How did the planet's richest people make their billions? From celebrities and secretive CEOs to spor
A year after first being declared a billionaire, Taylor Swift’s rarely been out of the headlines or
What do Airbnb, Facebook, Spotify, and LinkedIn all have in common? Peter Thiel. They made his fortu
The woman behind the brand that revolutionised the way the world shopped and dressed. Doris Fisher a
Carlos Slim Helú's financial might has led some people to nickname his native Mexico ‘Slimlandia’. H
Roman Abramovich was known as the "stealth oligarch" before he stepped into the limelight as Chelsea
Mukesh Ambani caught the world’s attention when he forked out $600m on his son’s wedding, including
Metal man and football fan Patrice Motsepe rose out of post-apartheid South Africa to become the cou
Jack Ma is the king of ecommerce in China. Nicknamed 'Daddy Ma', the former school teacher even appe
The story of how Yvon Chouinard, a reluctant billionaire who only wanted to climb and surf, harnesse
Whitney Wolfe Herd, the “queen of the swipes”, launched a female-led dating app after a public scand
Industrialist Aliko Dangote is known as a mild-mannered cement tycoon who often drives himself to bu
How is freshly minted billionaire Sam Altman shaping our future through his company OpenAI and ChatG
How did an unassuming software engineer become one of the richest people on the planet? This is the
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw built a pharmaceutical empire after failing to get a job brewing beer. She also
George Soros escaped Nazi occupation in Hungary, before becoming one of the most successful investor
Jerry Seinfeld has a life-long obsession with jokes, but his smash hit sitcom turned the New York st
How did Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson become one of only four filmmakers worth a billion
How a communist mime artist became the billionaire boss of a luxury fashion house. Miuccia Prada cha
By founding Google, tech titan Sergey Brin helped shape the internet. He also got very, very rich, a
Golfing superstardom made him incredibly rich. Personal disasters nearly took it all away. How did T