cover of episode Stephanie Ike & The Power of Your Dreams | Girls Gone Bible

Stephanie Ike & The Power of Your Dreams | Girls Gone Bible

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Stephanie Ike Okafor
Stephanie Ike Okafor: 本书作者分享了她对新书《梦想的力量》的兴奋之情,以及她如何通过梦想获得上帝的指引和启示,并鼓励人们在生活中寻求上帝的引导。她分享了多个亲身经历的例子,说明了顺服上帝的旨意以及在圣灵的带领下如何行走在超自然的能力中。她强调了顺服的重要性,以及如何通过祷告、默想等方式与上帝建立更紧密的联系,从而更好地聆听上帝的声音。她还谈到了在布道时如何寻求上帝的引导,以及如何根据圣灵的带领调整计划。她分享了在不同场合中,上帝如何通过她施行医治和释放,以及她如何通过顺服上帝的旨意来成就上帝的工作。她还解释了为什么人们需要听到上帝的声音,以及在当今时代,人们需要做好准备来面对即将到来的挑战。 Ang & Ari: 两位主持人表达了对Stephanie Ike Okafor及其属灵恩赐的敬佩,并分享了她们个人在信仰上的成长和改变。她们与Stephanie Ike Okafor就梦想、圣灵、祷告等话题进行了深入的探讨,并表达了对Stephanie Ike Okafor新书的期待和肯定。她们也分享了她们在生活中遇到的挑战和困惑,以及她们如何通过信仰来克服这些困难。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


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More of a general, because Tim has been asking me like, hey, come on the basement. So I was with him yesterday, but we did like general conversations. But then August gets like crazy. How do you feel?

I'm excited not because I wrote it, not even because I'm pushing the book. I'm excited for what it's going to do for people. Yeah. Yeah, because I remember years back I preached a sermon called Interpretation of Dreams and

And there were so many testimonies. Even when I go back on the sermon and I read the comments, and people are like, oh, my gosh, I'm dreaming now. I remember my dreams. So I'm – especially for the times we're in. So that – because personally for me, like, my husband is the one who's, like, always pushing me, you know. At first I'm like, I'm going to just let God do – like, let him do what he wants to do. But when the Lord starts showing me, it'll be very, like –

you know, proactive and he will show me like, okay, these are the people or this is the thing. And I'm like, okay, I recognize and we'll talk about that even when we take, but the times we're in, people really need to hear God's voice. Yeah. Cause a lot of things are going to come like a shock if you're not ready, you know? Yeah.

I want you to teach me how to walk in the supernatural. I know. I'm sure you get this all the time, but we just want what you have. Like when you see what God's done in this life, it's just unbelievable. Yeah, and it's really like no one is more special than the other. But when you make yourself available, because even when you guys are on tour,

And if you sense the Holy Spirit is like whatever, because sometimes we are afraid to just like go out there. Like we're waiting for it to be so clear to us. But even when you look at Jesus and Peter, Peter knew that Jesus is not the person that's going to carry you through it. So when Peter wanted to walk on water, he was like, Lord, just tell me to come.

Not, okay, bring me, come to me, walk with me. No, he just says, just tell me to come and I will put myself out there. And there are times that you might be like in a meeting, in a gathering, and you sense the Holy Spirit saying, hey, I want to heal some people right now. Right.

And you just have to go there. Yeah. Because you have to trust is what God wants to do through you. Not what you want to do. What God wants to do through you. Yeah. And he does it. So then you just go out there. Yeah. Because even like on Sunday...

I remember the second service, it was so strong. And I kept hearing the Lord say, there are people I want to heal. And I'm like, okay, Lord. And I just went for it. I'm like, there are people that God wants to heal. And there were two specific things he showed me. It was like someone with a knee issue and you've not been able to like walk on your own and you're going to. And this man who came in with like, you know, his crutches and his knee brace, he drops it and just starts walking through the church.

At 1? Yeah. Wow. 1130. This last Sunday. And then he tells me there's another lady that you're going to get a text while we're in service about, you know, a loved one who is going to be, they're going to inform you that she's getting better. Because even if they're not here, God knows where they are. Wow.

And literally at the end of service, this lady is in tears and she shows me the text. It's her grandma in the hospital. They text her randomly a picture. They're like, oh my gosh, she's getting so much better. And I'm like, but you just have to make room for God and not get so in your head and be nervous because God wants to shine through everyone. Every single person, if you just...

go in faith. Right, right. I know. I feel so much recently that he's like, as long as you guys get out of the way, as long as you don't stick to a script. Yeah. And he's like, if I ask you guys to go up there and I say, just sit and kneel and pray for an hour, do it. Just do that. Because, and I always tell people, the power is in the obedience. Yeah. Whatever God says, like I was in St. Louis for a conference and

And, you know, like, this is the last day of the conference where I'm about to go up to preach and worship is happening. And right there, the Lord says, this is like two minutes before I'm supposed to go up. And the Lord tells me, kneel down. Kneel and worship me. And I just knelt and I was worshiping. And then he says, I'm about to break the chains. And all of a sudden, like, the whole script changes. The pastor says,

She's like, okay, something is happening in the room. So she goes up and she says the exact thing. She's like, I just sense God wants to set people free and break chains.

And then the Lord says, now get up. So I get up. And she was like, you know what? If people want to come down for prayer, just come down for prayer. It turned into a deliverance night. Wow. I know. I see incredible things like that happening. So it's just whatever God says, the power is in you obeying. Yeah. You don't think, because if you think it's you, like, oh my gosh, maybe I didn't pray enough. I didn't do this enough. You're making it about you. Yeah. It's about Jesus. Yeah.

