cover of episode Chapter 5: The Outcasts
Tony Evans
托尼·埃文斯博士在本集中探讨了耶稣对社会边缘人士的爱与关怀。他指出,耶稣不仅关注公众布道,更重视与个人的一对一互动,例如与尼哥底母、井边的妇人、患病儿子的父亲以及毕士大池边的瘫痪者的互动。这些互动展现了耶稣对社会边缘人士的关注、理解和怜悯,以及他为了安慰和打动人心所付出的努力。埃文斯博士认为,耶稣的行为挑战了我们对社会边缘人士的看法,以及我们如何与他们互动。他鼓励听众思考耶稣与社会边缘人士的互动方式,以及耶稣为了安慰和打动人心所付出的努力。他还强调,耶稣的行动并非仅仅是奇迹,更是对神国降临的预示。 此外,埃文斯博士还分析了耶稣与法利赛人之间的冲突。他指出,法利赛人对安息日规定的过分强调,以及他们对穷人和弱势群体的剥削,激怒了耶稣。耶稣在圣殿中推翻兑换商的桌子,驱赶牲畜,象征性地摧毁了阻碍人们与神亲近的制度性障碍。埃文斯博士认为,耶稣与法利赛人之间的冲突,反映了旧约与新约之间的冲突,以及我们自身义与神所赐之义之间的冲突。他鼓励听众思考耶稣对安息日传统的看法,以及法利赛人对安息日传统的执着。

Deep Dive

Jesus begins his ministry by focusing on the broken, sick, and outcasts, showcasing his willingness to use the imperfect to spread the kingdom of God.

Shownotes Transcript

Chapter 5 of Heroes in the Bible: Jesus) with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by the Gospels.

The Outcasts - Jesus’ teaching goes viral, and he begins ministering to the broken, sick, and the outcasts. This episode showcases the slow-build of Jesus’ popularity, as well as his willingness to use the broken and imperfect to spread the kingdom of God.

Today's opening prayer is inspired by John 3:16,* For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.*

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