cover of episode Chapter 23: Go Therefore
Tony Evans博士
祈祷者:表达了对耶稣升天后赐下圣灵的感谢,并祈求圣灵的引导和帮助,使一切所做的事都能超自然地完成。 Tony Evans博士:分享了耶稣升天与大使命的故事,鼓励听众以积极的心态迎接新的挑战,并以耶稣为榜样,克服一切困难,完成上帝的使命。同时,也解释了圣灵的重要性以及山在圣经中的象征意义。 耶稣:向门徒们发出大使命,预言了圣灵的降临和随之而来的能力,并承诺永远与门徒同在。 叙述者:讲述了摩西与上帝相遇的故事,以及耶稣与门徒最后的晚餐和耶稣升天的场景,展现了上帝的权能和耶稣对门徒的爱与关怀。 两位天使:鼓励门徒专注于传扬福音,耶稣将会以同样的方式再来。

Deep Dive

Jesus' departure leads to the promise of the Holy Spirit, empowering believers for supernatural tasks and guiding them into all truth.

Shownotes Transcript


Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28 20 Dear Jesus, when you left the disciples, you promised one of the greatest comforters that will ever be, and that is your Holy Spirit. In the same way the disciples waited in expectation for your Holy Spirit,

I too will wait in expectation each and every morning for your Spirit to rest on my mind and heart. With the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, I know that whatever I put my hands to will go from natural to supernatural. No matter what I do, I will not move until I feel your supernatural hand upon me.

I will not speak unless my words are empowered by your Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus, that you haven't left me by myself. Thank you that even when you ascended to heaven, you cared enough about our lives to give us the one who puts power behind your word, the Holy Spirit. As I grow in my faith, Holy Spirit, teach me and lead me into all truth. In Jesus' name, amen.

Stay tuned to immerse yourself in the greatest stories ever told from's podcast, Heroes in the Bible. Hi, I'm Dr. Tony Evans, your host for Heroes in the Bible, Jesus. If you've enjoyed this podcast so far, please share it with your family and friends so that they can know Jesus Christ in a personal way, because knowing Jesus is the key to understanding the Bible.

Welcome to the greatest story ever told. It is the story of a shepherd's heart for his sheep, a father's love for his children, and a hero's triumph over death and darkness. This is a story that continues to shape and mold the world around us, bringing the divine heart of God right into the hearts of you and me. This is our final episode together. Throughout this episode, we get the sense that although Jesus is leaving, things are going to change for the better.

His departure is a sign of hope, not sorrow. And the disciples are left with a grand and beautiful mission. The commission Jesus leaves the disciples is also for us. As our final story unfolds, put yourself in the disciples' shoes. Take Jesus' words as an invitation to a grand adventure. I have enjoyed going through the series with you.

I pray that the life and ministry of Jesus impacted you in some way. I find it impossible to interact with the story of Jesus and leave unchanged. My encouragement for you as we embark on our last episode is to have hope. Have hope that the compassion, kindness, and miracles of Jesus can live on through you and me. There is no cultural way, political power, or toxic ideology that can thwart the work of God. Take heart today and follow the example of the disciples.

Great and miraculous things await those who put their faith and hope in Jesus. This episode begins like all the others, with a prelude. We will visit Moses as he speaks to God through the burning bush. The call of Moses was grand and terrifying at the same time. He was called to liberate an entire nation from the bonds of a tyrant. He, like many of us, felt unqualified and afraid. But God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called.

Let's finish well together. After the end of this episode, I will give you some parting thoughts and prayers. Here is episode 23, Go Therefore. Every sandwich has bread. Every burger has a bun. But these warm, golden, smooth steamed buns? These are special. Reserved for the very best. The Filet-O-Fish. And you. You can have them too.

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It was midday, and the wind was whistling through the canyons above the camp of Jethro. Soft green grass lay gently on the mountain's edge, and Moses' sheep were grazing in peace. Moses laid in the field next to his sheep, enjoying the mild sun shining through cracks in the canyons. Then Moses saw a light flickering in the distance. He perked his head up and approached the light with trepidation.

Around the corner he found a blazing fire engulfing a tree. The fire raged and swayed to the wind above, yet the tree was not consumed or burned. "Moses," the tree whispered. "Moses." Moses stepped forward. "Here I am." Moses stopped. The ground near the tree was beating with power. It was as if the mountain had a beating heart.

He looked up to see the tree standing with power and majesty. The flames whistled around the tree like doves. Why isn't the tree burning? Moses whispered to himself. He took another step, but the tree spoke again, saying, Do not come any closer. Take off your sandals, for the ground on which you stand is holy ground. Moses did as he was commanded, now standing in amazement before the flame.

