cover of episode Don't Scrape Me, Bro + The Activists Sabotaging Self-Driving Cars + How Reddit Beat a Rebellion

Don't Scrape Me, Bro + The Activists Sabotaging Self-Driving Cars + How Reddit Beat a Rebellion

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Hard Fork

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Casey Newton
Kevin Russo
Kevin Russo 和 Casey Newton:生成式AI引发的反噬正在加剧,人们开始组织起来反对AI对创意产业的使用,并对数据如何被用于训练AI模型拥有发言权。围绕AI数据使用的战争中,本周出现了三个事件,都与网络爬取和抓取有关。Zoom更新的服务条款允许公司使用用户内容来训练AI模型,引发了强烈反弹,Zoom迅速回应,表示在未经用户同意的情况下,不会使用客户内容来训练AI模型。一个名为Prosecraft的网站未经授权使用25000多本书的内容进行语言分析,引发作者抗议并被迫下线。OpenAI允许网站运营者阻止其网络爬虫,但这可能为时已晚,因为OpenAI可能已经抓取了大部分公开网络数据。人们对AI工具的价值交换缺乏清晰的认识,因为他们担心数据会被用于自动化工作岗位,而且许多AI工具需要付费订阅。 Adam Egelman 和 Ming-Wei Samuel:Safe Street Rebel是一个致力于通过直接行动对抗汽车和监狱的组织。他们对自动驾驶汽车采取直接行动的原因是他们感到在面对不受民主选举管辖的机构和资金雄厚的公司时无能为力。他们反对自动驾驶汽车的原因是其未能解决其声称要解决的问题,例如安全问题和减少汽车拥有量。如果自动驾驶汽车能够以公共交通工具的形式存在,例如自动驾驶公交车或货车,他们可能会减少反对。他们反对自动驾驶汽车的原因还包括其对劳动力的负面影响,以及其可能导致的剥削问题。他们主张禁止汽车,因为他们认为无论汽车是否为电动车或有人驾驶,都需要减少街道上的汽车数量,以应对气候变化问题。他们认为,一个没有汽车的城市将更加安静、清洁、易于通行和安全。他们认为,他们反对自动驾驶汽车的运动并非徒劳,因为人们正在重新认识到过去反对汽车运动的合理性。他们担心自动驾驶汽车公司与警方合作,并持续记录人们的行为,这会对社会产生负面影响。他们否认自己是卢德分子,他们更关心的是劳动、剥削和隐私问题。 Kevin Russo:Reddit成功地平息了用户对其API更改的抗议活动。Reddit通过威胁撤换版主等方式平息了抗议活动。Reddit对抗议活动做出了让步,但同时也采取了强硬措施,例如更换版主。Reddit通过更换版主等方式成功平息了抗议活动,这表明了中心化网络的优势。

Deep Dive

The podcast discusses the growing backlash against AI data scraping, focusing on incidents involving Zoom, Prosecraft, and OpenAI's web crawler, highlighting concerns about data privacy and consent.

Shownotes Transcript

Users are protesting Zoom’s liberal data-collection policy. Authors are shutting down websites that scrape their work. And, in a concession to users, OpenAI is allowing websites to opt out of web scraping. The era of A.I. backlash has begun.

Then, street activists are deterring self-driving cars by placing traffic cones on the hoods of vehicles.

Plus: How Reddit has squashed the Reddit Revolt.

Today’s Guests:

  • Adam Egelman and Mingwei Samuel are organizers with Safe Street Rebel, an activist group trying to get cars off the streets.

Additional Reading:

  • The publication StackDiary exposed) that Zoom’s updated terms of service permitted the training of artificial-intelligence models on user content.
  • Benji Smith took down his website, a database that contained the works of over 25,000 books, after authors discovered that their works were being used to power the website without their consent.