Can I ask you one thing? Yeah. Because I know we have to start. When you do your sermons, do you have a whole thing you're going to talk about or you just kind of have your notes and then you go up and you let the Holy Spirit take over? No, for me, so normally I'll stay in prayer because I'm like, God, what is it you want to say to your people? The moment he gives it to me, then I'm in prayer through it. I'm like...

like I'm asking him like teach me what you want to say to your people so I can teach them so that you can show me the layers and how you want to do it

And I'll just have notes. Yeah. And then just let the spirit flow. Yeah. So good. Yeah. God, we've learned so much from you. We have learned so much from you. I can't wait to stop at one of you guys' like the tour stuff because you just like let the spirit flow. You can have a plan and all of that, right? Yeah. Because sometimes God will give you a vision on how they should be orchestrated. But if he decides to flip it, flip it. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, it's going to be incredible. I know it's going to get to a point where we're like, nothing is, it's going to start being completely upside down. We're going to think we're going to do one thing and it's going to go completely the other way. And when you do it, you're going to see how people would just be

Like all kinds of healings. Because I was at VU last year. Yeah. And I remember, so I had like the main session and I had a breakout session. So the breakout session, before I went, they kept asking me like, hey, what's your breakout session going to be about? And I'll pray about it. And the Lord is like, keep it open. And so I was like, I don't really know what it's going to be about. So then Manushka...

one of the pastors there, she's like, let's just call it one-on-one with Stephanie. I said, perfect. So whatever happens, happens. So we get to the session and I'm like, okay, God, what's about to happen? And when I tell you like the Holy Spirit just orchestrated the whole thing and I remember at the end, I heard the Lord say, I want to heal people. And

And sometimes you just want to keep it where it's like, okay, God wants to heal people and pray. He's like, no, call them to come to the front and pray for them one by one. There was a lady, an old lady on a wheelchair. And she comes and the Lord tells me, pick her up, walk with her, count seven steps and let her go.

I said, okay. So I said, so her family like helps, we pick her up and then we walk with her and let her go and she started walking. I would have. Everybody went crazy.

- Crazy. - Yeah. - There was a lady who was like deaf in one ear and I was like, okay God, what do you want me to do? And he was like, just touch her ear and just thank me. And then I was like, hey, we need to test this. So she puts an ear pod in her ear and plays music and she could hear it and she's crying and, but it's not me, it's God. I'm only being obedient to how he wants it to happen. So same thing with you guys.

When the Lord just tells you to do something, your obedience is what allows the Spirit to do what he wants to do. He's just doing it through you. It's so good. You ought to hear everyone at VUCon about you. Everyone was coming up to us at VUCon. They all were talking about you. Oh, yeah, about your episode. Oh, wow. People went crazy over it.

That episode has been like the testimonies I've received. I can't imagine what you guys have gotten. Like people are lives. It's beautiful. You did insane. It was so because it was incredible and you're incredible. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, for this day. Thank you, God. Just do Holy Spirit. Do whatever you want to do. Let us get out of your way. Like Stephanie said, in Jesus name. Amen.

Amen. Well, since we already we've been talking for 30 minutes, but I'm Ange and I'm Ari and this is Girls Gone Bible. We're a faith based podcast where we talk all things spirituality, mental health, everyday life, and specifically Jesus and the Bible. And Jesus is king and he is Lord. And today we are visited by one of our friends, Stephanie E.K. Okafor. Thank you so much for coming again. I know, everybody.

You're our first double guest, by the way. We've never done this before. Oh, come on first. Come on first. So good. So you just came out with a book. Yes. Can you hold it up, you guys? Yes. Finished it in 24 hours. It was that good. The Power of Your Dreams. You guys, I have a parking ticket, I just realized, as my bookmark. Can you imagine? I can't even imagine. It's a parking park right here. I'm a parker.

Oh, my God. That is the most L.A. thing I've ever seen. So good. Oh, my gosh. This book, Stephanie, I mean, your ability to walk in the supernatural, to be in the prophetic, to just hear God in a way that is so inspiring and has really changed Ari and I's faith. Yeah.

You say something about how we spend a third of our lives sleeping. Yeah. And so you say, if we're supposed to be cut off spiritually during that time, and it's only about our physical and our mental well-being in that moment. Yeah.

did God really intend for us to be cut off from him for a third of our lives? There's no way. So can you just speak a little bit on why you wrote this book? What led to it? And just anything you want to say to start off? Yeah, no, absolutely. This book, I'm

really excited about it because initially I was not planning to write a book on dreams, right? I was working on something else and the Lord literally just disrupted my whole plans. And he says, I want you to write a book on dreams and teach people about the power of their dreams.

and showing me that, you know, there's a scripture in the Bible that says, "In the last days I'll pour out my Spirit on all flesh, "and your sons and daughters will prophesy, "your young men will see visions, "and your old men will dream dreams." But old men dreaming dreams is not about an age.

Because everyone dreams, right? And then it says, dream, dream. So it's not even just like your old man would dream. So there is this consistency in being able to dream daily that it's about the mature, not age-wise, but spiritual maturity. Because your dream state is one of the most uninterrupted places where God can deposit a message to you.

Because a lot of times, as we get older, our intelligence gets in the way. We question things, and we don't even make room for God. We're so distracted, we have so many things going on. And so in that sleep state, it's like there is rest, there's nothing to distract you, and the Lord can encounter you in your dream. And what is so powerful about dreams is that even when you see in the Bible when God would have an encounter with Solomon in the dream,

It's literally him. It's not just like the idea of Solomon. This is Solomon's spirit that is active and alert in a dream. So when the Lord asked him, tell me, what do you want? And he's like, whatever you want, I'll give it to you. And Solomon is like wisdom to lead these people.

That was Solomon literally answering the Lord in his dream because in the dream, his spirit could be alert and his spirit could have an encounter with God. So there are times where there are dreams that could be like that, which is an impartation dream. There are times where your dreams are just visual imagery and symbols that God is using to get you a message. But literally, when I even studied that the average person sleeps for 26 years of their life,

And you recognize that God did not design us to be outside of his presence. We go all the way back to the Garden of Eden. I love Genesis so much and just that part of the Garden of Eden because it tells you about God's perfect will. Because if sin never entered the world...

It was always about intimacy and communion with God. It was always about that. And so we see that the first time sleep is introduced in the Bible is when Adam went to bed. God was still there. Mm hmm.

He took out one of his ribs. He forms the woman. He could have done that in so many ways. But even in Adam's sleep state, God was still on him, around him, messing with him, you know, creating his wife. I didn't even know.

Right? And he wakes up. He's like, hey, look at what I did while you were sleeping. You know? So there is this place of constant communion where even when you're sleeping, God wants to—there are things that he's working on that when you're awake, you should now step into it. So one of the things I wrote in the book is that every night is an opportunity to receive the will of God, and every day is an opportunity to live it out. Mm-hmm.

Even in Adam, in that moment, when he was sleeping, God was working out his will. And when he woke up, he could recognize it and he could walk with it. So I'm very passionate about this book, especially for the times we're in. I think as a nation...

we are stepping into times of darkness and it's not going to be dark because God is not in it. God doesn't have a plan to redeem or God doesn't have a plan to, um,

you know, reveal what his purpose is at the end. But it's going to be dark because it's going to get us to our knees. It's going to get us to a place of humility. It's going to get us to a place where we're seeking God in truth as people. But we're

We are entering some very interesting times, and you need to see. You need to be in tune with your spiritual senses because God wants to reveal to people what's to come so they know how to prepare. They know how to set up their families. They know what to put in place. And it's not just what you're hearing, but it's also what you have known by the Spirit of God.

