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Q: The Winged Serpent LIVE!

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How Did This Get Made?

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Jason Manzoukas
June Diane Raphael
Paul Scheer
Paul Scheer: 本片讲述了两个探员调查凶杀案的故事,同时还涉及一个卷入抢劫案的小偷和一只巨大的会飞的蜥蜴在纽约吃人头。电影的核心在于Michael Moriarty极度疯狂的表演,他全程像疯了一样。电影直到最后几分钟才出现最终反派,并且他的死法极其残忍。电影关注点放在了一个无关紧要的小角色身上,而忽略了真正有趣的故事。David Carradine在电影中说“我要去吃我的避孕药”这句台词令人费解。David Carradine在电影中即兴创作了很多场景,例如在董事会会议上画鸟。电影从未提及“Q”这个名字,可能最初的片名是《羽蛇神》。电影中,飞翼蛇只攻击高层建筑里的人,这设定很奇怪。电影的开场场景是他认为电影中最精彩的场景之一,清洁工骚扰一名女子,而窗户似乎是隔音的。电影中被飞翼蛇吃掉头的是一位真实的帝国大厦清洁工。电影展现了纽约市许多屋顶的场景,这让他感到惊讶。飞翼蛇吃人的方式很轻柔,这与它的体型和力量不符。电影中出现两座外观相似的建筑物,这让他感到困惑。电影中的一些场景可能是未经许可拍摄的。电影中,旁观者对演员的表演反应很奇怪。电影中,救护车处理无头尸体的场景很荒谬。电影中,最终反派的故事线没有得到充分展开。电影中,受害者被剥皮的场景很令人不安。电影中缺乏明确的正反派对立。电影中,最终反派的角色设定很有趣,因为他不需要被牺牲。电影中,祭坛设在一个律师办公室的储藏室里,这很奇怪。电影中的警察表现很差劲。电影中,警察对目睹人祭的反应很奇怪。电影中,警察对人祭事件的反应过于轻描淡写。电影中的酒吧场景非常令人难忘,但他无法理解电影中酒吧场景的意义,也无法理解电影中酒吧老板的态度。电影似乎想让观众喜欢Michael Moriarty的角色,但这与角色的实际行为不符。Michael Moriarty的表演很夸张,让人难以捉摸。他无法理解电影中抢劫珠宝店的场景,Michael Moriarty在抢劫后逃跑的方式很奇怪,电影中的音效很奇怪。Michael Moriarty的角色在电影中的转变很奇怪。Michael Moriarty在电影中即兴创作了很多台词。他无法理解Michael Moriarty同伙的行为。他认为Michael Moriarty在抢劫中看到了机会,拿了钻石就跑了。Michael Moriarty爬上克莱斯勒大厦顶楼的行为很奇怪。他提出了一个改进电影剧本的建议。电影中,其他人跟着Michael Moriarty爬上梯子的行为很奇怪。电影中,警察给Michael Moriarty枪支的行为很奇怪。他认为Michael Moriarty在电影中即兴创作了很多内容。Michael Moriarty在电影中反复提到“巨大的帆布帐篷”。Michael Moriarty说他在楼梯下睡着了,这很奇怪。她怀疑Michael Moriarty可能是飞翼蛇的一部分。电影的原始版本在结尾处多了一个场景。电影的导演在七天内写完了剧本。电影中有一个路人莫名其妙地在街上打滚的场景。一群人在高层建筑的屋顶游泳池里聚会,其中一个女人做了60个俯卧撑。他试图理解电影中女性角色的设定。电影中,被飞翼蛇杀死的人都是坏人。电影开场场景中的清洁工是一个变态,而不是一个调情者。电影中,一个在屋顶晒日光浴的女人被飞翼蛇杀死,这很奇怪。电影中,一个在屋顶偷窥的女人没有被飞翼蛇杀死。电影中,一个建筑工人被同事偷了三明治,这很奇怪。一个哑剧演员被飞翼蛇袭击的场景是他最喜欢的场景之一。 Jason Manzoukas: 他认为电影大部分内容是即兴创作的。 June Diane Raphael: 她对Michael Moriarty在酒吧演奏钢琴的场景感到困惑,Michael Moriarty在酒吧的演奏水平很差,她认为Michael Moriarty去酒吧是为了找工作,而不是为了给女朋友留下好印象。Michael Moriarty在电影结尾演奏的歌曲包含种族主义言论。她认为Michael Moriarty的女朋友很愚蠢,应该和他分手。她怀疑Michael Moriarty可能是飞翼蛇的一部分。Michael Moriarty说他在楼梯下睡着了,这很奇怪。 Alex: 提出了一个关于电影中建筑工人台词的疑问。 Tim: 提出了一个关于电影中人物知道信息的问题。 Daisy: 对电影的评价很高,认为这是一部很棒的电影。 Darcy Drinkwine: 对电影的评价很高,并分享了她第一次观看电影的经历。 Belle: 对电影的评价很高,认为这是一部恐怖但情节很棒的电影。 AG: 对电影的评价很高,认为这是一部充满生活气息的电影。 Siskel: 对电影的评价比较中肯,认为电影的优点和缺点并存。 Ebert: 对电影的评价比较中肯,认为电影的优点和缺点并存。 Nikita: 提出了一个关于电影中飞翼蛇的设计者的问题。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Michael Moriarty's performance in 'Q: The Winged Serpent' considered unhinged?

