cover of episode Chapter 18: It Is Finished

Chapter 18: It Is Finished

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Heroes in the Bible with Dr. Tony Evans

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Tony Evans博士
旁白/祈祷者:通过祈祷,表达了对耶稣牺牲的敬意,并承诺效仿西蒙,背负生命重担完成使命。祈祷者也表达了将生命献给上帝,并将希望带给他人,即使面对生活的挑战的决心。他相信耶稣的死与埋葬象征着战胜撒旦的最终胜利。 Tony Evans博士:本集讲述了耶稣受难的故事,强调了耶稣的牺牲是为了人类,即使只有一个人需要拯救,他也会这样做。他将耶稣的受难与大卫与歌利亚的故事联系起来,认为大卫预示了基督最终战胜死亡。他详细描述了耶稣受审、受鞭打、钉十字架以及受难的全过程,并解释了耶稣的死并非受害,而是为了战胜罪恶和死亡。他分析了彼拉多审判耶稣的过程,以及民众对耶稣的态度转变,并探讨了耶稣受难的预言意义以及他与周围人的互动,例如,他与十字架上的强盗和母亲的互动。最后,他总结了耶稣受难的意义,以及他将要复活的事实。

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Jesus' final act of defiance against death is a powerful testament to his commitment to his mission, reflecting his deep devotion to God and his willingness to endure suffering for the salvation of others.

Shownotes Transcript

Chapter 18 of Heroes in the Bible: Jesus) with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by the Gospels.

It is Finished - In a final act of defiance against death, Jesus marches up to the place of the skull. This is the climax of all history, the focal point of scripture, and the ultimate blessing of mankind.

Today's opening prayer is inspired by John 19:30,* When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.*

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