cover of episode Faking It With Facetune

Faking It With Facetune

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Hot Mess with Alix Earle

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Alix: 在讨论中,Alix分享了她对社交媒体的看法,以及她如何使用Facetune来改变自己的身体形象。她承认自己曾经过度依赖修图,并意识到这给她的心理健康带来了负面影响。她现在更加注重真实性,并鼓励听众在需要时从社交媒体上断开连接。她还分享了她与粉丝互动的经历,以及她如何处理在现实生活中与网络形象之间的差异。她坦诚地承认自己有时看起来很糟糕,并鼓励人们接受自己的不完美。 Ashtin: Ashtin也分享了她对社交媒体的看法,以及她如何努力平衡在线形象和现实生活。她承认自己有时会因为没有及时分享生活而感到焦虑,但她也在努力学习如何从社交媒体上断开连接,并关注现实生活中的体验。她还分享了她使用日记来记录和处理情绪的经验,以及她对在社交媒体上呈现真实自我的看法。她还讨论了在拉斯维加斯过度饮酒的经历,以及她对社交媒体上不真实形象的担忧。 Ashtin: Ashtin在节目中分享了她对社交媒体的看法,以及她如何努力平衡在线形象和现实生活。她承认自己有时会因为没有及时分享生活而感到焦虑,但她也在努力学习如何从社交媒体上断开连接,并关注现实生活中的体验。她还分享了她使用日记来记录和处理情绪的经验,以及她对在社交媒体上呈现真实自我的看法。她还讨论了在拉斯维加斯过度饮酒的经历,以及她对社交媒体上不真实形象的担忧。 Alix: Alix在讨论中,Alix分享了她对社交媒体的看法,以及她如何使用Facetune来改变自己的身体形象。她承认自己曾经过度依赖修图,并意识到这给她的心理健康带来了负面影响。她现在更加注重真实性,并鼓励听众在需要时从社交媒体上断开连接。她还分享了她与粉丝互动的经历,以及她如何处理在现实生活中与网络形象之间的差异。她坦诚地承认自己有时看起来很糟糕,并鼓励人们接受自己的不完美。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Alix feel the need to unplug from social media?

She felt overwhelmed and wanted to focus on the real world around her.

What was Alix's experience with Facetune in middle school?

She used it to make her butt look much bigger in a photo, which was later pointed out as fake by her sister.

Why did Alix start using Facetune in high school?

She used it to cinch her waist and edit her jawline, influenced by the 'insta baddies' trend.

What is Alix's current approach to editing her photos?

She tries not to touch her photos too much, especially when posting her skin and other personal content.

Why does Alix sometimes feel insecure about her social media presence?

She worries that people might think she looks different in real life compared to her online persona.

How does Alix differentiate her content on TikTok and Instagram?

She posts more candid and less curated content on TikTok, while Instagram remains more polished and picture-perfect.

What advice does Alix give about doing a couple's costume in a situationship?

She suggests it could be fun but notes that if the guy says no, it might indicate he's not serious about the relationship.

Alix discusses her car being towed and receiving a lawsuit notice, sharing her shock and confusion over these unexpected events.
  • Alix's car was towed without her knowledge.
  • She received a lawsuit notice while watching the Victoria's Secret fashion show.
  • Alix expresses her disbelief and frustration over these incidents.

Shownotes Transcript


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Once you've completed the quick survey, you can enter a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card. Terms and conditions apply. Again, that's slash hotmess, H-O-T-M-E-S-S. Thanks for your help. Tell me what happened with your car. My car got towed. Did it actually? Do you have to pick it up? I don't know. I don't know where it went, but I just came out of the hair salon and it's gone.

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I thought I like parked on the wrong thing because I actually have done that before where like I thought my car was towed and then I just realized I like forgot where I parked it but it's actually towed and it's gone and I don't know where it is and there's no phone number on the sign and I got a lawsuit served to me last night. Wait.

Yeah, did they like come to your front door and were they like, hey, are you Alex Earl? And you were like, yeah. And then they were like, you just got served. Is that work like that? Like I was watching the Victoria's Secret fashion show and I ordered dinner and I was like, oh, like my apartment calls me and they're like a delivery is coming up. And I was like, great, my dinner's here. And I was like, Braxton, can you get the door? Like my food's over there and Braxton answers it. And Braxton's like talking to this man. And I'm like, what is Braxton talking about to this like,

Uber Eats driver for 10 minutes, like literally back and forth, back and forth. And I'm looking over like, what is happening? And then Braxton was like, comes with a big stack of paper. And he was like, you just got served. And I was like, what does that mean? I didn't know that you like got served actually, like when you got a lawsuit. But yeah, my first lawsuit.

oh so cute but let's talk about the victoria's secret fashion show because i actually actually was screaming the entire time i thought it was so good i thought it was good too i don't know why people are complaining yeah people i mean i get like this the runway was a little weird i don't like how they did that yeah i kind of personally

Like the one where they were like zigzagging across and then they would like walk on one side the whole time or like the other side the whole time. I feel like the production could have been a little better, but I thought everyone looked awesome. The performers were amazing. I actually I was obsessed.

