Green Energy Futures

The CKUA Radio podcast of the series. The multi-media series is hosted by Davi


Total: 487

Solar is the fastest growing clean technology in the world and it grew 500% in Alberta in the last t

This Calgary passive house is warm and cozy in Calgary, Alberta where winters go to -30 Celsius. It'

Julia Pyper grew up in Milton, Ontario went to university in New York, worked on the "apocalypse" (c

Peter Koning is an oil and gas guy who's developed a passion for alternative energy. He started Ener

ReThinking Red Deer as sustainable–that's the mission of ReThink Red Deer that is at the heart of a

Red Deer, Alberta is now home to the large solar system on a college in Canada. Red Deer College sta

Greg Caldwell generates 80% of his own electricity and all of the heat for his hot water water right

When NAIT started its Alternative Energy Program in 2012 it was ahead of its time–since then solar a

Rae-Anne Wadey is a Face of the New Energy Economy. She was one of the first students of Alternative

CKUA's Green Energy Futures presents Brandon Sandmaier an oilsands heavy duty mechanic who retooled

This week on CKUA's Green Energy Futures we talk to Bevashish Paul CEO of BluWave AI, an Ottawa-base

Who wouldn't want to drive 10,000 km for $150 bucks? This week in Part II of our exclusive CKUA Gree

Solar with batteries are revolutionizing the grid in New Zealand. On this week's episode of @CKUA Ra

Going solar is good for business says a Calgary medical device manufacturer that exports products al

SolarShare founder Mike Brigham talks about the little solar co-operative he co-founded that has gro

Metamorphosis is the near-miraculous process of nature and it's the name of a new film by Canadian F

Riverdale Community League has embraced sustainability in their neighbourhood. It's powered by solar

Balance sheets are out of wack if they fail to account for natural capital, environmental liabilitie

Can incorporating well-being as an asset on the balance sheets of a nation improve our quality of li

193. Eco-Solar Home Tour


Ever wondered about going net-zero with your home? Curious about solar, heat pumps or geothermal sys