cover of episode Russia says Ukraine has launched long-range American missiles into its territory

Russia says Ukraine has launched long-range American missiles into its territory

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Global News Podcast

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Andrew Peach
Carlin Jones
Celia Hatton
Danny Eberhard
David Seymour
Katie Watson
Laura Bicker
Mike Emsley
Natalie Cabral
Nathan Law
Rehan Dimitri
Andrew Peach: 我报道了莫斯科称乌克兰用美国导弹袭击俄罗斯领土的新闻。 Danny Eberhard: 俄罗斯国防部称乌克兰发射了6枚美国制造的导弹,其中5枚被击落。乌克兰方面没有正式承认,但乌克兰媒体援引消息人士称确实使用了导弹。这一事件可能导致更多此类袭击,俄罗斯此前曾警告过此事。普京还签署了俄罗斯核战略的修改,这意味着如果一个非核国家在袭击俄罗斯时得到一个核国家的援助,这将被视为联合袭击。 Alina: 由于哈尔科夫的日常轰炸,我决定带着家人逃往波兰。 Natalia Karapata: 许多学生遭受创伤,对突然的声音有反应。 Bujar Chodzha: 乌克兰危机正在被遗忘,对难民的需求巨大。 Oksana Kolesnik: 这所学校每年运营成本接近200万美元,如果没有资金,学校将无法生存。 Victoria: 我热爱欧洲生活,但仍想回到乌克兰重建家园。 Fatima Zamin: 哈塞克市缺水严重,依靠水车运水。土耳其对电力设施的袭击对哈塞克市的供水造成了致命打击。电力在取水中起着重要作用,这次袭击是对平民的袭击。 Ahmed Al-Hamad: 水比黄金还珍贵。 Christopher Giles: 土耳其在叙利亚东北部的行动可能构成违反国际法。 Nathan Law: 香港的政治镇压非常严重。 Celia Hatton: 45名民主活动家因组织2020年未经授权的初选而被判刑。香港法院认为这些非正式选举是推翻政府权威的计划的一部分。北京已经对香港施加了影响力,巩固了其权力。长期活动家“长毛”在法庭声明中表示,尽管面临困难,他仍然会继续为民主和社会正义而斗争。 Mike Emsley: 澳大利亚大堡礁北部地区的珊瑚覆盖率大幅下降,主要原因是热应力和两次飓风。珊瑚白化是由海水温度升高引起的压力反应。如果温度没有迅速下降,珊瑚就会死亡。 Laura Bicker: 湖南省发生一起车辆冲撞小学生的事件,造成多人受伤。今年中国发生了一系列个人对社会不满的袭击事件。 Rehan Dimitri: 格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯警方与抗议者发生冲突,抗议者谴责上个月的议会选举舞弊。 Katie Watson: 新西兰成千上万的人参加了抗议集会,反对一项可能修改《怀唐伊条约》的法案。抗议者认为,修改《怀唐伊条约》会损害毛利人的权利。David Seymour认为这项法案是为了平等对待所有新西兰人,而不是给予毛利人特殊待遇。 Carlin Jones: 《怀唐伊条约》为包容差异和多样性提供了一个有用的模式。 Natalie Cabral: 我们正处于寻找地外生命的黄金时代。对地外生命的搜寻是人类中心主义的。在太阳系中,不太可能存在先进的技术文明;寻找地外生命应该关注系外行星。寻找系外行星生命的良好指标是发现人工合成的分子。寻找地外生命有助于我们理解人类自身。我们对宇宙的认识改变了我们对自身和宇宙的认知。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did President Biden reverse his ban on long-range American missiles for Ukraine?

The specific reasons for the reversal are not detailed in the transcript, but it enabled Ukraine to launch a retaliatory attack against Russia.

What was the Russian response to Ukraine's missile attack on Bryansk?

Russia's Ministry of Defence quickly reported the incident, stating that six American-made Atakams missiles were fired, with five shot down and one causing a fire at a military facility.

How did Ukraine's President Zelensky address the ongoing conflict with Russia?

Zelensky praised the resilience of the Ukrainian people and emphasized their refusal to submit to Russian aggression, addressing the European Parliament via video link from Kyiv.

What are scientists looking for when searching for extraterrestrial life?

Scientists are seeking signs of 'pollution' or synthetic molecules that indicate someone is altering their environment, similar to human activity. They also look for technosignatures like messages or laser light signals.

How has the perception of our place in the universe changed with recent discoveries?

Discoveries like those by Copernicus and Kepler have shifted our understanding, showing that we are not the center of the universe and that there are countless planets orbiting stars, fundamentally changing our self-perception.

Russia claims Ukraine attacked Bryansk with American missiles, marking the first time Ukraine has used these long-range weapons since restrictions were lifted. The incident has heightened tensions and prompted a response from Russia.
  • Six American-made Atakams missiles were fired, with five shot down and one causing a fire at a military facility.
  • Ukraine has not officially confirmed the use of these missiles, but Ukrainian media sources suggest they were used.
  • Russia has warned of a tangible response to such attacks and updated its nuclear doctrine to consider joint attacks from non-nuclear states assisted by nuclear states.

Shownotes Transcript

Russia says Ukraine attacked Bryansk region with US missiles, after restrictions on them were lifted. Also, long jail terms for pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong, and 40 years of searching for extraterrestrial life.