I'm now a huge fan of Lisa from Blackpink. I've never listened to Blackpink before, but now I will just because of her performance at the Victoria's Secret show. She was amazing. Yeah, I thought it was great. And I mean, I feel like it just felt like it was back, like seeing everyone and like the big wings. I feel like they did such a good job at making it so exciting. Yeah, I'm just really upset about like my lawsuit and my car getting towed.

You know what? It's just one of those days. I woke up on my period today, so that makes a lot of sense because I cried myself to sleep last night. Ashton's been going through it a little bit. I actually like...

I was crying so much that I couldn't fall asleep. So I was just laying face down in my pillow crying for like three hours until I fell asleep because I couldn't like put myself to sleep. Last month when I was just like kind of going through it when like my anxiety was really bad, I got a journal and I recommend that you do this. And I tried to do like a monthly journal entry, right? So...

I wrote down everything that happened that month, like where my mental health was, what's going on, like work-wise, friends-wise, just like...

relationship everything and I was like really down bad and then I read it two nights ago and I went to like journal for this month and I was like holy shit like I don't I didn't even remember that I was thinking some of those things and it's so crazy when you write it down and then you look back and you're like that was literally the biggest deal and like now I can't even remember that I was thinking that but I feel like it's so good to like have a log of things like I'm so excited to look back on it no I know I bought a journal a while ago because I thought I needed one

And then I ended up only journaling when I was really, really upset about things. So now it's just like a depression journal. And it's always like, everything's wrong. I'm so upset. This is horrible. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so that's like what my journal is now. So I kind of gave up on journaling.

But I feel like it kind of helps. Like if you're going to rant, you might as well rant in a journal. Yeah, I guess sometimes you got to let it out. No one else is going to see it. That's true. I still feel like I'm still hungover from Vegas and it's been two days and I never, ever, ever. Oh, wait, I forgot. I never want to drink like that ever again. Like I feel disgusting and horrible.

well that's how you should feel coming back from vegas okay but like it's like a rite of passage to feel that way like never again though i can't ever drink like that can you explain how it was what you did i actually got there late everyone got there like thursday night or early friday morning because like they wanted to go to the date clubs on friday but me and my roommates all landed at 9 30 p.m on friday which i am so happy about because

I could not have handled any more than what I did this weekend. So we got there at like 9.30 p.m. and we kind of just like got ready really quick and we went to a club in Salt Cascade. But by the time we got there, because we're late to everything, everyone was leaving because they wanted to like get up early the next day. So it was kind of an uneventful night for me. And then we went to see Fisher at the day club the next day. I started drinking at like 10 a.m. and I did not stop drinking until...

5 a.m. when I got home. The same thing happened on Sunday. We day clubbed and I started drinking at 10 and then we got back and got changed immediately because we were going to one of like the male like strip shows which was so much fun and so terrifying. It looked like you had fun there. Yes. This big beefy man picked me up and whipped me around and like laid me out on our table and I was like oh my God.

It was so scary, but it was really funny. Is that when you were up on stage in the middle? Yes. That was like our table. And they like have like a runway in the middle for like the men to like jump and dance on. And he literally like picked me up and swung me around and like put my legs over my head. I was like, oh,

I can't believe some of the stuff they do is like legal. Like they took one of like, what did they do? They were like going up to like the other girls in the audience and they would like grab their hands. I saw him like look at her and he was like, is it okay? And she was like, I guess he put her hand down his pants, like on his cucaracha. What? Yes. I was like,

Wait, I didn't. This is not the type of show I've been to. And he like flashed this old lady. Like it was like, ooh. Oh my God. And they made. Wait, mine was just like some dancing and grinding. Oh, no, no, no.

