cover of episode 2025 outlook: Will tailwinds trump tariffs?

2025 outlook: Will tailwinds trump tariffs?

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Goldman Sachs Exchanges

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Dominic Wilson
Jan Hatzius
Jan Hatzius预计2025年美国经济将继续保持高于趋势和高于市场共识的增长,增速约为2.5%,略低于2024年的2.8%。这主要得益于实际可支配个人收入增长以及金融环境的改善。实际工资增长、财政政策、放松监管和潜在的资本支出增加是经济增长的主要动力。然而,关税和较慢的移民速度构成下行风险。通胀方面,预计核心通胀率将逐步下降至2%左右,但关税将推高通胀。如果全面关税生效,将对经济增长和通胀造成更大的负面影响。 Dominic Wilson认为,尽管市场已经对美国经济的积极前景做出了一些反应,但市场对美国增长和通胀组合的定价仍然低于高盛的预期,美国经济的优异表现主题也尚未完全反映出来。股票和美元仍有上涨空间,非美国债券和欧洲债券跑赢美国债券。然而,市场估值较高,需要关注市场何时会质疑这一观点以及风险分布。债券收益率的变动主要取决于市场对经济增长和政策前景的预期,而全面关税将对美元、美国股市和国债收益率产生复杂的影响。

Deep Dive

The discussion begins with an overview of the global economy's strong growth in 2024 and the implications of the Trump administration's policies on future growth. The speakers analyze the potential impacts of tariffs, immigration policies, and fiscal measures on the U.S. economy.
  • U.S. growth is expected to be above trend and above consensus.
  • Tariffs and slower immigration are identified as potential drags on growth.
  • Fiscal policies and regulatory loosening are expected to provide some boost to the economy.

Shownotes Transcript

As the global economy comes off of another year of relatively strong growth in 2024, new and important variables are now in the mix with the election of Donald Trump and the Republican sweep of Congress. So can this solid performance continue amid the policy shifts ahead, and what might be the implications for markets? In this episode, Jan Hatzius, Goldman Sachs’ chief economist and head of Goldman Sachs Research, and Dominic Wilson, senior advisor in global markets research, discuss the economic and market outlook for the year ahead.