cover of episode Chapter 07: A Dowry of Blood

Chapter 07: A Dowry of Blood

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Heroes in the Bible with Dr. Tony Evans

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Dr. Tony Evans
Matthew Potter
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
Dr. Tony Evans: 本集讲述了扫罗对大卫日益增长的嫉妒,以及大卫在战场上屡获胜利的故事。扫罗试图通过各种手段除掉大卫,包括用矛攻击他,将他置于危险的战场,以及要求他提供非利士人的阴茎作为彩礼。然而,大卫每次都能化险为夷,并最终赢得了百姓的爱戴。本集也展现了约拿单和大卫之间深厚的友谊,以及大卫与米甲之间爱情的萌芽。通过约瑟被兄弟抛弃的故事,本集也强调了嫉妒的破坏性。 Dr. Tony Evans: 本集的重点在于扫罗的嫉妒以及大卫的回应。扫罗的嫉妒源于他对王位的恐惧和对自身能力的怀疑,他将大卫的成功视为对自身权威的挑战。而大卫则始终保持谦卑和忠诚,即使面对扫罗的迫害,也从未放弃对上帝的信仰和对以色列百姓的守护。大卫与约拿单的兄弟情谊也成为了本集的亮点,展现了真挚友谊的力量。 Matthew Potter: 本集开头和结尾的广告部分介绍了美国基督教信用合作社和一些赞助商。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the deadly impact of jealousy on heroes like David and Joseph, highlighting how their rise to prominence attracts enemies and complicates family dynamics.

Shownotes Transcript

Chapter 07 of Heroes in the Bible: David) with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by 1 Samuel 18.

A Dowry of Blood - As the people shout and chant the mighty name of David, the prideful heart of Saul descends further into a jealous rage. David grows close to the family of Saul. He falls in love and has the opportunity to marry Saul’s daughter. However, the dowry Saul asks for may be a dearth sentence.

Today's opening prayer is inspired by Psalm 46:10,* Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.*

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