I saw like they were also like kept showing us their butt cheeks. I was like, thank you. I think. Oh, my God. What? Where were you? Thunder down under. I feel like I know like I struggled in Vegas to go out because like you said, you were drinking from like 10 a.m. to 5 a.m.,

I feel like if you don't keep drinking, then that's a problem. So like I remember after the day clubs, like I wanted food and I like laid in bed and I ordered Chipotle and it took like two hours to come. And then I like napped and I was like, I cannot go out at night. That was the thing. So it's like you either like keep going or you just like stop and then you're hungover. Yeah, I was like, I knew I was going to get tired.

Like Saturday night, we went to see Dom Dalla at Live and we went to like Komodo before. So I was like, I can't be tired. So I just like stayed out and like drank in the lobby with my friends like at the casino. There was like 30 colleges there last weekend. It was insane. I kind of think that I would do my bachelorette trip in Vegas. Like do it like bougie Vegas. Really fun. You don't think so? No, I think that would be so fun.

Wait, you know what I always heard, though, is like who was it was someone on my TikTok. She was like, I'm a bottle girl at like these clubs in Vegas. And like all these guys come for their bachelor trips. And she's like, they're so disgusting. And like all of them, like the guys who are getting married, like they're literally just the worst. They're like cheating and doing all this stuff. And I was like, I don't think that like.

I don't think my bachelor would need to go on a bachelor trip. Yeah, no, he doesn't need to. Like you can go like golfing or like go to dinner, but like you don't need to go to like these like crazy like strip club things. I also cried on Saturday night for like, I couldn't stop crying for like five hours straight.

after the club but i was like in the casino when i got back to my hotel after and i was like still it was like one of those cries where you're like so delusional i was like laughing but like tears were like streaming from my face and everyone was was that like a chainsaw um

brief pause I was in the lobby after getting home and I'm just like sobbing and I of course like run into all my friends and I can't stop sobbing and then these girls were like no I was with my friend Hayden and I was um I was actually trying to get pizza because I was starving and she's like I'm gonna get you pizza and then she actually never got me pizza so I'm still kind of mad at her for that well um I'm gonna take care of you when you get here are you coming tomorrow now or are you waiting for this weekend I'm

No, I actually have to wait till Friday because I forgot I have a delivery coming tomorrow that I have to be here for. Oh, okay. I'm getting a credit card. Oh, I was going to say, what kind of delivery? I was like, this seems like crazy. I'm getting my first official credit card. Wow. Woo. Moving on. I'm stressed about my Halloween party.

Wait, I'm so excited for your Halloween party. So have I talked about that on here yet? I don't think I have. I'm throwing a Halloween party in LA and it's going to be fantastic.

fun the it's gonna be forest it's gonna be fun but like i'm just so stressed that no one's gonna show up and i guess next week when we podcast will be like our halloween debrief so i'll let you guys know how it went but like i'm just so stressed of like planning it and it's low-key coming together like pretty last minute and i'm just like what if no one shows up and we're putting so much money into this party you sent the save the date to all these people right

Like some, yeah. But like now we're working on...

have people like rsvp'd or we we haven't made like an rsvp thing yet so i have to do that but i'm like it's also like a halloween party so people have to get costumes and i'm like what if they don't want to get costumes and like this oh my god i'm just well if no one shows up like and the club is empty like i'm going to like well you have like friends in la you can just be like tell your friends to come i know but what if they don't actually right now i have to go um

I'm going to a photo studio right now to shoot a costume with Braxton for Halloween, so I actually have to go, and we'll continue this later. That's really funny. All right. Have fun with your little photo shoot. Thanks. Okay. I'll see you guys for Hot Topics in a sec. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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I'm back. So no one mind right now if you're watching this and I look a little tad orange. Do you see me looking orange, Ashton? No, you look great. All I just see is your white eyelids. Yeah, we just did a photo shoot for Halloween with Braxton and I'm in a much better mood now than when this episode started. I mean, that was like rare form Alex. I feel like I was just like, I don't even feel like that person anymore. Yeah, I was a little scared. I was having like flashbacks from high school.

I was turning on the podcast equipment and I was like, fucking shit. God, Ashton, I'm in such a bad mood right now. It was the double whammy of the car getting towed and the lawsuit. I don't know what happened before. I also was really hungry. I only ate a granola bar at the salon and I was like, I got hangry. But then I had McDonald's. I just got a good burger and chicken tenders and fries. Was that your dinner?

um well no because i feel like that was my mid-afternoon lunch so i'm probably gonna order some dinner after this probably sushi i eat i eat sushi i could eat sushi every day i love it but i think i i really eat it like five nights a week braxton was like you have a problem like you have to stop eating that much sushi and it's like the only thing i want to eat what is it lab

mercury slab of salmon sashimi but i don't really have that much tuna but yeah honestly salmon i've been i've switched over to salmon as my number one i love salmon i forgot that we're going to three points this weekend wait i'm so excited i'm going from the heiress tour to three points so i'm literally gonna listen to like taylor swift crying my eyes out and then i'm going to rave

Wait, what time is the Aris tour? You're going to leave me? It's from 8 to 11. Yeah, I'm leaving for a little bit. But I feel like three points goes to like five in the morning. Yeah, you'll be fine. So for anyone who like goes to festivals or music festivals or concerts in general, I really like three points because it's not too big where it feels like overwhelming. Like it feels like very small. I've never been before. In a good way. Like how many stages? It's not like such a... I think there's seven stages, but it's not like such...

