cover of episode Orion Parachutes
Enrique Mo Moller
Jared Dahm
Jared Dahm: 作为 Orion 降落伞子系统经理,我负责 Orion 降落伞系统的所有方面,包括制造、集成和飞行后分析。这是一个长期项目,持续了十多年甚至十五年。我们与多个团队合作,包括负责金属部件、烟火装置、车辆结构、安全和质量控制的团队。Orion 降落伞的基本结构包括顶部通风口、径向线、伞衣、裙边、收放绳、收放绳切割器和悬挂线等。主降落伞每个直径 116 英尺,三个主降落伞展开后面积相当于一个足球场。降落伞尺寸取决于需要着陆的飞行器重量,较重的飞行器需要更大的降落伞来克服重力。工程师的工作既包括电脑分析和决策,也包括在测试场地的实际操作。降落伞在 Airborne Systems 公司位于南加州的巨大工厂中制造,制造过程涉及大型工作台和缝纫工,以及后续的捆扎和包装过程。一个打包好的降落伞密度接近木材,重量约为 260 磅。降落伞的部署过程复杂,需要精确的规划和测试,以确保其在各种条件下都能可靠工作。降落伞的包装过程需要非常精确,任何错误都可能导致灾难性后果。Orion 降落伞团队由数百人组成,来自 NASA、承包商和供应商,遍布全国各地。降落伞设计依赖于经验丰富的专家,因为这方面没有专门的大学课程。Orion 降落伞的设计借鉴了阿波罗计划的经验,但使用了更先进的材料和分析工具。Orion 降落伞使用的材料大多是商用现货材料,但对材料的质量和一致性要求很高。降落伞的制造过程结合了手工和机器操作。Orion 降落伞系统与低地球轨道降落伞系统相比,尺寸更大,使用了更轻的材料,并采用了更先进的分析工具。Orion 降落伞最初使用钢制吊索,后来改用凯夫拉纤维吊索,以减轻重量。Orion 降落伞使用了纺织环代替钢环,以减轻重量并减少因打包压力造成的损坏。无论从低地球轨道还是从月球返回,降落伞的部署条件都大致相同。Artemis I 任务中,由于降落伞沉没未能回收,但通过图像和数据分析仍然可以学习到很多东西。通过机载和地面图像可以分析降落伞的性能,识别缠结等问题。Orion 降落伞的开发经验被分享给了商业合作伙伴,帮助他们加快了认证流程。 Enrique Mo Moller: 作为着陆和回收系统副系统经理,我负责着陆和回收系统的整体管理,包括降落伞和乘员舱直立系统。Orion 降落伞的测试过程包括小型测试、全尺寸测试和各种条件下的测试。开发测试用于改进设计,而合格性测试则用于证明系统已准备好投入使用。主降落伞设计承受的最大载荷约为 46,000 磅,但载荷在各个部件之间分布不均。Orion 降落伞系统包含四种类型的降落伞:前舱盖降落伞、导向伞、引导伞和主降落伞,它们依次展开以减速和稳定飞行器。Orion 降落伞的展开顺序是自动的,但宇航员可以进行人工干预。前舱盖降落伞的展开基于高度和飞行器的稳定性。降落伞的橙白条纹是为了提高可见度,而每个降落伞上的图案略有不同,以便识别。Orion 降落伞系统具有冗余性,即使部分组件失效也能确保安全着陆。降落伞中嵌入了烟火装置,用于控制伞的展开和收放。Orion 降落伞的回收由美国海军负责,优先确保宇航员安全,然后尝试回收降落伞。尽管降落伞理论上可重复使用,但由于质量和安全要求,Orion 降落伞计划每次任务都使用新的降落伞。目前已经制造了足够 Artemis 8 任务的降落伞。降落伞本身的寿命很长,但烟火装置的寿命有限,大约为 7 年。Orion 降落伞项目的成功离不开团队合作。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are parachutes a critical component for the Orion spacecraft's return to Earth?

Parachutes are essential for safely decelerating the Orion spacecraft from extreme speeds and temperatures during re-entry, allowing it to land in the ocean with minimal impact on the crew and equipment.

How long has the development of the Orion parachute system been ongoing?

The development of the Orion parachute system has been ongoing for over 15 years, with the current team members having been involved for about 10 years.

What is the size of the Orion main parachutes, and how do they compare to everyday objects?

The Orion main parachutes are 116 feet in diameter and cover approximately the size of a football field when laid out, making them significantly larger than a typical house.

What materials are used in the construction of the Orion parachutes?

The parachutes are made from commercial off-the-shelf materials, including nylon for the canopy and Kevlar for the suspension lines and structural grid, similar to materials used in tents and bulletproof vests.

How many people are involved in the Orion parachute team, and where are they located?

The parachute team includes around 150 personnel from Jacobs Technology (now Amentum) and various vendors across the U.S., with additional experts from NASA centers like Kennedy Space Center and Langley Research Center.

What challenges are faced during the production and handling of the Orion parachutes?

The parachutes are large and require precise hand labor, including sewing and knot tying, which introduces variability. Ensuring consistency and preventing damage during packing are critical challenges.

How does the Orion parachute system ensure redundancy and safety in case of malfunctions?

The system is designed to handle failures at multiple stages, including losing one parachute in each of the four types (FBCP, drogue, pilot, and main). Pyrotechnic reefing line cutters provide additional redundancy during deployment.

What forces do the Orion parachutes need to withstand during deployment?

The main parachutes are designed to withstand peak loads of approximately 46,000 pounds, with complex models used to predict and distribute these forces across the suspension lines and canopy.

How fast is the Orion spacecraft traveling when the parachutes are deployed, and how much do they slow it down?

The spacecraft is traveling at about 150 miles per hour when the main parachutes deploy, slowing it down to approximately 17 miles per hour by the time of splashdown.

What is the sequence of parachute deployment during Orion's return to Earth?

The sequence begins with forward bay cover parachutes at 350 mph, followed by drogue parachutes, pilot parachutes, and finally the main parachutes, which deploy at 150 miles per hour and slow the vehicle to 17 mph.

How does the parachute system handle debris and safety during recovery operations?

The system uses simulations to predict debris paths, ensuring recovery teams and assets are staged at safe distances to avoid falling debris from parachute deployment and recovery operations.

Why are the Orion parachutes not reused after missions?

While parachutes are technically reusable, Orion's parachutes are not reused due to the high precision and thin margins required for human spaceflight, making it safer and more reliable to use new parachutes for each mission.

How many parachutes are currently ready for upcoming Artemis missions?

Parachutes are being manufactured and packed for Artemis missions through Artemis 8, with Artemis 2 parachutes already installed on the spacecraft and Artemis 3 parachutes packed and ready for installation.

Shownotes Transcript

On episode 363, NASA experts discuss one of the most critical components of returning to Earth from space: the parachute system. Take a deep dive into how these parachutes were engineered and tested to bring NASA's Orion spacecraft and crewmembers back home safely.