NBA analytics pioneer and front office insider John Hollinger joins Dunc'd On podcast host Nate Dunc
A look at all the key players who are most likely available in trade at the deadline. What should b
John and Nate go through a difficult slate to pick their All-Stars for the season. Plus we rule anot
H&D’s trade coverage begins with a look at the major players that SHOULD be traded, even if their te
A check-in on how the 2020 draft looks 13 months later. LaMelo vs Edwards for number 1? Who would g
We discuss John’s trip to the Wild West G-League showcase, as players are being signed at a crazy pa
A wide-ranging conversation: Danny Ainge taking over in Utah, Steph Curry’s brilliance, the NBA’s ne
John and Nate rank their bottom-third organizations in the NBA. Which owner and front office would w
John and Nate rank their mid-tier organizations in the NBA, with some interesting disagreements on t
John and Nate rank their top-10 organizations in the NBA. Which owner and front office would we wan
A look at the Lakers, Clippers, and Kings from John’s West Coast swing. A few minutes on the potenti
Alas, less than a month into the season it appears many predictions have gone awry already. Which p
A look at the Pels, Lakers, Mavs, Nuggets, and Nets, ruling a team out of the playoffs, and some gre
John discusses his recent visit to Overtime Elite’s pro day, and whether the league’s model is viabl
John and Nate disagree on the Suns non-extension of Deandre Ayton. We hit on some of the other big
John is back from his holdout to discuss Kyrie Irving’s future with the Nets. Would he have made the
First we regale the listeners with tales of summer leagues past. Then a look across the free agency
John and Nate discuss the New Orleans/Memphis trade and what it says about each franchise’s future p
How the Bucks managed to overcome the Suns and become NBA champions.Then, disagreements on the draft
A mailbag from Twitter, including how these playoffs effect the value of bigs, John Collins and the
The chess match of the 2021 Finals is underway. What can the Bucks do differently to slow down the S