Yeah, but it's like in the streets of Wynwood. So it's not like such a production where like,

It feels like a big to-do. Like, getting in took, like, two minutes. You know what I mean? Like, there was no lines. But there was a lot of people there. But it just was, like, I feel like it's, like, small and fun. So that's why I liked it. And I'm very excited. It doesn't feel like we have to, like, it's going to take so much out of us. So Friday night, I'm doing the Heiress Tour. Then two three-points. Then Saturday, we're doing three points into space, which means we'll be at Club Space until, which, oh, we have to get the grilled cheese.

oh my god this is gonna be the best weekend ever and then but we'll probably be there what till like 10 in the morning 9 a.m you have to get on your flight my flight's at 12 so i'm gonna have to go from yeah you should pack now

I know I need to pack tonight or tomorrow while my brain is still like a hole. And then I'm flying right to New York with Sally. We're going to Jake Shane's Puss Tour. I'm legitimately going to be going from the club to the Puss Tour. And I'm so excited. Yeah. So I have a question for you. Are you going to be wearing your your rave fit to Taylor Swift? Are you wearing your Taylor Swift fit?

fit to the rave no are you gonna change no i'm i'm gonna wear like normal clothes to taylor swift and i think i'm gonna change in the car and i'm gonna have a car like because braxton's coming with me to taylor swift so it's gonna like drop me off and then braxton's gonna go home alone with my clothes because he's i miss him so much i don't know why again like i just like really miss braxton a lot you need like i feel like you right now you need a bb hug like

Like, I feel like Braxton can fix all my problems ever. I'm just like, Braxton, what do I do? Yeah, he just, like, really has it together, and he makes you feel so safe. He's a great guy. Yeah, he's really good at under pressure, too. He's just the best. So, yeah. Shout out to BB. Look at my cute mug. I have some tea. Do you have any tea for us? I feel like we kind of foreshadowed this a little bit with our episode last week. Okay.

Yeah, we might have like accidentally manifested it. Ashton's like, I love being single so effing much. This is like, that's just like the best time of your life. Let's get into this week's hot topic. Let's stop rambling. Our hot topic this week is all about social media, photoshopping, Facetune, how social media can be a little bit overwhelming and knowing when you need to put your phone down. So let's get into it.

Well, we actually wanted to just talk about in general. We were like, we should talk about social media and unplugging from your phone. Because I feel like...

We all need to do that. I've been unplugging a little bit recently or a little bit more. And it has been good for the mental health for me. Or if you're getting really stressed out, it's like you kind of forget that there's this whole online world of social media. And not that it's weird because like it is real, but it feels it can feel fake if you like step back from it because... Because it is. There are times...

But there's times that I'm really stressed out or whatever and just overwhelmed. And you put your phone down and I'm like, oh my gosh, the people in front of me, the people around me. And I'm like, you don't see any of that if you're not looking on your phone and on social media. And it's so crazy. It reminds me of those like,

virtual reality goggles that you can put on and see like a different universe but it's real which is the weird part but like you can definitely unplug from it if you need to it is weird because i would love like nothing more than to go a week and like put my phone down like i always say i'm like that would be amazing because i go to things and i'm like you just forget i'm uh what was i traveling to paris yeah

