讨。他与 David Nussbaum 就 Proto 技术的成本、应用场景、未来发展方向以及潜在的伦理问题等方面进行了交流。他表达了对该技术的惊奇和赞叹,并对 Proto 技术的未来发展充满期待。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

The popular science fiction idea of beaming someone instantly to another location was part of David Nussbaum’s inspiration to design a “holoportation box.” His company, Proto, invented a device the size of a telephone booth that projects a hologram-type image so realistic it appears someone is standing inside...

This week on How I Built This Lab, how Proto’s technology is used today to virtually transport professors, doctors, speakers, and celebrities to classrooms, hospitals, and events around the world. But in the future, David believes Proto’s technology will end up in everyone’s living room—and will transform the way we communicate with each other.

This episode was produced by Casey Herman with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

It was edited by John Isabella with research help from Sam Paulson. Our audio engineer was Neal Rauch.

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