cover of episode Chapter 10: God or Ghost
Dr. Tony Evans
本集以约翰洗礼者之死为开篇,对比了希律王的滥用权力与耶稣的仁爱。希律王为满足私欲杀害约翰,而耶稣则不断地用他的能力去祝福那些需要帮助的人。 耶稣在前往睚鲁家的途中,医治了一位患病十二年的妇女,以及睚鲁垂死的女儿。这两个故事都突显了耶稣对个人需求的关注,以及人们对耶稣的信心和不同的寻求方式。妇女默默地、执着地试图触摸耶稣的衣裳,而睚鲁则大声呼喊,不顾一切地寻求耶稣的帮助。 这两个故事也预示了彼得在水面上行走的故事。妇女始终注视着耶稣,而彼得则在转移视线后开始下沉。这提醒我们,无论环境如何,都必须将目光始终放在耶稣身上。 耶稣医治了两个瞎子,他们称耶稣为“大卫的子孙”,承认了耶稣作为弥赛亚的身份。耶稣喂饱了五千人,用少量的食物创造了奇迹,这展现了上帝的大能,以及上帝能够使用任何事物来成就他的目的。 最后,耶稣在水面上行走,彼得也尝试走在水上,但因将目光从耶稣身上移开而下沉。这象征着耶稣拥有战胜一切困难的力量,而人类则需要依靠耶稣才能克服自身的弱点和罪恶。彼得的经历完整地展现了人类的体验:从信心到绝望,再到最终的救赎。

Deep Dive

The episode explores the contrast between King Herod's misuse of power and Jesus' benevolent use, setting the stage for stories of healing and faith.

Shownotes Transcript

Chapter 10 of Heroes in the Bible: Jesus) with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by the Gospels.

God or Ghost? - Jesus is rejected in his own city but embraced by the blind, mute, and hurting. The story of Jesus picks up with people desperately seeking him for healing and help, yet in his own country he is rejected and has to flee for his life.

Today's opening prayer is inspired by Matthew 14:29,* And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.*

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