cover of episode Asian Koel aka Uwu Bird (Reissue)

Asian Koel aka Uwu Bird (Reissue)

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Hear. Here. Singapore.

Shownotes Transcript

It's the bird that everyone hates, because of it's annoying call: the Asian Koel starts calling for a mate from as early as 5am, and it's wail has been described as u-wu / oo-oh / ooh-whoo: whichever way you spell it, Singaporeans aren't fans, and some 600 call NParks to complain every year. But did you know that the Asian Koel does do one thing that we should love it for?

Read more about Asian Koels in Singapore: 

Wikipedia - Asian Keol)

NParks - Asian Koels)

Singapore Birds Project - Asian Koel)

Recorded with our Sony PCM-D10

To learn more, visit our website Hear.Here.Singapore.)

#stereol #sonypcmd10 #D10 #singapore #asiankoel #uwubird #immersivesound 

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