cover of episode MSF charity pulls out of Haiti's capital after attacks on staff

MSF charity pulls out of Haiti's capital after attacks on staff

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Global News Podcast

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Celia Hatton
Eniola Shokunbi
Flavio Lehner
Gary Gensler
Irene Giorgiolo
James Kumarasamy
Ken Kramer
LaQuesha Borak
Matt Shea
Oliver Conway
Paul Adams
Rafael Nadal
Richard Bain
Ritika Gupta
Russell Fuller
Victoria Gill
Will Grant
Oliver Conway: 本期节目报道了海地首都太子港的动荡局势,医疗慈善组织无国界医生组织因面临来自警方的威胁而暂停运营;美国同意向乌克兰提供反人员地雷,以减缓俄罗斯的推进速度;泰国一名女子因使用氰化物谋杀一人被判死刑;加拿大北极地区北极熊数量有所增加;橄榄油价格可能下降;以及其他国际新闻。 Will Grant: 无国界医生组织暂停在海地的行动是由于其工作人员在11月11日遭到袭击,其中两名病人被警察处决。持续的暴力和缺乏中央权威使得在海地开展工作变得不可能。 Paul Adams: 美国向乌克兰提供反人员地雷旨在减缓俄罗斯在东部的缓慢推进。俄罗斯军队采用小规模渗透战术,给乌克兰军队造成困难,而地雷可以有效应对这种战术。美国提供的是非持久性地雷,可在一段时间后失效。 Celia Hatton: 泰国被认为是泰国最严重的连环杀手萨拉拉特·朗西·武塔蓬因使用氰化物谋杀一人被判死刑。警方通过受害者的黑色指甲和脚趾甲等迹象,发现了氰化物中毒的证据,从而将多起案件联系起来。 Victoria Gill和Flavio Lehner: 尽管北极熊数量总体呈下降趋势,但在加拿大丘吉尔地区,今年北极熊的数量有所增加,这与海冰状况改善有关。海冰对于北极熊的生存至关重要,因为它为它们提供了捕猎海豹的平台。长期趋势是夏季海冰覆盖面积减少。 James Kumarasamy和Irene Giorgiolo: 橄榄油价格在经历了近几年的飙涨后,可能即将下降,这主要是因为西班牙的橄榄产量预计将增加。地中海地区持续干旱和高温影响了橄榄产量,导致橄榄油价格上涨。 Ritika Gupta: 特朗普总统当选人提名霍华德·卢特尼克为商务部长,如果得到参议院的确认,他将负责执行特朗普竞选时承诺的贸易关税。许多经济学家预测,特朗普的关税提案可能会导致通货膨胀。 Ken Kramer: SpaceX星舰巨型火箭的最新试射成功测试了在太空中的超强动力猛禽发动机,但回收助推器的尝试失败了。星舰巨型火箭的成功试射是一个重要的里程碑,为未来的月球和地球轨道飞行奠定了基础。下一任总统需要决定是否继续阿耳忒弥斯计划,以及美国在太空探索中的领导地位。 Matt Shea和Gary Gensler: 社交媒体影响者洛根·保罗因其加密货币交易而面临新的质疑,他被指控在未披露自身财务利益的情况下推广投资。根据美国证券交易委员会的规定,影响者在推广加密货币时必须披露其财务利益。 LaQuesha Borak和Eniola Shokunbi: 11岁的尼日利亚裔美国学生埃尼奥拉·肖昆比设计了一种清洁空气过滤器,并获得了政府1150万美元的资助。埃尼奥拉·肖昆比的空气过滤器经测试证明有效,能够去除空气中99.4%的病毒。 Russell Fuller和Richard Bain: 拉斐尔·纳达尔在马拉加的戴维斯杯比赛中打了最后一场职业网球比赛。尽管西班牙队输掉了比赛,但纳达尔还是得到了热烈的欢送,并收到了来自其他网球名将的视频祝福。理查德·贝恩认为纳达尔是一位伟大的榜样,他永不放弃的精神令人钦佩。 Rafael Nadal: 拉斐尔·纳达尔希望人们记住他是一个善良的人,一个追逐梦想并取得巨大成就的人。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did MSF suspend operations in Haiti's capital?

MSF suspended operations due to threats from police and a series of violent incidents, including the execution of two patients by Haitian law enforcement.

What role did the US play in the recent developments in Ukraine?

The US approved the supply of antipersonnel landmines to Ukraine to help slow the Russian advance, despite criticism from anti-mine campaigners.

Why are olive oil prices expected to fall?

Olive oil prices are expected to fall due to an increase in production, particularly in Spain, the world's largest producer, which is expected to produce between 1.2 and 1.4 million tonnes this year.

What is the significance of the recent SpaceX Starship Megarocket test flight?

The test flight successfully tested hyper-power Raptor engines in space for the first time, but the second attempt to catch the rocket booster on its return to Earth failed, sending it into the sea.

How did Eniola Shokunbi's air filter project gain government support?

Eniola's air filter project, designed to improve air quality in her school, was officially tested by the EPA and found to be effective, leading to $11.5 million in government backing.

What was Rafael Nadal's final message to his fans upon retirement?

Rafael Nadal wished to be remembered as a good person who followed his dreams and achieved more than he ever dreamed, emphasizing his humble beginnings and hard work.

The medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) suspends operations in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, due to escalating violence and threats from gangs.
  • MSF has been operating in Haiti for 30 years.
  • The decision follows a series of violent incidents, including the execution of two patients by Haitian police.
  • The suspension will impact over 1,100 patients and 50 children with emergency conditions.

Shownotes Transcript

MSF pulls out of Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince after attacks on staff. Also: US approves supply of antipersonnel land mines to Ukraine, why olive oil prices are plummeting and tennis bids adios to Rafael Nadal.