Two dudes, who are not quite nerds but not quite newbs, choose a horror movie each week to rate and
Tune in as we review The Wretched, a film that set box office records this summer, but also a film t
Our first werewolf movie! And it only took us 130-some episodes. Tune in as we discuss the classic A
Do you like scary movies? How about podcasts about scary movies? If you answered yes to either of th
Happy almost Friday the 13th! This week we are joined by Brian from The Blood Buddies: Horror Podcas
We can't decide if this episode is unintentionally coming at the perfect time or the worst time. Tun
Happy Halloween, everybody! This year we celebrate with a discussion on the polarizing Rob Zombie fi
We soak in some Halloween vibes with a discussion on the 2014 found footage film The Houses October
We celebrate October by discussing one our favorite films - It Follows (2014).
Happy October, everybody! We kick off the month with a spooky, retro 80s throwback - The House of th
We conclude Sequel September with a discussion on the 2nd installment in Rob Zombie’s Firefly Trilog
We keep on rolling with Sequel September with a discussion on The Exorcist III.
Sequel September continues as we discuss the speedy zombie sequel 28 Weeks Later.
We discuss how Mark Duplass’s creepiness reminds Ashvin of Brian in this episode on the found footag
We kick off Sequel September with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2!
Join us as we discuss the Tarantino-penned, Rodriguez-directed 90s classic, From Dusk Till Dawn.
Join us as we discuss the already historically significant Zoom horror film, Host (2020). This is th
We count down our top 5 scariest horror movie shots of all time! With some honorable mentions includ
Join us for a discussion about Zombie AKA Zombi 2 AKA Zombie Flesh Eaters AKA that movie with the ey
We discuss the emotional impact and horror elements in the much buzzed about 2020 horror drama Relic
It only took us 117 episodes to discuss perhaps the most iconic horror movie villain of all time, bu