So I'm very passionate about people to be awakened in this area of their life. And one of the things I talk about in the book is that it's not just about dreams. It doesn't end there. But this will activate your senses in general. Yeah. Yeah. Wow.

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Because lately at night, I'll be on the phone. Just the other day, I'm on the phone. I saw something I didn't like, fell asleep, woke up.

A bad dream can ruin your whole day. My whole day was done for. Can you speak on that? How important it is before your sleep too? Cause I know you said a lot, like you go through the scriptures and things like that. It's how important it is to not be on the phone or have the TV on and things like that. You said in the book, you make your bed an altar. So can you teach us how to do that? Yeah. Yeah. It's,

I'll give an example. And many people have this experience. Oftentimes, when you go to a hotel and you just go to bed and you don't pray and you're just like tired, you go to bed. There are many situations where people have these crazy dreams, sexual dreams. Or you feel a presence in the room and it scares you. You wake up because...

the bed is already an altar. Now you can decide what type of altar you want to make it. So when people have these moments where they just go to a hotel or they're in a friend's house and they fall asleep and they have like a dream that they would never have. It's just out of the box and it's like, what just happened? It's because you're interacting with whatever spiritual presence was left in that atmosphere from whoever was there. And

And so when you step into a place, I always tell people, pray before you sleep in any hotel rooms because that would, you are, you're speaking the blood of Jesus over any other activity to submit to him. Right? And so making your bed an altar is one, recognizing it's already an altar. Yeah. Right? And so it's,

whose altar are you building? And so if you want to make your bed an altar for the Lord, and then you become intentional in how you go to sleep.

You become intentional. You don't just, you know, fall asleep watching a horror movie because you're going to engage the spirit behind that. You don't just fall asleep, you know, whether in anger or maybe you're meditating on something crazy because in the book I talk about how dreams can either come from self, from God, or from Satan. That's right. And so from self, it's self dreams are not always bad dreams or crazy dreams. Sometimes you're just thinking about a boy and then you see him in your dream. Yeah.

Which will ruin your day.

where we are a bit reckless with how we go to bed, what we're watching before we go to bed, what we're listening to before we go to bed, the things that we're entertaining in our hearts. Like if you are, you know, if there's something,

that is not of God that you are meditating on, that is maybe lustful or whatever. Everything in the spiritual realm, it's a real thing. Lust is a spirit. Everything is a real thing. And so what you allow to be the meditation of your heart before you go to bed is what you end up engaging with spiritually. And so for many people that remember their dreams, because some people, everyone dreams. That's the funny part. Every single person dreams every night. The problem is that people don't remember

So for those that now, you know, remember, they're like, oh, why would I have this nightmare or this crazy dream or X, Y, and Z? And it's because you're not being mindful about how you go to bed, how you prepare before you go to bed. And so that's why in the book I talk about preparing your body and soul because your soul intake matters.

Yeah. What you watch, what you listen to. It's not random. These things are very spiritual. I remember my husband and I, we were like, we were coming back. I can't remember where we were at the time, but we were flying back into L.A.,

and there was this show in the plane, and I was watching it, and I was like, 'cause I always had this thing about understanding the minds of serial killers, 'cause I'm like, how did they get to the place where they just became open for this spirit? And so I'm watching this show, and it's about the true life story of this serial killer.

And it's not dark, right? But it had a dark presence to it. Of course. But the storyline was really good. And I'm like, oh, I want to watch it. I want to watch it. And I could feel the Holy Spirit telling me, like, turn it off. And I'm like... I'm like...

Like, let's just see what happens in the next episode. And I keep watching it. I get home. I'm so obsessed with this show. I'm like, how does it end? You know? And then my husband is with me and I'm like, baby, you got to see this show. You like, we got to watch this show together. And then I put it on. I explained to him what happens. And then we're watching it while we're watching it. He's like, the Holy Spirit talks to him as well. He's like, babe, we should not be watching this. Something about this is not right.

And I'm like, and then I feel convicted because I'm like, oh, maybe God was really being serious. So we turn it off. Now, I did not. We just turned it off and then we went to bed. We both had the same type of dreams. It was very dark, very demonic. And so we woke up and we're like, we had no business anymore.

watching the show right before going to bed and going to bed, not even canceling anything, not inviting the spirit of God, just going to bed. And our dreams were literally like the same.

And it was so demonic. And so sometimes people have those dreams and they're thinking, what's wrong? No, the problem is I let Satan in. It was not that it was a warning. I just let the devil in. And I need to take inventory of where I was open in that moment. And even not watching something that's outright demonic or horror films or anything like that,

I think one of the least godly things that I do is that the only way that I fall asleep is by scrolling on Instagram. And I,

I don't have dreams. I don't dream dreams. I don't remember my dreams. If I do, I don't even have bad dreams either. But I always ask God for dreams. I always am like, please, God. But I do not create a space in which you could bring me dreams. And I love that you mentioned that because it is we're distracted even before going to bed. Because I said dreams are their language of the spirit.

And so sometimes it's God starting a conversation or continuing a conversation. And so before you go to bed, engage in conversation. If the last thing we're doing is being on our phone, we're not creating a space because the thing is that as humans, we are tripartite, tripartite, tripartite beings. Right. So body, soul and spirit.

Now, the soul is literally because in the beginning, the Bible says in the beginning, you know, God took man from the ground, the dust, and he formed man. And then he breathed into his nostrils the spirit of life, the breath of life. And then man became a living soul. So in the beginning, you have the body.

Then God breathes the spirit of man into him. So this is different from the Holy Spirit. This is the spirit of man that comes into him. When the spirit, our spirit, when our spirit encountered our body, then the soul was formed. Right. So the soul is what you have control over. That's why the soul is where there is warfare. Right.

The Satan is not after your spirit. He's after your soul. Wow. Right? So the soul, because the soul is now your intellect, your emotions, everything, your intelligence, all of that, your everything. The soul is like in the middle, right? What the soul submits to is what has power over your life. So if you only feed your flesh...

then you're telling the soul to submit to your flesh. - Yeah. - And so when your soul is submitted to your flesh, your spirit takes the back seat. And the spirit of God communicates with your spirit.