Who are you? Moses asked. I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. When Moses heard this, he covered his face and fell to his knees. He now fully understood he was in the presence of the Most, the Creator of the heavens and earth. The fire pulsated to the rhythm of his voice. I have seen the oppression of my people.

They are in bondage under the hard fist of Egypt, have heard their cries, have come to redeem them from darkness and to lead them out of slavery. I will bring them to a new land, a land flowing with milk and honey. Moses knelt in awe. Beside him was the living God. His voice was like the sound of a thousand rushing waters. He spoke to the heart of Moses and said,

"Go therefore to Pharaoh, for I am sending you to lead my people out of Egypt." Moses backed away from the tree and stood to his feet. He opened up his arms and said, "Who am I to stand before the king of Egypt? You must have the wrong man." Moses had grown up in Egypt and knew their power. Furthermore, he was also a member of the royal family that oppressed God's people for generations.

He did not feel worthy of the task, nor did he want to leave his home. Surrounded by light, God spoke. Do not be afraid, my child. Behold, be with you. If I do go, whom shall I say sent me? Moses asked in fear. The fire flickered and grew larger. Its radiance was like the rising sun, and the voice illuminated from the flames boldly.

I am that I am. He said with power. Say it is I am. Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. This is my name forever.

and I will be remembered throughout all generations." So Moses departed down the mountain. He looked at his sheep trailing behind him. There were more sheep who needed to be tended to. There were people captive and in need of a shepherd. Moses left with purpose, power, and love for his people. He empowered him to march down that mountain and reclaim the people of God.

He knew he was not alone. God of his ancestors walked beside him. The great I Am was prepared to go before him. Chapter 23 Go, therefore, together again. Jesus and the eleven disciples reclined at a small table enjoying a meal. The room was small and humble. The wooden table was old and rickety, and the fireplace was worn and weathered from years of use. Yet there was joy in the room.

The disciples' laughter shook the four walls. Jesus watched his disciples laugh, bicker, eat, and pray. Their joy was complete in light of Christ's resurrection. Now, there was only one thing left for Jesus to do. He would leave them again, but this time it would not be a sorrowful or mysterious goodbye. It would be filled with hope and promise.

Jesus had completed the work necessary for them to thrive and scatter throughout the nations. He took a sip from his cup and set it down. Clearing his throat, he lifted his voice for them to hear. "You did not believe those who claimed I had risen from the dead, did you?" Jesus asked. The eleven men looked at Jesus. Feeling convicted that they had not known sooner, Jesus smiled and shook his head. "Be mindful of this, my dear children.

Soon you will be proclaiming my resurrection, and people will not want to believe you either. You have seen me and believed, yet blessed are those who have not seen me and still believe. What are you going to do now? James asked Jesus. We are eager to follow you. Jesus looked around the room. The men were awaiting a new mission. They were anticipating a revolution of some sorts, with Jesus at the front.

However, Jesus was about to shift their expectations yet again. Now we go into the world. Jesus responded, You will proclaim the gospel to my creation and reconcile their hearts to God. You will be my ambassadors on the earth, proclaiming the coming kingdom. People will believe in me and be saved. However, many will reject me and be condemned. Where do we begin? Peter asked eagerly.

With faith, Peter. Jesus said softly, There will be many signs and wonders you will behold, yet you must wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. He will guide you into all truth. With him counseling you, you will be able to cast out demons, speak in new tongues, and be immune to the poisons of this world. You will lay hands on the sick, as I have, and they will be healed. Yet it all begins with faith. With these words, Jesus stood to his feet.

He breathed in deeply and embraced his disciples. "Meet me on the mountain above Galilee," he whispered. As he had several times before, he vanished into thin air. "Every sandwich has bread, every burger has a bun, but these warm, golden, smooth steam buns? These are special, reserved for the very best. The Filet-O-Fish and you, you can have them too."


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John smiled and ran out the door towards the mountains. Being the youngest, he was filled with youthful energy that was infectious. The other disciples did not bring any packs or coats. They ran to the mountains behind John. As they weaved through the town of Galilee, many others began to follow. Jesus had revealed himself to over 500 people in the 40 days since his resurrection, and had called many to join him up on the mountain.

Men, women, and children all left their homes and workplaces to hike up to the place of meeting. It was later in the day, and the wind was whistling through the canyons above Galilee. Soft green grass lay gently on the mountain's edge. John was still running, while others jogged and walked behind him. The sun would be setting soon, and John did not want to miss what would happen next. Trailing close behind him was Peter.

