The award nominated and top 2.5 percent global ranked Grad School Femtoring Podcast provides first-g
In this episode, you'll get to enjoy a replay of one of my earliest episode, all about writing the s
This week our special guest is Jamaal Muwwakkil (he/him) who discusses the topic of contextualizing
In this solo episode, I share five specific budget-related tasks that you should complete before say
This week our special guest is Hazel Carías-Urbina (she/her) who discusses the topic of applying to
In this solo episode, I share the top eight episodes to listen to if you're applying to graduate sch
This week our special guest is Amanda Peña (she/her) who discusses the topic of advocating for yours
In this solo episode, Dra. Yvette shares essential information you need if you're thinking about sta
This week our special guest is Marisol Ibarra (she/her) who discusses the topic of adulting and life
In this episode, I share strategies for creating a dissertation writing timeline. The dissertation w
This week our special guest is Jacqueline Banegas-Abreu (she/her) who discusses the topic Navigating
In this solo episode, I share some updates on my life since I moved to Portugal last year. You’ll he
This week our special guest is Dr. Gloria J. Santos Acevedo (she/they) who discusses the topic of ma
In this solo episode, I share with you my top six budgeting strategies to help you meet your financi
This week our special guest is Shania Montufar who talks all about how she has managed pandemic-rela
In this solo episode, I share some strategies for how to secure funding if you're interested in work
This week our special guest is Dra. Lorena Marquez of @doctorahood who shares all about doctorahood
This week I have a bonus solo episode where I discuss the topic of getting organized, setting up org
This week we had Jeannette Sanchez-Palacios share what it’s like having a career in politics while g
I’m thrilled to have Christina V. Rodriguez from @latinaswithmasters as our guest speaker this week.
Our guest speaker this week is Adriana Jaramillo who shares her insights on taking a gap year, facin