I get anxious if I'm not posting it on it, but like I was traveling to Paris. I was taking photos and videos on my phone for like my vlog. Then I'm taking photos for my Snapchat. Then I had like a camera in my hand for a YouTube vlog that I vlogged a whole trip to Paris, but I never ended up editing and half the files I got were like corrupt. So I don't even know what that means, but there's no YouTube vlog. But basically it's just like

everything I do I'm like oh here's like a here's a cup of coffee let me add this to my vlog let me add this to the YouTube vlog let me add this to a photo for my Snapchat let me get a photo for a photo dump and I'm like it's so crazy I'm like sometimes I would I would love to just go throughout life without stopping and needing to capture everything at every moment and I've been trying to give myself some like

grace with it yeah you don't but i feel like you just get in your head you're like oh i'm doing this i need to like take a video and post it like you don't have to but that's why no but i do your job and that's why everyone loves you so much i like i and that's why i'm so bad at my job

if I like I don't think you understand like I get ready and it sounds so stupid and I know but it's like I get ready to do something or it goes somewhere and I don't vlog it I'm like if I didn't like post it or talk about this on social media I feel like no it's not that I didn't do it I just feel like

like inauthentic to my audience. I'm like, oh my God, they didn't know. Like they don't know. Like if I don't post in real time too, I'm just like, oh my God, like I'm stressed out that they don't know what I'm doing. And I'm like, that is like a weird thing and a weird habit of me, but it is like a great, I have a great like,

but that's why my relationship with all my community that's why you're like unique and you know that's why you are so good at your job and you have fans because you do all this and you post everything and people love you for it i really do enjoy doing it and it is like i mean it is like the coolest job in the entire world but it is weird at times where i'm just like oh my god like i don't do like the real world

But like I don't do anything that's not online. And then I started podcasting and then it's like I'm talking even more about my life and I'm like, oh my gosh, should I not be sharing some of these things? But I like to share it, but I'm just like it is weird. And then I also freak out sometimes because I'm like, oh my God, my kids are going to be able to look at. Do you ever think about that? No, I actually have never thought about that. Our kids are going to be able to look at everything. They're going to watch our podcast episodes and be like, oh my God, like Aunt Ashton and Alex are like such dumbasses. That's so cute.

That is cute. But like, is that not crazy? Like whatever we're doing right now is just online forever. I don't remember much about the beginning of Instagram, but it definitely was like way more casual and just like, oh, here's my coffee. Here's this. And like we were just so free flowing. I can't imagine having an Instagram in fifth grade and like trying to like curate my feed in fifth grade. No, I remember my first Instagram post actually.

I set up my phone on my dresser in my bedroom and I took a video and I took a video of me like jumping up in the air with like my arms up and my feet like hitting my butt and I like screenshotted me like midair and I was like...

like first instagram post and it was like all blurry and i had like this instagram filter on it it was so great and so cute also like as a kid i feel like i was chronically like commenting on like every celebrity's post like remember like the madcon boys like obsessed with them and like i would like comment on all their posts be like i love you so much and i would like change my profile name to like cameron dallas lover one two three i was one of those kids

no it was one of the i don't even want to say but like i dm the selfie of me in sixth grade it was before we're going to the like daddy daughter dance i dm the same selfie of me to one of the mad con boys maybe like 800 times like i'm not kidding and was like here and i gave my phone number and said here's my here's my number here's my number yeah i remember like you would send your phone number to all of them and be like text me and you're like a little kid like

It's crazy though. Like you just have like no concept. You would just like harass people. It was great. I do remember when I first,

first discovered facetune i think was in seventh grade actually i know it was in seventh grade but maybe i feel like it was like summer seventh grade going into eighth grade because i was having a sleepover with my girlfriends and i remember exactly the girl who showed me this app she's like have you ever heard of facetune and i was like no what's that and she was like oh basically you can like edit anything you want to make it look whatever way you want and i was like well that's great and like in my mind i had never heard of photoshop so like

I didn't think that anyone else would think that there's Photoshop because I didn't know that there was Photoshop. No one's ever going to know. No, I was like, this is crazy. Like I could make myself have pink hair and like everyone would think I have pink hair and like not even think that this could be fake. I don't know.

But anywho, she starts showing me how I can like morph my body on Facetune. This one particular sleepover, we went to Sunrise at the beach because that was like the cool thing to do. I miss going to Sunrise. Like that was like you would like ride your bikes with all the boys. We would ride our bikes. Go to the beach. And then we would get like Dunkin Donuts, like the gulattas. Or you'd like sleep on the beach with the boys and like your little bikes. You never slept on the beach? No.

loser. I would like tell mom. In middle school? Yes. That was like where you would have your first boyfriends. I

And we would like hold hands. But not like not really. We were all just like a big friend group. And like we'd be like, I'd be like, Mom, I'm sleeping at like Emma's house. And she'd be like, OK. And then we'd like take bikes from her house. I don't think I slept on the beach. Well, we'd sleep on the beach. We'd go at like 3 a.m. and like sleep till sunrise at like 6. Wait, that's so funny because the story I'm talking about, I was biking from Emma's house as well. Oh, my God. I lived at that house. We took a photo of me in a Victoria's Secret thong bikini. Mm hmm.