Michael Moriarty's performance is marked by erratic behavior, improvisation, and a manic energy that contrasts sharply with the film's campy tone, making it stand out as particularly wild and unpredictable.

Why does the movie 'Q: The Winged Serpent' focus on a petty thief rather than the central plot involving the winged serpent?

The film's focus on a petty thief instead of the main plot involving the winged serpent creates a disjointed narrative, leaving the central mystery of the creature underexplored and overshadowed by a less compelling subplot.

Why does the winged serpent in 'Q: The Winged Serpent' only attack people on high rises?

The film provides a weak justification that the winged serpent stays within the sun's rays to remain invisible, but this explanation is undermined by numerous instances where people on lower levels also see the creature, making the attacks seem arbitrary.

Why does the movie 'Q: The Winged Serpent' include a scene where a cop is disguised as a mime?

The inclusion of a cop disguised as a mime is a bizarre and unnecessary element that adds to the film's chaotic and disjointed narrative, serving no clear purpose in advancing the plot or developing characters.

Why does the movie 'Q: The Winged Serpent' have such a disjointed narrative?

The film's disjointed narrative can be attributed to its rushed production, with the script reportedly written in just seven days, leading to a lack of coherent plot development and character arcs.

Why does the winged serpent in 'Q: The Winged Serpent' not attack Michael Moriarty's character?

The film never provides a clear reason why the winged serpent avoids attacking Michael Moriarty's character, leaving viewers to speculate whether there is a hidden connection or if it's simply a plot oversight.

Why does the movie 'Q: The Winged Serpent' end with the implication of a sequel?

The film ends with the implication of a sequel by showing another egg hatching, suggesting the potential for more winged serpents, but this is left unresolved, creating a frustrating cliffhanger for viewers.

Why does the movie 'Q: The Winged Serpent' include a scene where a woman does push-ups on a rooftop?

The rooftop push-up scene is an odd and seemingly random inclusion that doesn't contribute to the plot or character development, adding to the film's overall sense of randomness and lack of focus.

Why does the movie 'Q: The Winged Serpent' have such a high rating on review platforms?

Despite its flaws, 'Q: The Winged Serpent' has a high rating on review platforms due to its campy charm, memorable performances, and the nostalgic appeal for some viewers who enjoyed it during its original release.

The hosts introduce the 1982 film Q: The Winged Serpent, discussing its campy elements, the unhinged performance of Michael Moriarty, and the bizarre plot involving a giant flying lizard in New York City.
  • Michael Moriarty's unhinged performance as a petty thief
  • The presence of a giant flying lizard in New York City
  • The film's campy and bizarre elements

Shownotes Transcript

Paul, Jason, & June break down the 1982 campy cult monster flick Q: The Winged Serpent starring Michael Moriarty & David Carradine. LIVE from Largo in L.A., they discuss the undercover mime in Richard Roundtree's death scene, Michael Moriarty's unhinged performance, the window washer's delicate decapitation, the meaning of the bizarre bar piano scene, and so much more. Plus, June gets startled by watching a scene in the film she'd already watched.

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