cover of episode Where Truth Lies

Where Truth Lies

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Hidden Brain

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alex Edmans
Shankar Vedanta
Shankar Vedanta:本期节目探讨了虚假信息的多种形式及其对社会的影响,并分析了人们容易相信虚假信息的原因。节目中以2013年美联社推特账号被黑客入侵发布虚假爆炸新闻为例,说明了虚假信息事件的严重性。此外,节目还讨论了BHS和Sports Direct公司破产事件中涉及的不当行为,以及这些事件如何引发公众对企业责任的关注。节目还探讨了确认偏差、叙事谬误等心理因素在虚假信息传播中的作用,并分析了数据挖掘等方法如何被用来操纵信息。最后,节目提出了几种应对虚假信息的方法,例如“考虑相反”和培养好奇心等。 Alex Edmans:在节目中,Alex Edmans分享了他亲身经历的案例,例如在议会听证会上发现证人引用研究结果的错误,以及他参与的一项关于性别多样性和公司业绩的研究中发现的结果与投资者预期不符。这些案例说明了虚假信息可能来自各种来源,包括权威机构和专家。Alex Edmans强调了研究人员应该客观地呈现证据,而不应受个人观点的影响。他还解释了确认偏差、叙事谬误等心理因素如何影响人们对信息的判断,并建议人们在面对信息时,应该保持批判性思维,多角度思考问题,避免被虚假信息误导。

Deep Dive

The 2013 Associated Press tweet about explosions at the White House exemplifies how quickly misinformation can spread and impact financial markets. This incident highlights the broader issue of misinformation, which often comes in subtle forms and exploits our psychological blind spots.
  • A false tweet about explosions at the White House caused a significant dip in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
  • Misinformation spreads rapidly and can have real-world consequences.
  • The incident highlights the importance of verifying information before reacting.

Shownotes Transcript

When we think about misinformation, we often focus on blatant errors or deliberate attempts to deceive us. But in recent years, social scientists have found that misinformation comes in many flavors — many of which are far more subtle than obvious falsehoods. These forms of misinformation prey on our mental blindspots, and take advantage of our passions and loyalties. This week, economist Alex Edmans) explores the many insidious forms of misinformation, and how we can all get better at separating fact from fiction.

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