cover of episode 90: Trapped: Man Kept Family in Secret Room For Years Waiting For The End Of The World

90: Trapped: Man Kept Family in Secret Room For Years Waiting For The End Of The World

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Heart Starts Pounding: Horrors, Hauntings and Mysteries

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Kayla Moore
以色列·冯·多尔斯滕:讲述了他和五个兄弟姐妹被父亲哈里特·范·多尔斯滕囚禁在地下室九年,并被告知他们是世界上仅存的人的故事。他详细描述了父亲的极端信仰、精神控制、身体和精神虐待以及母亲的去世对家庭的影响。他最终决定逃离,并寻求警方的帮助,最终成功解救了家人。 Kayla Moore:对事件进行叙述和评论,补充了背景信息,例如哈里特·范·多尔斯滕的信仰体系,以及他与韩国统一教会的关系。她还介绍了其他家庭成员的经历,以及他们对事件的不同反应。 哈里特·范·多尔斯滕:哈里特·范·多尔斯滕的观点主要通过以色列的叙述和警方的调查来展现。他坚信自己是基督的再来,并肩负着建立人间伊甸园的使命,这导致了他对家庭的极端控制和虐待。 约瑟夫·布鲁纳:作为哈里特·范·多尔斯滕的帮凶,约瑟夫·布鲁纳协助他囚禁家人,并对家庭的隔离和隐蔽起到了关键作用。他的行为在事件中扮演了重要的角色,最终他也受到了法律的制裁。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Harit van Dorsten keep his family in isolation?

Harit believed he was the second coming of Christ and responsible for building God's world on Earth, which he referred to as Eden. He isolated his family to protect them from the 'evil influence of the outside world' and to keep them focused on their mission.

How did Harit van Dorsten justify the abuse he inflicted on his children?

Harit believed in a system where children were 'under' the influence of evil spirits. He used physical and psychological abuse to 'cleanse' them of these spirits, often isolating them for extended periods and subjecting them to severe punishments.

What role did Joseph play in the family's isolation?

Joseph was a handyman and friend of Harit who helped facilitate the family's isolation. He built secret extensions and nooks for the children to be isolated in, managed the family's supplies, and installed security measures to keep the family hidden from the outside world.

How did Israel finally break free from his father's control?

Israel used a secret computer to connect with the outside world and eventually bought a smartphone to contact authorities. After months of planning, he sneaked out of the farmhouse and sought help from a local pub, leading to his rescue by the police.

What was the aftermath of Israel's escape for the family?

The police raided the farmhouse, arrested Harit and Joseph, and placed the remaining siblings in protective custody. Harit was later released due to his inability to stand trial, but was eventually relocated to a state-run facility after further allegations of misconduct. Joseph was sentenced to three years in prison for imprisonment.

How did Israel's relationship with his siblings evolve after his escape?

Israel initially feared alienation from his siblings, but eventually reconciled with them. Some younger siblings continued to adhere to their father's beliefs, but Israel maintained a good relationship with all of them and focused on rebuilding his life, studying sociology, and pursuing writing.

Israel and his siblings were kept in a secret room by their father, Harit, who believed they were the only people left in the world. This chapter sets the stage by detailing the initial encounter with Israel at the bar and his plea for help.
  • Israel walked into a pub in Ruinerwold and revealed he had been kept underground for 9 years.
  • The bartender called the police, initiating the investigation into the family's situation.
  • Israel's story is unlike any other, involving a family who thought they were the last people on Earth.

Shownotes Transcript

In 2019, a 25-year-old man walked into a pub in Ruinerwold. He told the bartender that his father had kept him and his 5 siblings underground for the last 9 years, and told them they were the only people left in the world.

TW: Child Abuse, reference of sexual abuse

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