Nate & Chuck have been friends for nearly 20 years. After traveling the world separately as musician
Support the podcast, and your very own facebook ads, at In 5-4 ruling, Supreme Court
NYPD Police Commissioner: Crime Has Skyrocketed Because Of Democrats’ Bail Reform https://www.dai
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Sponsor your own Facebook ad! Whatever you'd like to promote, as long as it is pro-liberty. go to GM
Support your own Facebook ad by supporting the show! Bernie Sanders has a $150 bil
Ian Cunningham and Connor Corkrin, both members of the Armed Forces, are long time listeners of the 700,000 people could lose food stamps under Trump administration's new SNAP rules htt
Support your own Facebook ad, and support the show! Imagine if We Paid for Food like
Democrats continue to blame "Greed" for high healthcare costs. The Government is the real culprit.
Increasing the minimum wage by $1 could reduce US suicide rates, study finds
Bernie lies, again. Will Twitter or Facebook consider banning him? No. Bernie Sanders is at it agai
Bernie Lie #6,327 | "We'd solve homelessness by taking all of Bill Gates' wealth." Fact Check: FALS
Medicare will be insolvent in 7 years, Social Security in 16. Dems still plan on expanding benefits
Yesterday, the US military killed top Iranian military leader Gen. Qasem Soleimani in a targeted ass
If you want a "Worker-Owned" business, you're free to start one There are no laws stating that a gr
No Bernie, Women Don't Have a 'Constitutional Right' to a Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Yesterday, Pres
Elon Musk is proof that Warren's "Wealth Tax" is a terrible idea Democratic candidates like Bernie
Why I’ll continue to choose Individual Liberty over Fairytales of a Socialist Utopia Why Free-Mark
How the "Okay Symbol" Became the Latest Media-Fabricated Controversy We've all heard the story by
Obamacare is Further Proof That "Medicare for All" Wouldn’t Work Over the past week, we’ve seen the