Your spirit translates that to your soul. If your soul is submitted to the flesh, it's backwards. It's not in the design of God. So oftentimes where people have a hard time hearing from God is because their soul is not aligned to the spirit. Yeah. Because the spirit of God encounters your spirit. Wow. And your spirit now translates that to your soul. Yeah. Yeah.

And so if you are so distracted on your phone, you're just giving in to the things your flesh wants to do. That's why the Bible says the desires of the spirit are against the desires of the flesh. So Satan, he wants you to stay in your flesh. Hmm.

Because in your flesh, he has authority. He can reign in the flesh. He doesn't want you to be submitted to the Spirit of God because that means your flesh now has to be subjected. And that's why anyone who surrenders, like when you're fully surrendered to God, God goes after the things in your flesh.

Why? Because he wants you to. He doesn't want the flesh to have power over your spirit. Wow. That's why we fast.

That's why he says, that's why Jesus would say, not if you fast, when you fast. Not if you pray, when you pray. Because get your flesh under subjection. Get it in control. That's why the Bible will talk about, I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. That sound mind talks about self-control. That you can get self-control.

under control. That is how we engage with the Spirit of God. So if I'm going to bed and I'm only engaging in things my flesh desires, now my spirit is taking a secondary position. So I'm not sensitive to what my spirit knows. Right. So the Lord is having a whole conversation with my spirit and I have no sensitivity because I'm living in the flesh. Mm-hmm.

And so that's where people don't realize the consequences. I'm not doing anything bad. I'm on Instagram. Yeah. I'm watching a movie for seven hours and it's a funny movie. We're laughing with family. It's nothing bad. I'm not thinking of anyone in any bad way. I'm having a good time, but I'm not feeding my spirit. Yeah.

And if I'm not sensitive to my spirit, I can't discern what God is saying. Exactly. And he's always speaking. And he's always speaking. That is. We just can't hear. Yeah. Wow. You guys know that I'm always looking for ways to eat healthier, but my problem is that I don't know where to start.

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Yeah. Yeah, no. No, I love that you talked about all these things that can separate us from God. Yeah. One of the things that I think a lot of people really need to hear is

You said, "Through my relationship with God and my experience as a pastor, I've discovered two primary factors that block our communication with the Lord: unforgiveness and fear." Can you talk about that? Because so many of us are dealing with that. Yeah. The Bible says that God is love, right? Love is who He is. It's His nature, His essence, His identity.

And so for anything, you cannot fully be intimate with God because unforgiveness is subtle hate. Right.

It's to have hate in your heart for someone. And so to be one with God, you can't also be holding on to what is opposite to his nature. It doesn't mean that it blocks you off from communication completely. In the mercy of God, he can get certain messages to you to reveal to you that you're blocked. Yeah.

to reveal to you that, hey, there is something in your life that is literally keeping you from fully hearing and receiving. There are ways that God can bypass and just try to get you a sign, a warning, like let this thing go. It's eating you up.

And so with unforgiveness, it's subtle hate in the heart. And now it goes back again to the spirit and the soul and the flesh. Because if I'm having hate in my heart, how can the spirit flow through that? So I can't be sensitive to the spirit of God. Because as a Christian, when I receive the Holy Spirit, he takes residence in my spirit, not my soul, in my spirit.

And when I'm submitted to that, it transforms. And that's why they say, you know, your mind is renewed, you're transformed because your submission to the Spirit of God starts to change you from the inside out. But if I'm holding on to unforgiveness, if I'm holding on to bitterness, if I'm holding on to hate, then I am working against the Spirit and I cannot be sensitive to his voice. Right.

And so that's why it's, you know, even there's a saying about how unforgiveness is like, what's the thing with poison? Poison, yeah. It's like you expect the other person to die, but you're the one drinking it. Exactly, and you're the one drinking it. Yeah. Because even though you're having this thing against the person, it's affecting your communion with the Holy Spirit. Yeah. And I think the...

The beauty there is, because now someone will say like, hey, but this person really did me wrong and they hurt me and X, Y, and Z. It's not to say forgiveness does not remove someone from the consequences of their action. But forgiveness is to recognize what was at work in that moment. It was not just the person.

It was that there was a brokenness that opened the door for the enemy to execute his plan through them against you. So it doesn't stop the person. I mean, and there will be consequences for that. But you as an individual, you have to know this is still someone God loves. Yeah. This is still someone that God created. This is still someone that God has plans and a purpose for. And in their brokenness, they did this to me. But they are not their brokenness. Mm-hmm.

I can forgive you because I recognize this is not you. But I will let God deal with you however he chooses. I can forgive you and it does not mean we need to have a relationship.

And that's where people trip up all the time because you think holding on to unforgiveness is holding on to your power. Yeah. But it's actually killing you. Yeah. Right. And so there's unforgiveness. And then even when we talk about the second thing, we talk about fear because, again, I have not given you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. And it goes back. Jesus responds to faith.

Jesus, even when Jesus went to his hometown in the Bible, the Bible says that he could not do many miracles there because of their unbelief. And so anything that is void of faith, anything that sucks faith out of your life, whether it's unbelief, whether it's fear, it doesn't give God permission to walk alongside you. Yeah. Because you have created a narrative that

that is saying, I don't believe you. I don't believe that you're going to be with me in this. I don't believe that you're going to speak to me. I don't believe that you're going to protect me. And that narrative is literally causing a blockage. So good.

So even though he has the desire to do something, Jesus went to his hometown with a desire to heal people, to raise the dead, all of the above. But their unbelief blocked him. And the same thing, fear can also block us. And it could be fear because there was experience with trauma, there was experience with things. But it goes back to saying, okay, Lord, I have to trust you with my life. Yeah.

I have to trust that you have been there. I have to let go of this need to guard myself and put walls up and all of that. And I need to open up.

Because if I'm going to live, if I'm going to surrender to you, if I'm going to walk with you, then I cannot keep holding on to ways of trying to protect myself when you are Lord over my life. That's right. So good. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Can we can you give us some tips and tricks on?

Can you just walk us through what you do at night, your nighttime routine? What sets you up to put yourself in a place spiritually that you can receive from God? You know, how you really make that bed an altar. Yeah, I think one of the things that's very practical for me is having a journal by my bed. Yeah. Because it's me positioning myself to say, God, I expect to hear from you.

