cover of episode Do You Need a New iPhone? + Yuval Noah Harari’s A.I. Fears + Hard Fork Crimes Division

Do You Need a New iPhone? + Yuval Noah Harari’s A.I. Fears + Hard Fork Crimes Division

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Hard Fork

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Casey Noon
Kevin Russo
Yuval Noah Harari
Casey Noon: 本期节目讨论了苹果公司最新发布的iPhone及其AI功能,并对这些功能的实用性和升级必要性进行了分析。Casey认为,苹果公司更关注人们对其人工智能的评价,而非其产品的评价,新iPhone上宣布的大部分人工智能功能不会立即上线,一些功能可能要到10月份或更晚才会推出,因此,是否需要升级iPhone取决于个人需求,如果需要使用Apple Intelligence功能,或者需要更好的相机和更多存储空间,则建议升级,但如果对这些功能没有迫切需求,也可以继续使用旧款iPhone。 Kevin Russo: Kevin则从不同角度分析了新iPhone的功能,例如AirPods Pro 2作为助听器的功能,Apple Watch检测睡眠呼吸暂停的功能,以及iPhone相机的新功能等,并对这些功能的社会影响和未来发展趋势进行了预测。 Yuval Noah Harari: Yuval Noah Harari则表达了对人工智能风险的担忧,他认为人工智能技术既有积极的潜力,也有潜在的危险,历史经验表明,新技术的应用过程可能代价高昂,需要谨慎对待。他认为,算法并非没有责任,在缅甸的种族清洗运动中,Facebook算法在其中扮演了推波助澜的角色,但人类决策者也负有重大责任。他呼吁对人工智能进行更严格的监管,并增加对人工智能安全的投资,以确保人工智能技术能够安全、负责任地应用于社会。 Yuval Noah Harari: Yuval Noah Harari在节目中分享了他对人工智能的看法,他认为人工智能技术既有积极的潜力,也有潜在的危险。他回顾了历史上的信息技术革命,指出信息越多并不意味着事情会变得更好,印刷术的发明并没有立即导致科学革命,反而导致了宗教战争和巫术迫害的加剧。他认为,在缅甸的种族清洗运动中,Facebook算法助长了仇恨言论的传播,算法对事件的责任仅占1%,而人类(主要是缅甸的人类)应承担99%的责任。他呼吁对人工智能进行更严格的监管,并增加对人工智能安全的投资,以确保人工智能技术能够安全、负责任地应用于社会。他认为,呼吁暂停人工智能发展可能并非错误,但时机可能过早,或者说已经太迟了,因为民主制度正在崩溃,而人们尚未准备好理解人工智能可能造成的威胁。他认为,为了规范人工智能,需要让公司对其算法的行为负责,并禁止机器人伪装成人类参与对话。他还谈到了自己对技术的看法,他表示自己使用人工智能进行翻译,并对人工智能技术在语言处理方面的进步感到惊讶,但他同时也强调了需要谨慎使用技术,避免被技术所利用。

Deep Dive

Apple's latest event revealed new iPhones, AirPods, and Apple Watches. While the AirPods offer hearing aid features and the Apple Watch can detect sleep apnea, the iPhone 16's AI features are not immediately available, leaving the upgrade decision up to individual needs and preferences.
  • AirPods Pro 2 will function as hearing aids.
  • Apple Watch can detect sleep apnea.
  • iPhone 16's AI features will roll out later.
  • Upgrade cycle for iPhones is lengthening.

Shownotes Transcript

Apple unveiled its latest gadgets at its big September event on Monday. We discuss the most interesting new features — including AirPods that can function as hearing aids and Apple Watch software that can help detect sleep apnea — and offer our advice on when to buy a new iPhone. Then, the best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari joins us to discuss his new book and his biggest fears about A.I. And finally, we crack open some criminal cases in a new segment we’re calling the Hard Fork Crimes Division. We’ll explain how one man made $10 million by manipulating music streaming services and how online instructions for building a 3D-printed gun have ended up in the hands of criminals around the world.



  • Yuval Noah Harari, author of “Sapiens,” “Homo Deus” and “Nexus.”


Additional Reading:


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