Grit ‘n’ Grace is refreshment for women worn out from following bad rules, working to keep everybody
What makes you feel loved and connected to someone else? We all can probably answer that question qu
t's hard to build strong connections in a crazy-busy world. Kathi Lipp reassures us that we already
It's easy to slip into creating a death-grip on the wheel of our lives. Sadly, our control manages G
It's hard for reforming perfectionists and people-pleasers to give up control! Shannon Popkin, auth
In processing their interview with Ginny Yttrup, Cheri and Amy dive into the central theme of her bo
In this interview with Ginny Yttrup, Christian fiction writer and author of Home, she shares how she
Our lives are shaped by our thoughts. That's a little scary, right? If we let our thoughts float thr
Even the strongest faith can become battered and start to sink when painful circumstances blindside
As Cheri and Amy processed last week's interview with Tricia Goyer, one of her quotes kept floating
Tricia Goyer, our guest this week, reached a crossroads years ago. Would she just study God's Word o
It's painful to think about, but the minute we're born, we also have a death sentence. How can we us
Are you looking into the future and facing an unknown? Because Heather Dixon lives with a life-alter
How do you define "rebellion"? Cheri and Amy were surprised by Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach's definit
There's nothing more "aha!" inspiring than a fresh perspective straight from the horses mouth! Cheri
In the end-cap episode of the Retrospect series, Amy & Cheri talk about a topic that most of us avoi
In a flash, our people can seem like obstacles instead of priorities. How can we make sure that the
Creating change is tough, and maintaining change is even harder. Amy & Cheri discuss the changes the
What happens when we shift our focus to God in ALL we do, including our work? Amy and Cheri discuss
Which of your dreams have been left in the dust? Cheri & Amy plan how to recapture lost dreams in 20
It's good news to know that we have a place to turn for ultimate solutions! Scripture holds the answ