Very simple. Having a journal by my bed. But then more, even going beyond that, I'm very mindful about what I watch before I go to bed. And even if I might be watching something random or, you know, just like a good movie, when I do go to bed, when I'm laying down, I'd spend, you know, even if it's a few minutes in prayer, there are times where before going to bed, I could sense the Holy Spirit. Maybe it's just, there's some, you could, you know, sometimes you're sensitive to where God wants you to pray and,

I'll spend time like praying in the spirit because the Bible talks about that when we pray in the spirit, we are, you know, there are mysteries being released. And even though you don't understand what's taking place, one of the things I've always told people, if you pray in the spirit for a long time, you would recognize you start having visions throughout your day or your dreams become sharper because what you release by the spirit of God, he wants to make plain to you.

And so either he shows that to you through visions or he shows it to you through dreams. And so there are times, not every night, there are times where before going to bed, I just take time to pray in the spirit. But my normal routine is as I'm laying in bed, I meditate on an attribute of God. And so I just like, oh, my God, you know, sometimes it's like meditating on his goodness.

And I want to understand them. I'm like, wow, like there will be just an attribute that will stand out to me. And I meditate on that. And as I go to bed, he continues the conversation. Because it's like as I'm meditating on the Lord, your spirit is asking questions. Right? Like, God, so if, you know, you're good, but why does this happen? Or explain this to me or teach me this or show me that. And all of a sudden, then in dreams, it becomes encounters. Right?

That's why most, like 90% of the time before I preach, I always have encounters with the Lord, either maybe showing me something about the direction to go with the message because I'm meditating on him and I'm seeking him for guidance.

So as I'm laying down, I'm like, God, speak to me. Show me what you want to tell your people. Give me a word. Give me a vision. Give me an image. Give me a knowledge of where you want to take this word to. And in the dream, whether it's an encounter directly or it's symbols and imagery that is used to explain, this is the way you should go. Wow.

Right. But it's for me, it's very key like that nighttime where it's like, OK, if I'm either playing worship music or I'm just meditating on the Lord. So good. Now that we're on the topic. So praying in the spirit, praying in tongues. Mm hmm.

So we actually mentioned it kind of for the first time on the last episode that we had, and we got a couple of comments because I mentioned how praying in the Spirit has absolutely changed my life. Like changed my life, changed my faith. I spend probably stuff like literally all day praying in the Spirit. I'm not even kidding when I'm by myself, when I'm driving in the grocery store.

It's just every time I become aware of Jesus, I just start praying in the spirit. I had said something, and I just want to get into a conversation about praying in the spirit in general, but I had said something like...

If you don't pray in the spirit yet, just start, just try. And I got a few comments of people saying that's not biblical. That's not theologically accurate because you have to be baptized. You have to be given the gift of praying in tongues and that you have to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. And that's how that happens. And for me, it's something that I just began doing in faith that what I was saying, believing in God's word, that if I do what he says,

something is going to come from it. And I didn't necessarily feel right away. Like I did feel a little silly in the beginning. I didn't know if it sounded right. And then all of a sudden it started edifying me. It started building me up. I started being like, something is happening here. And so can you speak to that? Praying in the Spirit is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Yeah.

When you gave your life to Jesus, the moment you said yes to Jesus and you surrendered and you accepted him as Lord, you confessed that with your mouth, you believed it in your heart that Christ died for my sins, all of it. The moment you are true about your salvation, the Holy Spirit enters you. That's it. That's the baptism. The Holy Spirit comes in you and you have access to every gift of the Holy Spirit.

We have to step out in faith. That's the key thing. We have to step out in faith and believe that this is for me. God wants, praying in the spirit, the Bible says, edifies the person. The Bible calls it the perfect prayer.

God wants everybody to pray in the Spirit. And I love that we're on this because even my first time, it is, it is, there's nothing about that. It's like, oh my gosh, that is, that is wow. No. I had heard people praying in the Spirit. So, and I'm like this, I'm like, okay, Laura, I want this. Okay. So I literally, I sat down,

And I was studying the word. And I saw how like when you pray in the spirit, sometimes you might be praying in languages that exist that you don't know. And sometimes you might be praying in like heavenly language, in a heavenly language that doesn't exist on earth. And so I was like, OK, God, by faith, very similar to you. I pulled out my computer. I went to Google Translate.

I got a pen. I said, I'm just going to open my mouth and start saying things. And I'm going to try to write down what I'm saying. And I just opened my mouth and just started. It was nothing that felt... I didn't feel...

or wind or anything. And I started writing it down. I started trying to spell it out. And when I was done, I said, all right, Google translate. And I put it in there. I'm like detect language. No way. To English. And it translated. No, it didn't. It did. And this is what it said. I can never forget this. It said, Joseph is a position of circumstance.

That was so significant to my life because that was a time in my life where literally God has stripped me from everything. And he's telling me to just serve as an usher. I walked away from my business, everything. And I'm reading, Joseph is a position of circumstance. And I'm like, Holy Spirit, what does this mean? And the Lord started talking to me about Joseph's story in the Bible. That is crazy.

They pass out. That there are times where when God is leading you to where he has you in life, that you're going to go through many circumstances, things that you don't like. And the Holy Spirit was like, I'm with you. Like the same way I was with Joseph, I am with you. That happened. It was not a moment where I was in a church and I just got slapped by the spirit. No, no, no.

I was in my house and I pulled up my computer.

And after that, by faith, and I remember I was like, okay, the language of the Spirit, it's a language. It's its own language. And I'm just giving myself to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes it can start sounding like you only have one word, you just keep repeating it over and over and over. And then it grows and it builds up and it builds up. But I tell people the very same thing you're saying.

just open your mouth and just whatever comes out, just say it in faith. My mom, the same thing. My mom used to tell me like, I don't know how to pray in the spirit. I'm like, mom, no, you're overthinking it. You're making it too big of a deal. Open your mouth and believe. And one day we were praying on the phone together and she just said, I prayed in the spirit.

And after that, she would stop. I'm like, Mom, just keep going. I know. It sounds weird. I said, don't overthink it. Just do it. And I think more people, when people recognize Jesus' response to faith. Faith, yeah. Jesus' response to faith. If you believe, just open your mouth. You can look like a fool. He actually loves when we look like fools.

because it makes it where childlike. Yeah. You know, it is the place of dependency. And when you do that, because God wants that for you. So it's not something he would deny you. Yeah.

There's a scripture when Jesus says, you know, whatever you ask in my name, I will do it. And what he's referring to, it's not saying in the name of Jesus, like a signature and a check, right? But he's saying in his name, in his person, in his interest, in his authority. If he has an interest in it, he will do it. And so when you're asking God to give you,

what he already desires to give you, he will do it. Yes.

