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Landing the Plane

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Hacks On Tap

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David Axelrod
Mike Murphy
David Axelrod:本次选举至关重要,当前形势对他们有利。特朗普在赛尔策民调公布后显得低迷且怀旧,选情正在发生转变。特朗普团队内部矛盾重重,情况如同柏林1945年。特朗普认为纪律与获胜无关,这可能导致他失败。哈里斯的谨慎在竞选后期成为优势,而特朗普的轻率则在损害他。选举形势并非一成不变,而是动态变化的。特朗普的集会参与度和热情都在下降,其行为也反映出其精疲力尽的状态。特朗普在集会上表现出混乱和不连贯,并暗示对选举结果的担忧。特朗普在集会上将媒体称为“假新闻”,并暗示对媒体的暴力行为。特朗普的行为正在螺旋式下降,其竞选团队可能犯了安排过多集会的错误。特朗普的言论中存在暴力倾向,反复表达对敌人的暴力幻想是不正常的。Telegram上的讨论显示出潜在的选举日及之后暴力风险。如果哈里斯赢得佐治亚州和北卡罗来纳州,特朗普将面临严重困境。许多民调机构为了避免出错而调整数据,导致结果不够准确。需要关注的是是否存在一部分女性选民正在放弃对特朗普的支持。 Mike Murphy:预测哪位候选人感觉自己会赢是一个技巧问题。在选情胶着的最后阶段,地面战和候选人的表现至关重要。许多美国人在最后时刻才开始关注选举。哈里斯的谨慎和特朗普的轻率形成了鲜明对比,这在竞选后期对结果有重大影响。特朗普的团队成员可能因其过激行为而受到批评,其团队试图控制其过激言行。选情虽然胶着,但选情氛围正在发生重大转变。特朗普的消极情绪也影响了他的支持者,其消极情绪影响了他的整个支持者群体。赛尔策民调显示特朗普在爱荷华州落后,尤其是在老年女性群体中。赛尔策民调使用了传统的电话调查方式,结果更值得信赖。民调结果并非绝对准确,但方向性仍然具有参考意义。许多共和党人公开反对特朗普,这支持了赛尔策民调的结果。爱荷华州独特的政治环境可能也影响了民调结果,爱荷华州的堕胎禁令可能影响了民调结果,并且受到了广泛关注。民调机构可能低估了哈里斯的支持率,赛尔策民调负责人批评了Emerson民调的方法。许多民调机构担心成为异类,因此调整数据。电话调查比网络调查更难获得样本。赛尔策民调使用的是传统的电话调查方法,并根据人口普查数据进行加权。许多民调机构在样本不足的情况下,会通过调整数据来弥补。对民调结果的过度解读可能会导致错误的结论。赛尔策民调的结果与堪萨斯州和俄亥俄州的民调结果相似,堪萨斯州和俄亥俄州的民调结果也显示特朗普的支持率低于预期。赛尔策民调可能预示着重大变化,可能预示着选举结果的重大转变。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Trump's lack of discipline seen as a potential liability in the final days of the campaign?

Trump's lack of discipline, characterized by his unscripted riffs and lack of caution, is reinforcing the negative message against him. His incaution is seen as detrimental to his campaign, potentially leading to his defeat.

How does the Iowa Seltzer poll differ from other polls in its methodology?

The Iowa Seltzer poll relies heavily on telephone calls, which allows for higher completion rates compared to digital methods. This old-school approach is seen as more reliable in Iowa, where phone polling is still effective.

What are the key factors influencing the shift in Iowa's polling numbers?

The six-week abortion ban in Iowa and the extensive media coverage of its impact on people's lives are major factors. Additionally, the gender gap, particularly among senior women and independent women, is playing a significant role.

Why might some pollsters be adjusting their methodologies to avoid being outliers?

Pollsters may be adjusting their methodologies to avoid being outliers due to the fear of being wrong, especially after the polling industry's perceived failures in 2016 and 2020. This 'herding' tendency can lead to less accurate but more consensus-driven results.

What is the significance of the gender gap in the upcoming election?

The gender gap is crucial because women vote in greater numbers than men. If Harris's support among women is equal to or greater than Trump's among men, she is likely to win the state, as women's higher turnout can tip the balance.

What are the potential dangers of Trump's rhetoric about election irregularities?

Trump's rhetoric about election irregularities and claims of a stolen election can incite violence. His language, including fantasies about shooting enemies, is seen as dangerous and could lead to unrest, especially if the election is close.

How does the field operation differ between the two campaigns in battleground states?

Harris's campaign has extensive and energetic field operations in northern battleground states, while Trump's campaign lacks such a robust ground game. This difference could be a significant factor in voter mobilization and turnout.

What is the significance of African-American turnout in Georgia?

African-American turnout is crucial in Georgia. If it approaches or exceeds the 30% proportion of the total vote, it bodes well for Harris. Lower turnout could indicate a weaker performance for her in the state.

The hosts discuss the vibe shift in the campaign, Trump's low energy, and the impact of the Seltzer poll on the candidates' confidence.
  • Trump's low energy and wistful demeanor at rallies.
  • The Seltzer poll showing Trump losing Iowa by three points.
  • The contrast between Harris's discipline and Trump's incaution.

Shownotes Transcript

On the eve of the election, the excitement is palpable as voters get ready to cast their ballots. The Hacks gather for one last huddle, dissecting the campaign’s vibe shift, Trump’s latest missteps, and the buzz from the new Iowa Seltzer poll. They recap the whirlwind of the past ten days and Murphy throws in a bold prediction. Tune in to find out what they’re thinking—and don’t forget to make your voice heard and vote!