And the push-up bra top. Yes. And you know the bikinis that was like scrunched on the butt, the little ruffles around, you know the ones. I can see it so clearly. I took a photo popping my hip, like turning around. Over the shoulder.

Yep. And I took it to Facetune and I was like, let's blow this shit out of the park. Like I made my butt so big. It was like, I don't know how to explain it. It was massive. I was like this tiny little thing.

100 pound girl and my butt was I kid you not like maybe had a width of three feet. No it was massive. No and it was no one would know this is fake. It was like comical especially because Alex up until like senior year of high school was a toothpick like dad would literally call her toothpick. She was just like she

She looked like a little kid. She was so tiny. I couldn't produce fat on my body. She had her little stick legs and her little stick arms. I was always insecure about it. Every time I hugged dad, he was like, you literally feel like a toothpick because you're so funny. He was like, you're so funny. Imagine that. I know it was so funny because...

I was snuggly bear or cuddly bear and Alex was toothpick because I would always cuddle with that. And he's like, oh, you're so cuddly. You're so cute. And then Alex would try to cuddle with it. That's traumatizing. Toothpick, you're so bony. But, you know. Yeah.

whatever so imagine the little girl bony girl toothpick that everyone knows i post up this photo on instagram thinking literally nothing of it i changed my twitter profile picture i changed my instagram profile picture i was like this is now the photo of the year alex with and it was

It was so obviously fake and we were at dinner. I remember we were at Via Veneto and you were like, you picked it up your phone and you were like, Alex, like, what is this? Like, what is this post? Like, this is so fake.

It's just so funny because like the thought never crossed your mind to be like people are going to see me in person and be like, hello. No, but like the thought never crossed my mind that people knew about this like Facetune hack. So I was just like, I'm fine. Like, I don't know what I was like. I don't know. Like, that's so embarrassing. And you're like, Alex, this is so fake. And I was like, what are you talking about? You can't even make a photo fake. Like, I don't even know what you're talking about. No, I think it was funny because I didn't know what Facetune was, but I was just like, this obviously isn't real.

real you know I was just like it's not real I was like I don't know what you did but I would do anything to find my bikini photo with my face tuned but me too honestly can we like scour the internet for it

it's got to be there somewhere you posted that thing everywhere no I made it my whole personality and then I think at that point I think you like low-key humbled me and I was like wait maybe people do know that like this could be a thing maybe I'll dial it down a little bit like and then I don't really know did you you like facetune your photos in high school I like don't think I think like towards a little

eighth grade or like beginning of high school I would sometimes like cinch my waist or like edit my jawline because I don't know why like jawlines were really important to me I did like a little bit for sure and like I look back now I think there's like still some pictures I have that I'm like you can tell that's photoshopped and they weren't like anything like crazy aggressive but like now oh wait what oh wait I I do remember I did I did in high school yeah I'm such a liar

I, like, forgot because I, like, couldn't place photos in my head and then I just remembered. And I know, I absolutely do remember. I was making my waist this big. Waist was on thinner. But it was so funny because, like, I literally still had, like, a little kid body and I'm, like, skinnier. I remember going to dance class and being, like, yeah, I'm, like...

Saving up to get my ribs removed. Yeah, obviously one day we're going to get our bottom ribs removed to make our rib cage and our waist smaller. Duh. That's insane. Do people do that? Well, actually, I always thought that we grew up and we're like, obviously that's not real. But when I was at model camp,

um Coco said that models actually did that like back in like the 90s early 2000s when everyone was obsessed with being like super skinny and I was like I was literally sitting there I was like no like you're lying and she was like yeah no people actually did that there was a phase where I do try now like I really tried just to like not touch any of my photos especially now that I like to post my skin and everything and also like I don't want

understand like you when you go to um events and there's like red carpets and stuff like those photos are just coming straight from photographers so it's like you can't even like photoshop it if you try but like you kind of just gotta like accept what you look like yeah you yeah I'm like fuck okay okay you know I've kind of been like forced into like seeing my face in a way that like I don't really want to but I'm like okay

okay it's fine there was one point in college where i made the eyes on all my photos like really big like i made my eyes like huge and i don't know why i did that that's so funny to me i like you just made maybe that was like was that like 2020 era when like everyone was like obsessed with like weird things no it was like after that like i was like obsessed with making my eyes just like well that's probably why you started the white eyeliner trend