Praying in the spirit is something God wants every believer to have. But we are holding ourselves back. The Bible does not say praying in the spirit is a sign of this fire. And I think where that comes from is because they look at what happened with the disciples. We know. And here's the interesting thing. Actually, let's open that scripture because there's something I want people listening to see in this. This is so good. It's

Now, this scripture, it will show people what you're actually saying. And it's something that people miss. We're going to open the Bible on Girls Gone Bible. Girls Gone Bible.

We have a Bible. It's just we forgot in the car, baby. I know. Can you imagine? We have Bibles right here. See this, right? So Acts 2, it says, When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they appeared to them, divided tongues as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.

Wow. Wow. That's so good.

The Spirit began to speak through. They began. So there was a partnership. Yeah. They began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. And the beautiful thing here is they're not even speaking in heavenly tongues. The languages they were speaking were the languages that people around them understood. Wow. Yeah.

And so people now have this, I think that, oh, you know, you have to have this huge moment. No, they were filled with the Holy Spirit the same way. The moment we say yes to Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes in. Yeah. And if you would allow him, he will speak through you. So true. I'm researching and I'm praying and I'm like, Jesus, was I wrong?

what is this? What is the truth about this? And then I realized that everything, all of these gifts, like sure, you might have stronger gifts than other people, but all of them you have to step out in faith with. And everything needs to be exercised. You don't become a prophet overnight. You exercise that gift of prophecy and you get it wrong sometimes. When you step out in faith to heal somebody, you might not even get, I'm sure you've done so many healings. Have you ever been like,

oh, that wasn't, you know, exactly what I thought it would be. Oh, yeah. Even with the prophetic. I remember there was, because even the same thing with the prophetic. If people, some people would say, I'm not prophetic or this. No, you don't make room. If you woke up and I tell people, when people ask me, like, how do I like step into the prophetic more? I say, wake up. When you're in prayer, pray for someone and ask the Holy Spirit, share with me

A knowledge you know about this person that I can pray for. And whatever comes to your heart, to your mind, if it's a vision, pray about it. And test it sometimes. Call the person and say, hey, I wasn't praying for you.

And the Holy Spirit showed me this. Does it resonate with you? Because this is how God will build you up. Wow. Right. There were times, there was this one time I could never forget. I was walking into this elevator and I was hearing like a name.

You know, and I was like, I keep hearing this name and there's a man in the elevator. And I was like, I wonder if like maybe that's connected to this person. So I look at him. I was like, do you know this name? So I say the name and he's like, no. I said, oh, and then we make it about us. Yeah. You let.

a moment of like feeling embarrassed shut the flow of the spirit. So because I made it about me and I said, oh, you know, you just look so much like this person. Just let it go.

When I left and I was like, God, what was that? You kept telling me this name. And he was like, because I knew someone with that name. And he said, if you would have asked me and dug deeper, what I was trying to show you is that the career that the person you know with this name is the same career that this guy is trying to get into. And I wanted you to pray with him about that career. But because we make it about us, if we miss one thing, we're like, oh.

This ain't it. You know, but everything is a faith move. Every single thing. Like, you have to come to God with faith. Yeah. And he will teach you. He will raise you up. It's just like, for example, for me,

One thing I've always believed is I'm like, God, you raised the dead. Yeah. And I'm like, I believe I've always had this crazy like faith in knowing that, Lord, I can pray for the dead and they would be raised up. Yeah. Now I have prayed for two and they were not raised up. Yeah. But I was all in. And I believe.

like recently, because I will always start to ask God, but I'm like, God, why didn't they wake up? And I went in there full of, I was like, God, they're about to wake up. They need to wake up. I am full of faith. Yeah. They're going to wake up. And I've had some very interesting, you know, moments with Pray for the Dead. I love this. So much. I love it. I was like, wow. So nothing happened, huh? Yeah.

But each time God taught me something. Each time God used it to teach me. Even recently, because there was a question that the Holy Spirit always asked me and I never really had the answer. And he said, who...

When a dead person is raised up, whose faith was behind it? Does the dead person have faith to be raised up? Like what faith does a dead person have to believe that they'll be raised up? And I've never understood that question. I was like, huh, I wonder. Like, yeah, that's true. Is it my faith that raises them up or whose faith raises them because they're dead? You know? And I remember just recently and the Lord said, it has to do with my will. If I reveal to you that...

that I desire for them to, like this is not their time, then in the knowledge of my will and belief of what I've said, then you pray to raise them up. Wow. But I don't regret every moment. I don't look at it like I missed God's voice or maybe I didn't hear properly or whatever. No, each moment taught me something and it built me up. And so if we stop getting in our heads and feeling like, oh my gosh, and we step out in faith,

then we will see the Lord move. Yes. Amen. I love that you say that because... You guys, it's hot outside and your nighttime bedroom temperature has a huge impact on your sleep quality. And if you wake up too hot or too cold, I highly recommend you check out Miracle Maids bed sheets. Miracle Maids sheets are inspired by NASA and they use silver infused fabrics that are temperature regulating so you can sleep at the perfect temperature all night long.

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You know, we walk on in faith and we have hope and then it doesn't happen. And then we lose a little bit of that hope. And you talked about that in your book with your aunt. And I loved that because you really had such bold faith. Oh, I was.

We were like, with my aunt, and I remember that crushed me for some time. Because we just knew.

Even before we went to the morgue, we were like, Lazarus? We're like, oh, this is day four. Just like Lazarus. We're like, God, we're not asking you to do something new. You've done this before. You know what to do. You know what to do. We go in there, and I am just so like, because I was trying to prepare myself for what it would look like for my aunt to get up. And I was like, wow, how would the people feel? I was like, oh, my gosh, it's going to be crazy. It's going to be amazing. I'm going to see my aunt. Yeah.

And I was crushed. We walk in there. And I remember the first thing when I walked into the room where her body was laid, it was cold. Not even her cold. I could not sense the spirit of God. And I'm like, OK, where are you? Because you need to bring her spirit back. Yeah. And I could not sense God in the room.

And I'm like, something is off. Something is not right. Because I'm like, okay, if she's coming back to life, you would be here with her spirit. The room was cold. Not just her. It was not about her body. The room felt like no one was there. And that's when, that was like the first level of like,

I felt because I just knew that God was already in the room. Her spirit was in the room. It will be put back in her body. And I even when I was praying, I just I felt so disconnected and it crushed me for a while. I was just like, God, you said faith. We had faith. We showed up this, this and that. But what he did through that is that he taught me. Yeah.