The two of them scaled the rocks and took shortcuts. As if they were racing the sun, the two of them ran swiftly up the edge, up onto the plateau. They stopped and looked around in awe. The sun's rays were shooting out in a hundred directions, bouncing off the towns and valleys below. In front of them stood Jesus, looking out in the direction of Jerusalem. The gentle wind bustled around him. His robe and hair flew back in the wind.

and Jesus lifted his eyes to heaven, basking in the final hour of sunlight. The others made their way up the mountain. There was a palpable feeling of anticipation in the air as they all gathered before Jesus. The Son of God stood there on the mountain's edge. The radiance of the sun was nothing in comparison to his glory. Small slivers of light began to shine through his skin like flickering flames.

Hundreds of them bowed before Jesus. They sang His name and proclaimed His mighty works to the heavens. "Hallelujah!" they sang. "Hallelujah to the Son of David!" For the first time in history, a group of people gathered to worship the risen King. They sang His praises and spoke of His glory and grace. Their songs of hope and salvation would resonate for a thousand generations.

People of all creeds, cultures, and tongues would gather together for the sole purpose of worshiping the risen Christ. His name would be on their lips, and his mighty deeds would be proclaimed into the heavens. Peter stepped forward from the crowd. "My Lord," Peter stopped. The ground near Jesus was beating with power. It was as if the mountain had a beating heart. He looked up to see Jesus.

When Peter saw him, he covered his face and fell to his knees. He now fully understood he was in the presence of the Most High God, Elohim, the Creator of the heavens and earth. He was speaking to the Great Deliverer, the voice from the burning bush, the Great I Am. Where he was standing was holy ground. He bowed before him and looked up. Jesus?

Is it time for you to restore the kingdom of Israel? Peter asked. Is it time for you to take the throne of David and claim your authority? Jesus looked down at Peter and walked towards him. The earth beneath him rippled with each step. The air around him was warm and inviting. From his voice resonated the very power of God. Authority?

Jesus asked. "All authority I have, Peter, I give to you. You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth." Jesus looked to the crown and raised his arms. "All authority in heaven and on earth is mine. I hold the very power of the universe in my hands, the power to transform and save."

Jesus' voice grew louder, and the clouds around him began to illuminate with light. The crowd looked behind Jesus to see the sun holding its place on the horizon. It became impossible to tell where the light was coming from. The sunset, the clouds, or Jesus himself, like a thousand raging waters. Jesus' voice poured forth to his followers. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.

Matthew gazed upon Jesus. He noticed that Jesus' feet were rising above the ground. Matthew realized. Matthew ran to Jesus and fell at his feet beside Peter. The eleven disciples fell to their knees and watched as the Son of God rose above them.

Teach others to observe what I have taught you, Jesus said, to love, to obey, to sacrifice, and to serve. Master, no! Matthew shouted. Tears streamed down his face. He was frightened. He did not want to be away from the presence of Jesus. In him he had found hope, power, and acceptance. All of the disciples raised their eyes in awe of the risen God.

The heavens cracked open and the light of the Lord burst forth like a stream of living water. It fell from the skies and enveloped Jesus. Surrounded by light, Jesus smiled. Do not be afraid, my children. Behold, I will be with you always, even to the end of time. As he said this, the light enveloped him and he disappeared into the skies like a vapor. The sun's rays retreated back into the horizon.

and the clouds disappeared into the skies. Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God, the Great I AM, had gone to be with His Father in the heavens. There He would prepare a place for them. He would map out the course of eternity with them in mind. The King of Kings would be the architect of His kingdom on earth and in heaven. The disciples awed up in the skies as the orange hues of sunset turned darker.

Two voices interrupted their gaze, saying, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking to heaven? You have a calling to fulfill." The disciples looked at the place where Jesus once stood. In his place were two men, clothed in white robes. They smiled and stretched out their arms. "Jesus has been taken up into his dwelling place. He will come back in the same manner. Be watchful," they said. Peter nodded in agreement.

He looked at the other ten disciples. He looked at James and John. He nodded to Andrew, his brother, and Philip. He placed his hand on Bartholomew and gathered Matthew, Thomas, and James, the son of Alphaeus. Thaddeus and Simon came in close as well. Peter felt a deep fire within his belly. Jesus had gone, but he was still present. His spirit dwelled within him, ready to guide, convict, and empower him.