Yes, no, I did. I loved White Eyeliner because it made my eyes look bigger in real life. Like I was obsessed with big eyes. I don't know. That was my thing. I do think I moved on from big butt to big eyes. As a creator, like you don't want to be putting out

like fake things and like fake standards because I feel like there was such an era when we were in high school kind of where like it was all like the insta baddies and everyone was like looking all snatched or at least like what I was seeing was like everyone was looking like picture perfect on Instagram like all done up like skinny waist like big butt big boobs smooth skin like perfect nose like like you know everything was just like very like done up

I feel like at least what I was seeing like from creators and it was just like so unrealistic. And I think that's why like I would sometimes be like, oh, I should like smooth my skin or make my waist a little smaller. I was like, everyone knows I don't have a butt or boobs. So like there's no point in doing anything there. But, you know, it's just like things like that, that I don't want anyone to like see me and be like, that's well, like,

you know, or like see something fake and be like, that's how I should look. That is like a fear of mine when people are like, Oh my God, like I, like you're so much like better online or just like, like if someone was like, Oh yeah. Like, cause I've met people where I'm like, Oh,

oh my god i do not recognize them in person and i'm like i don't want anyone to think that about me you know but there is definitely times that i meet people like when i go down to the coffee shop in the morning or like come from the gym and i'm like actual horrendous trash and people are like can i have a photo with you and i'm like oh my god these people are probably like texting their friends right now like wait she's so ugly in real life actually

This summer one time me and Kristen had just gotten back from hot yoga and we were going to get coffee downstairs and this girl comes to take a picture with us and we're both fully sweat through our work outfits. My hair is like slicked back with sweat and I have like my little curls like popping off my head. My face is still purple because my face gets like bright red purple when I do like hot yoga and like I'm sweating like you can see the sweat stains like through my pants. I have like a camel toe and she posted immediately and I was like

Yep. That's just... My airport ones are always really bad. I went to the airport with, like, oil in my hair and, like, a slicked-back bun, and then, like, I had, like, my big Apple headphones on, and you couldn't even see the bun in the back of my head. It's when I was traveling to Jersey, and I was just, like...

Someone took a photo with me and I was like, I'm like, these people are definitely like, okay, well, she's a big fake faker. But I was like, there are times when I'm looking good and times when I'm looking like a rat and we can do both. Everyone goes through that. Like everyone has days where they look great and days where they look horrible. And I think it's important that everyone knows that we're just like you and we look horrible sometimes. But also like when I post on TikTok, I'm not like,

doing my makeup most of the time I feel like there's such a weird thing for me that between TikTok and Instagram Instagram still I'm like I want to post things that like I look good I feel good like whatever like yeah more curated and TikTok I'm like I'll post literally the most horrendous stuff on me in there and I don't care but I'm like I have like millions more followers on TikTok so I don't know like what like doesn't process through my head but I'm like that doesn't matter but like a

a perfect Instagram photo matters I don't know it's like it's just like the different aesthetics between social media platforms which is just funny like even my public Snapchat story which I mean this is different for everyone I feel like most of my friends don't use their public Snapchat stories but like I do because I just think it's funny and like I have a lot of like followers on it so it's like kind of funny but like I'll just post like

Kind of like I'm posting on my private story, even though I still do have a private story on Snapchat for like my close friends and like you really stress me out with your Snapchat because you can't tell what's on what.

Or I just post too much on my Snapchat story. And I'm... She's also... I can also tell that you're posting, like, while you're out and drunk. And I'm like, oh, my God. Please don't post anything stupid. Yeah, sometimes I wake up and I have this Snapchat story. There was one time you posted something. And I literally texted you right away. I was like, take this down. Because there was, like... I don't know. You're at a party or whatever. And...

yeah sometimes I need to I literally watch all your snapchats and I look for the little like lock of the private or not and I'm like oh my god I'm like back and forth between it stresses me out so much like I would really appreciate if you just stopped like posting on your private story like just don't you don't need wait no I do need to because the girl I don't post I don't have any I don't have any private stories or close friends you don't have close friends on Instagram either I do both

I just like there's I just anything I want to post like I just want to post for everyone. You know, it's so funny is dad like because, you know, he's chronically online. He'll like call me after I like post a TikTok just like a get ready with me or me like talking about something. He's like funny TikTok. Nice work. Thanks, dad. Every time he's like, that was funny. I'm like, you think I'm really funny, don't you?