And he showed me, look, there are times that things don't happen the way you want it to. But I'm still God. I'm still a healer. I'm still the resurrection. I'm still the life. I can still raise people from the dead. And with time, he began to show me, but now when it comes to raising the dead,

You need to have my express will. You need to know that I want them to be raised up. Not just what you desire, but you know that it is what I desire for them because their life is now in my hand. So we have to be in agreement. They don't have faith in that moment because it's a dead body. So a dead person doesn't have faith to say, let me be raised up. So it has to do with the will of God.

If he doesn't desire it, you cannot call it that. That's right. Wow. But I would not have got into that place of knowing if I didn't journey through the place of just believing that, God, you could do this. And just trying. It's never wasted. It's never wasted in God. There was a revivalist.

The name is not coming back to me, but this was a woman who, I mean, she would have this healing crusades and like 90% of people are getting healed. And I remember reading a book that she wrote and she talked about how in the beginning she'll pray for people and it seemed like her prayers were killing people faster. And she was so defeated. She's like, God, I'm praying for people and they're dying. Wow.

But the Lord was teaching her through everything. It's never wasted. So the same thing, praying in the spirit. You open your mouth, even though you might feel like you just said one word and it didn't make sense, show up again. God will not deny you what he desires for you. That's so good.

I'm speaking in text tonight. No, I'm doing it tonight. It could sound foolish. There are times where it could just sound like a rap song. Like, rat-a-tat-a. You ought to see me. Okay.

Can I tell you the first time Ari spoke in tongues? So she prays out of a movie. So we're like, we went to Vancouver to do this conference. It's a three-day conference. We were only supposed to speak in one session. We spoke every day. We're exhausted by the end of it. You know when you do the, you know, by the end of it, we're spiritually depleted. It is like,

midnight. We're kind of like all closing out just like the stag, just everybody involved in the lead pastors and everything. And we're all in a circle and we're praying and it's going for a while. And I love Jesus so much, but in my head, I'm like, God, I'm ready. I'm ready to go home. You know, it's been a long time. And so I'm like, okay, cool. We're closing. I can tell we're closing. All of a sudden, baptism of the Holy Spirit already starts speaking in tongues.

And then everyone starts freaking out, and I'm like, okay, here we go again. We're safe for a while. I look at her. She's on the floor. She goes, that was awesome. It

It was amazing, though. But yeah, I tell my friends, even my friends who aren't the strongest believers, I'll literally be like praying in tongues right now. Try it. Just do it. Because I know that it stirs something up. It stirs it up, yeah. I love it. And we have a generation of people, especially in our generation, and so many of the people that we reach don't tap into the supernatural. And they don't. They're so in their heads with their religion. They're so in their heads. Scripture is the basis and the core of everything we do, and it's the most important thing. Yeah.

But God wants our hearts too. He doesn't want us living up here. And speaking in tongues, praying in the spirit has gotten me out of my head. And it's changed everything for me. So thank you for speaking on that. I want to ask you, this is so important.

So you know, it's important because we have young viewers. You talk about angel numbers and it's all I see on social media, the three through three, the one, one, one, and how it's really so deceptive. Can you talk about that? Cause I loved that you spoke on that in your book. Yeah. So it,

Because it's trending, right? You know how we have this thing, like if there's a color of a car that you desire, you see it everywhere, right?

I'm going to speak on two different things. People that are just seeing the numbers because they have a focus on it. So 111 or 1111 is a very common one to the point where people are like, oh my gosh, did you guys just see 1111, 1111? But because your mind subconsciously, you already have a desire to see that, you don't realize the...

50 times that you looked at your phone and it was 450. 329. But when it's 1111, it stood out. Oh my goodness. 1111, there's something, right? Now the issue with that is when people make it about angel numbers, God speaks through numbers. That's a fact.

And there are times where there are certain numbers will stand out to you. There are times where you wake up at a certain time all the time. There are times where there's a certain number you might see for real all the time because God does speak through numbers. We see it all through the Bible. There is this consistency that,

in God where even when you think about the number 40, it's not coincidence that Jesus will be in the wilderness 40 days. You know, Moses was, you know, in the desert 40 years, the children of Israelites will go through the wilderness for 40 years. Like you see this consistency with 40 that has to do with testing and trials and, you know, tribulation. But then you also see number seven, completion. And then you see this, you know, like there's a whole

whole pattern in the Bible where you see seven keep showing up to represent completion. Eight, new beginnings. We see that when Noah came out of the ark, it was a family of eight. And it's like now there's a new beginning starting this family. So God speaks through numbers. That's true. The problem with angel numbers is that we are giving credit to angels. Yeah. Yeah.

We are now subconsciously worshiping angels. So it's like, oh, I see an angel number. Oh, I thank God for my angel. We don't pray to angels. We don't ask angels to do anything. Even Jesus, when there were things connected to angels, he would say, I will pray to the Father.

Right. And then he will send a legion of angels. Right. With nothing that there's not, we don't ask angels to do anything. We talk to the father. That's right. And when he gives them a command, they follow the command of his word. Right.

Not just whatever we choose or we desire. And the problem with that, the biggest problem with that is Satan is an angel. Wow. So when you are given credit to angel numbers and you begin to worship angel, he can insert himself. Wow.

And that could bring a lot of deception. And it's just like the same thing with like horoscopes, right? Where you have people that try to figure out who will be their best, you know, partner in life based on a horoscope. Right. Yeah.

was not the design of God. So with numbers, if you live your life based on, oh my gosh, I saw this angel number, then you go to the app or you go to the blogs and it's like, what does angel number this mean? And you use that to define your path. The enemy, you open a door for deception of the enemy. Because if an angel number tells you, you know, today

Stay home. And that is the day God actually has an assignment for you that involves you being on the road. Now you've missed that opportunity because you're allowing your life to be defined by a number and by an interpretation that someone and a different spirit put behind the number. Wow. Wow.

So at the end of the day, even when it's God speaking to you through numbers, you should only be led by the Holy Spirit. Amen. That's right. Thank you, Jesus. And not relying on, oh, my angel numbers. No, this opens the door for deception. Wow. So good. I think the last pressing thing on my heart is this idea you have four different types of people.

inclination, basically. You're either a seer, a feeler, a hearer, or a knower. And would you explain those to us? Also, what are you other than probably all four of them at the same time? You are all four. No, you can actually be all four. Yeah.

