Join Lisa Linke and Misty Stinnett as they explore every aspect of the self-help world, laughing the
On this episode of Go Help Yourself, Lisa shares the science behind bad gift giving, also known as t
On this episode of Go Help Yourself, Misty shares the reasons why New Year's resolutions don'
This week, we're talking about Social Jetlag: the dicrepancy between your body's biological
This week, we are re-releasing one of our fan-favorite episodes: our review of the New York Times Be
This week on GHY, we're talking about Non-Sleep Deep Rest.In this episode, you will learn:What n
Welcome back to the podcast, everyone!We are so excited that Go Help Yourself is finally (finally!)
We are thrilled to announce that Go Help Yourself is being featured on Spotify! Just wait until you
Today, Misty is joined by Sam Pessin, Co-Founder and President of Remote Year, to talk about how tra
After more than 250 episodes, we are finally taking a break! We will be taking the summer off with n
On this edition of the Weekly Beef, Misty is joined by author Gabrielle Bosché to talk about her com
This week, Misty is joined by author Gabrielle Bosché to talk about her book The Purpose Factor: Ext
On this edition of the Weekly Beef, Lisa is joined by life coach Deanna Moffitt to discuss asking qu
This week, Lisa and special guest Deanna Moffitt review Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became
On this edition of the Weekly Beef, Lisa and Misty are joined for a THIRD TIME by special guest Josi
This week, Lisa and Misty are joined by Lindsey Harper, Katie Roberts, and Sugar Sloane: the hosts o
On this edition of the Weekly Beef, Lisa and Misty are joined again by special guest Josiah Jenkins
This week, Misty is joined by Sarah Foster, owner and creator of Bad Bad Jewelry. Sarah Foster is th
On this edition of the Weekly Beef, Lisa is joined by special guests Kate Cohen, Kat Gotsick and Mel
This week, Lisa is joined by special guests Kate Cohen, Kat Gotsick, and Melissa Cathcart-Churchwell
On this edition of the Weekly Beef, Lisa and Misty are joined by special guest Josiah Jenkins of The