Dr. William Li is a world-renowned physician, scientist, and New York Times bestselling author, best known for his role as President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation. His work has led to more than 40 FDA-approved therapeutics and devices for cancer, cardiovascular disease, wound healing, and vision loss. Dr. Li examines “food as medicine” through molecular nutrition, which applies biology and biotechnology to understand not only the components of food, but how the body responds to what it is fed.
Top questions Dr. William Li answers in his work:
How do specific foods help support our body's natural defense systems?
Which foods are the most powerful in fighting diseases?
How can we incorporate these disease-fighting foods into our daily diet?
What is the role of the microbiome in our overall health, and how do certain foods influence it?
Can dietary changes help prevent or even reverse chronic diseases and improve overall health?
In our conversation, we go over the biggest myths that you may have about your metabolism, top superfoods we should adopt into our daily diet to reduce inflammation, live longer and stay lean, and more.
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Learn more about Dr. William Li:
Website: https://drwilliamli.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drwilliamli
Past guests on Growth Minds include: Robert Kiyosaki) (Rich Dad Poor Dad), Steve Aoki), Robert Greene), Dr. Jason Fung), Dr. Steven Gundry), Neil deGrasse Tyson), Dennis Rodman), Wim Hof), Robin Sharma), Vanessa Van Edwards), King Bach), Daniel Pink, Dr. William Davis, Doctor Mike, Lewis Howes (School of Greatness), Tom Bilyeu (Impact Theory), Andrew Yang, Dr. Paul Conti, Charles Hoskinson (Ethereum), Dr. Drew (After Dark), Jo Koy, Jordan Belfort (Wolf of Wall Street), Gad Saad, Adam Carolla, Louis the Child, Vishen Lakhiani (Mindvalley), Bret Weinstein (DarkHorse Podcast), James Nestor, Dave Rubin, Scott Adams (Real Coffee with Scott Adams), and more.