My dad is on TikTok probably way too much now because now like my dad just invested in what we do for work. So like now that we're like, oh, OK, like we're making money from this. He like pays very much so attention. And he's also like our manager. Yeah.

yeah yeah like so he wants to see what we're doing he kind of has to but he like watches us and like it's just his commentary is so funny like when my dad sends me to my dad knows about tiktok drama like before i do and i'm like he'll like bring up something to me i'm like who are you talking about he's like you haven't seen that i'm like wait dad hello you gotta you gotta put the phone down yeah you think you need to put your phone down i think dad does

Our dad needs to put his phone down. But yeah, I think like moral of the story is. Social media is fun, but. It's fun, but like you don't need to take it so seriously. And if you do, then maybe put your phone down. Yeah, I think that's a good point. Don't take it too seriously because you can get lost in it.

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Yeah, I kind of want to order my sushi now. Well, now I want sushi. And next week's Halloween. Next week's Halloween. Next week's Halloween. Oh, my God. Favorite holiday. One of them.

alex tell us what you're gonna be tell us what you're gonna be i can't i'm one of the annoying people that's like i'm not gonna tell you what i'm being i love and that's just how i am so much wait um we have to do a really fun halloween episode we're actually gonna we're gonna recap like right after i throw my party too and like what's going on and if anyone showed up hopefully i just miss you i'm so excited to see you i know i'm so excited to see you see you on in two days oh my god yeah i need a pack

Do you have your outfits? I don't. No. But yeah, I have to figure that out. But I love you. I love you too. Time for what would Alex do? Should we do a what would Ashton do? I just make up a scenario.

Okay, let's do a what would Ashton do for a change? Yeah. Do you actually want to read one? Sure. Hey girl, I need help. Is it weird to do a couple's costume with a situation ship? We're going to the same Halloween party this year and we've been hooking up for four months but not official because we're seniors in college and don't want to plan our futures around each other. Is a couple's costume too much to do together or kind of fun?

Honestly, I feel like especially for a college party, like you could totally do it if you have a good idea. Yeah, I've never done a couple's costume, but I feel like they're fun. And as long as he's not like, oh, what? I also feel like for a college party, it's not as serious. And also it's like it's fun. And like maybe I would say what makes it serious is if you like.

post a photo of you two you know like i feel like that like makes like not even like if you get a picture whatever but you know if you're like wait we have to take pictures and like post them that could be like a lot

but wait I disagree I feel like you can ask to take photos and have them but like I just feel like don't you feel like posting a guy like just with a guy alone is like official but if you have like a Halloween dump and you guys are in there in your costume I feel like that's fun I feel like you don't need to force it but if you have a good idea and you want to do it I would definitely do it I did that once um in college but we did like Naomi and Jordan Belfort but he was actually my boyfriend but like

was he really was he really imagine though what if he says no like what if she's like oh should we do this and he says no then be like okay bye don't take it too personally i think you know just go into it being like he could say no and be like all right brace yourself

Uh, no, I disagree. So this is where we differ with what would Ashton do and what would Alex do? I think if he were to say no to something so like unserious, like a college party and you're just like suggesting a fun idea and you had been hooking up for four months, that's a long time, a situation trip, that's a long time. If he had said no to a Halloween costume, he's talking to other girls and you're not the one.

and he knows he knows that he doesn't want to give off the impression that you guys are a couple because he doesn't see himself dating you that could be true i just feel like the situationship spectrum is like so crazy because like if you've been in a situationship for two years then like yeah he's probably talking to other girls behind your back if he's not like making moves but also like four months is fine it's like still early like you could i don't like want to like say it but like you could eventually like

start dating or yeah but i'm saying if this guy likes you he would be like that's so fun he would feel the same way about it that you do if he really liked you he'd be like oh my god yes that would be so fun yeah and if he doesn't like funny not that you don't need to pose a fight but it's just something to note in the back of your head if he doesn't want to yeah that could give like he's not like you just you know where he's not into you yeah

All right. Well, I really need to order my sushi and Halloween next week. So everyone stay tuned and subscribe to the podcast. Actually subscribe. I know I say, but like really do it. Love you. Do it. Subscribe. It's really important for me. Okay. Bye. I'll see you next week, teeny. Bye. Next week. I'll see you in two days. Yeah, I know. But for them, but for all of us hanging out. Oh, for all of our hot mess chats. Okay. Love you. Love you. Bye. Bye.

Wait, did I just turn that off? How do I get that back on? I'm a hot mess. If there's anything better than getting a few of your favorite things from McDonald's, it's getting a few of your favorite things from McDonald's for less in the McDonald's app.

Delicious. And what could be better than two of your favorites for $3.99? Like the four-piece McNuggets, McDouble, or hot and spicy McChicken. So stop in for twice the delicious. Prices and participation may vary. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Single item at regular price. Ba-da-ba-ba-ba.

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