cover of episode Matinee Monday: The Adventures of Pluto Nash (w/ Jessica St. Clair & Lennon Parham)

Matinee Monday: The Adventures of Pluto Nash (w/ Jessica St. Clair & Lennon Parham)

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Jessica St. Clair
Lennon Parham
Paul Scheer
Paul Scheer: 电影难以分类,情节混乱,令人费解,时间线跳跃,角色动机不明确,笑点极少,整体观感如同被下药后醒来,记忆模糊。电影中关于机器人性行为的描写令人不安,配乐极差,布景设计像是70年代对未来的想象,服装设计糟糕,角色服装搭配不合理,主角携带湿巾的细节没有后续情节,使用罐装电池酸的场景不合理,角色在月球表面缺氧后被意外救助,情节跳跃,缺乏逻辑性,音乐风格混杂,缺乏统一性,'月球舞'设计糟糕,广告植入不合理且缺乏趣味性,整体色调昏暗,缺乏阳光,美术风格与时代背景不符,主角与Rosario Dawson的吻戏缺乏激情,Pam Grier在电影中的表现以及其在片场的情况,角色与机器人发生性行为的情节,反派角色的动机不明确,两个Eddie Murphy角色活动范围的疑问,演员选角和场景设定的疑问,机器人女仆角色的疑问,对Eddie Murphy在电影中的表演的评价,对电影好评的质疑,对电影与其他电影的比较,对Randy Quaid在电影中表演的评价,对电影中重力设定不一致的疑问,对电影制作人员的呼吁。 Jessica St. Clair: 电影时间线混乱,主角在坐牢期间俱乐部经营情况不明,成为俱乐部老板的动机不明确,观看电影的体验如同被下药后醒来,记忆模糊,电影从一开始就毫无逻辑,笑点极少,关于机器人性行为的描写令人不安,厕所场景极度糟糕,角色国籍设定不明确,身体改造场景冗长且缺乏意义,演员Randy Quaid的表演是电影中唯一值得称道之处,Randy Quaid的表演可能导致其精神崩溃,机器人具有强烈的性欲,角色在月球表面缺氧后被意外救助,音乐风格混杂,缺乏统一性,'月球舞'设计糟糕,广告植入不合理且缺乏趣味性,美术风格与时代背景不符,主角与Rosario Dawson的吻戏缺乏激情,演员Pam Grier在电影中的表现以及其在片场的情况,反派克隆主角的动机不明确,两个Eddie Murphy角色活动范围的疑问,对电影结局的理解,对Alec Baldwin角色动机的理解,对电影中主角俱乐部价值的疑问,对电影结局中主角身份转变的理解,对Rex Carter角色存在方式的疑问,对克隆体Eddie Murphy反抗反派的情节的疑问,电影情节混乱,问题众多,对克隆妻子角色的疑问,对是否推荐观看电影的评价,对电影中主角饮酒方式的疑问,对电影中角色服装的疑问,对电影中情节逻辑的质疑。 Lennon Parham: 电影可概括为“在月球上行走的黑人韩索罗”,配乐极差,'月球舞'设计糟糕,机器人具有强烈的性欲,对电影中角色服装相同的解释,对电影的最终评价以及对嘉宾节目的宣传,对节目中是否有裸露镜头的回应

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Eddie Murphy agree to star in 'The Adventures of Pluto Nash'?

Murphy might have been intrigued by the idea of an anti-gravity fight scene, which could have been enough to convince him to sign on, despite the film's confusing premise.

What was the most memorable scene for the hosts regarding Rosario Dawson's character?

The most memorable scene was when Rosario Dawson puts on a space suit and simply jumps up, showing the extent of her character's exploration of weightlessness.

How did the hosts describe the sound effects of the guns in the movie?

The hosts described the gun sound effects as amazingly terrible, with a generic 'pew' sound instead of realistic bullet sounds, adding to the film's overall absurdity.

What was the hosts' reaction to the lack of zero gravity scenes considering the film's budget?

The hosts were surprised and somewhat baffled that with a $100 million budget, there were not more zero gravity scenes, despite the film having at least one significant shootout in zero gravity.

What did the hosts suggest as a possible explanation for the film's confusing nature?

The hosts suggested that the film might have been conceived based on the idea of a last-minute, anti-gravity fight scene, which could have been the sole selling point to attract actors and crew.

The hosts and guests discuss the confusion surrounding the genre and plot of 'The Adventures of Pluto Nash,' questioning whether it's a comedy or an action movie.
  • The movie's plot is described as confusing and lacking clarity.
  • Eddie Murphy's character is initially seen as a smuggler and later as a club owner.
  • There is confusion about the timeline and character backgrounds.

Shownotes Transcript

If you love Star Wars and Spaceballs, you’ll LOVE The Adventures of Pluto Nash. This intergalactic flop will leave you questioning Eddie Murphy’s career choices, the future of civilization, and your own sanity. Our guests Lennon Parham and Jessica St. Clair are down to deconstruct the confusing costuming and cloning that left us all stunned. Watch it if you must, but don’t say we didn’t warn you. (Originally Released 04/10/2012)

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