Peter and the ten disciples looked to Jerusalem in the distance. The wind howled as the final hints of light disappeared. Peter closed his eyes, remembering the words Jesus spoke to him by the fire. "Tend to my sheep." Peter opened his eyes and marched down. There were sheep who needed to be tended to. There were people lost in need of a shepherd. The disciples left with purpose, power, and love for God's people.

He empowered them to march down that mountain and reclaim the people of God. They knew they were not alone. The God of their ancestors walked beside them. The Great I AM was with them. All the nations would soon hear the story of the Good Shepherd, the Hero of Scripture, the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

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There we have it, a beautiful end to a beautiful story, the final page in a brilliant book. But it doesn't feel like the end, does it? That's because it isn't. The departure of Jesus isn't the end of anything, but the beginning of everything. Jesus' ascension into heaven hearkens to the dawn of a new era. The Son of God left, making room for the Spirit of God to dwell and work among his followers.

This episode wasn't somber like the crucifixion because Jesus' departure wasn't a death, but a sign of new life. He left to prepare a place for us, and we have his spirit dwelling in and among us for the mission ahead. God never gives his commission without first giving us his comfort. Jesus tended to his disciples' hearts before giving them the ultimate mission. He reminded them of his love, power, and presence before calling them to go and make disciples.

You and I can take heart that God wants to supply us with all the strength necessary to perform his purposes. He won't leave us alone and confused.

That is why we need His Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth, directs our course, convicts us of sin, and challenges us to live up to our calling. Jesus said in John 16, I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Spirit will not come to you. But if I go, I will send Him to you. Jesus said it was better that He depart so that He might have the Holy Spirit in His place.

After Jesus comforted and spent time with his disciples, he said, meet me on the mountain above Galilee. We have talked about a few different images that are commonly used in scripture. Mountains are common motifs used by God. The ancient Hebrews believed that Eden was set on a high place where heaven and earth converged in beautiful harmony.

That is why many major events in the Bible took place on mountains. Noah's Ark settled on a mountain after the flood. Abraham marched up a mountain to sacrifice Isaac. In our prelude, Moses met the burning bush tucked between two canyons and a mountain. Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. David captured the area known as Mount Zion where the temple was built. Elijah called fire down from heaven on Mount Carmel.

Jesus' greatest sermon on the kingdom of God was given on a mountain. Jesus was transfigured on a mountain and his glory was shown to Peter, James, and John. Jesus was arrested to die on the Mount of Olives. Jesus marched up a hill of Golgotha to die for the sins of humanity. And finally, on the mountain range of Galilee, Jesus ascended into heaven. The Bible is our mountain, a high place for us to meet God and hear from the heart of heaven.

500 people witnessed the risen Lord, and many of them met with the disciples on the mountain to see Jesus depart. On the high place where heaven and earth converge, the first church service took place.

They sang his name and proclaimed his mighty works to the heavens. Hallelujah, they sang. Hallelujah to the son of David. For the first time in history, a group of people gathered to worship the risen king. They sang his praises and spoke of his glory and grace. Their songs of hope and salvation would resonate for a thousand generations.

People of all creeds, cultures, and tongues would gather together for the sole purpose of worshiping the risen Christ. His name would be on their lips and his mighty deeds would be proclaimed into the heavens. Every time you and I meet at church or in our homes to worship, we are attempting to capture a moment like this, where our songs to God unite us and our love for Jesus empowers us.

When the singing was finished, the mountains began to tremble. We were taken back to the prelude when the presence of God was tangible and spectacular. Jesus began his ascension, giving his disciples one final charge.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This calling is carried out by you and me every day with every act of compassion, moment of love, and intentional conversation. We do not embark on this mission alone. We have the comforting presence of Jesus in our hearts, and we have the community of God in our lives. Hallelujah. Thank you for joining me on this journey through the life and ministry of Jesus.

I know in my heart that nobody can interact with the story of Jesus and leave unchanged in some way.

I pray these stories of God's goodness and glory have encouraged your hearts and enriched your souls. I pray and hope you learn more about God's love and his plan for the nations. I also pray you take on the character of Jesus moving forward every day to make an impact like he did. May the God of all creation bless you, keep you, and empower you for the journey ahead. May his grace give you strength and may his truth convict your heart. Amen.

Thank you again for joining me on this incredible series about Jesus. For more inspiring stories, daily prayers, and wisdom to last a lifetime, go to And to expand your Heroes in the Bible journey, download the Heroes of the Faith devotional at forward slash heroes.

Share this podcast with a family member or friend so they can know Jesus Christ in a personal way. You never know how great of an impact the Bible and this podcast can have on someone's life. God bless.

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