cover of episode We Need to Talk

We Need to Talk

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Hidden Brain

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#emotional intelligence#educational#workplace communication#connection building People
Alison Woodbrooks
Shankar Vedantam
@Shankar Vedantam : 很多人认为自己擅长对话,但实际上对话是一项需要学习和改进的技能。我们常常忽略对话的复杂性,以及如何通过提问、倾听和话题准备来提升对话质量。对话不仅仅是简单的交流,更是一种复杂的协调游戏,需要我们不断学习和实践。 @Alison Woodbrooks : 在对话中,我们每时每刻都在做出微小的决定,并需要与对方协调这些决定。对话的难点在于,我们无法直接沟通所有这些微小的决定,而需要通过自然的方式来理解彼此。为了提升对话技巧,我们需要学习如何提问、倾听,以及如何准备话题,从而使对话更加引人入胜和有意义。我曾经经历过一些糟糕的对话,比如相亲对象只顾自己说话,或者朋友在不恰当的时机提出建议,这些经历让我更加意识到对话的复杂性和重要性。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Just because we’ve been doing something for a long time doesn’t mean we’re doing it right. One part of our lives where this may be particularly true is when we're talking with others. This week, we bring you the first of a two-part look at what makes someone skilled at socializing. Behavioral scientist Alison Wood Brooks explains why conversations are much more complex than most of us realize — and how to engage in a more meaningful back-and-forth with another person.

For more of our work on the art of conversation, check out these classic Hidden Brain episodes: 

Why Conversations Go Wrong

Relationships 2.0: How to Keep Conflict from Spiraling