And so there are different ways we experience God's voice, right? So there's the hearer, and that's the one who maybe what they're more dominant in. Some people might hear the, you know, like the...

how do I even phrase it? Like the audible voice of God, right? And that might be, that's more rare, you know, where maybe there's a moment where the Lord just wants to like get your attention. For others, it's like where they just kind of like you hear God, where they call it like the other thought,

It's a thought that's not your own, and you know that this is the Holy Spirit speaking to you very clearly. So some people are more dominant in just having conversations and dialogue with the Lord. And then there's the knower, and these are people who have very high discernment. They have a knowing of things. It's like you could bring them a contract, and everything on the contract is perfect, but they have a knowing that, wait,

I'm not supposed to be doing this because in all these things, God is sharing with you his attributes. So when you're a hearer, he's sharing with you what he's saying. He's giving you access to his voice. When you're a knower, he's giving you access to what he knows about this situation.

So if the Lord knows this is bad for you, then all of a sudden your spirit is sensitive to that. And you know, wait, everything on paper looks great, but I have a knowing I should not touch this. And it's important because when people recognize these are ways that God speaks, then it amplifies their ability to trust it more.

And then the feeler, these are the people who are very, where it's like, man, I feel peace on this. Oh, I don't sense the peace of the Lord on this. They have this, they're very sensitive to the peace of God.

Yeah. Where it's like, okay, I don't, this doesn't sit well with me. Something about this feels disruptive to me. Right. And so they're engaging with the emotions of God concerning the matter. Right. And then the seer, you're seeing, it's like God giving you access to see in that situation as he sees. Right.

And so even with the seer, that's where now dreams, visions, open visions, trance, it covers everything that has to do with spiritual sight. So one of the key things is like when your eyes are opening, you can see angelic activity, you can see demonic activity. But sometimes before it gets to that point, there are ways that God will build and raise you up.

And so what I talk about, why I wrote the book when I focused on the seeing realm is because it covers every experience in the seeing realm. You feel, you know, you hear everything.

It gives you like a full experience of what God wants to say. And it even builds you up in your confidence in running with that. Now with dreams, yes, they might be symbols and it might come in a way that it feels like, you know, when people say like, well, I had a dream of a car accident.

And they're like trying to figure, decipher that. Now, the language of dreams, when it's a God given dream, because it comes from God, you cannot bypass having a relationship with the Holy Spirit to understand what he's saying to you. Because I always tell people there's a difference between interpretation and translation.

It's not dream translation, right? Because a translation is, it's the same meaning across the board. If I was to translate, you know, we, it's yes, wherever you go, French to English, it would mean yes. But interpretation is more personal.

Right. So now it's not just me saying yes. Now someone needs to interpret how I said it to know if I was being sarcastic. Was I being honest? Did I mean it when I said yes? So now you're interpreting my body language. That's personal to me. Hmm.

So with dream interpretation, yes, there are things that could feel like general understanding and insight, but there is something specific that God is saying to you. Right. And to understand the language, you must have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Yeah. Because with the book, one of the key things, the journey that I take people through the book is, first of all, get into a place where you believe that God can speak to you through your dreams. Mm-hmm.

because that unbelief or that fear can be blocking you. So get to a place where you understand, not even before you even believe, recognize why you need God's voice in your life. Recognize the importance of why God needs to speak to you because your life is in him. Without him, you will never get to know who you really are. Without him, you are disconnected from the truth of your existence and becoming a shell of people's ideas and opinions.

And so first of all, understand why you need God's voice. Then get to the place where you believe that you can hear him.

And then when you, from there, you know, then we talk about the practicals and, you know, from a natural and spiritual place on how you prepare yourself to receive the word of the Lord. And when we get there, now, what are the things you should look for in your dreams to understand the meaning of the dream? But all of that now is filtered through the Holy Spirit. So good.

So it takes us through a journey, but it still brings us the arrival of when you recognize the symbols to look for in your dream, it's now to take in prayer so that the Holy Spirit can tell you the language and what that means. So, for example, I remember having this dream where I saw flying sharks.

And there were these sharks that were just flying in the air. And I'm like, what in the world is happening? Where are sharks flying? And they were eating up all the flies. So there was no flies. So I had a knowing that there was no flies in the world. And there are all these flying sharks. And people are panicking. People are scared. But even though it was scary, there was a peace I had.

where I'm like, okay, I'll be all right. The sharks are not after me. They're not going to affect me. And then I wake up and I'm like, what? What's that?

And so I pay attention to the symbols. I'm like, okay, they're flying. They're sharks, but they're flying. There's no flies. People are panicked, but yet there are people who had peace. So I bring all the symbols and then I'm like, okay, what is the tone of the dream? So in the book, I break down different things that people need to pay attention to. So what type of dream was that? Right. What was the tone of the dream? Were they, what stood out to you? The numbers, the colors, was it a location? Was it the people? Um,

You know, what were the things that stood out? So I do that practice for myself. So when I laid everything out, now I take it to prayer. And I'm like, Holy Spirit, show me what is this. And right there, the Lord began to speak. So first he talks to me about the flies, that when flies are extinct, that what do flies do? They eat up waste. So when you have no flies in a society, you're going to have a lot of trash.

a lot of waste would be just exposed because they're the ones that consume it. So, and then he says, the flying sharks are the media, the way that people call like, you know, media like sharks. So he's like, they're in the air because they represent the media. And that, then he starts talking to me about the times. He says, you're coming into a time where,

He is going to cause, you know, the things that people have hidden for such a long time, wolves in sheep clothing. And he started talking to me about things that will come out of the church, things that will come out of culture, people who have been acting one way. And, you know, in the behind the scenes, they are not who people think they are, that he will cause their mess to.

to no longer be hidden, but to come out in the open. Wow. And the media would expose it. And it says, when you see these things, just know that it is actually my judgment... Wow. ...that is coming on those people. So sick. So you see how, like, you could go from flying sharks and you're like, this is crazy, but the flying sharks... Yeah. But when you pay attention to it, and for me, and the tone in the dream, I knew that, okay, there is, like...

this is a there was a war not just a warning dream but that there's something like it was almost like God was giving me this revelation and I'm like okay there's an information I need to understand here and then I can bring all the symbols and then the Lord starts explaining them one by one unbelievable yeah truly can I ask you one question is it okay if I fall asleep to scripture and

Absolutely. Okay. I just don't know if that's like also a distraction. Oh, no. Because then the word of God is life. Okay. You know, it's the word of God itself. It's, I mean, like, oh, yes. That's what I sleep to every night. Because then you're...

The scripture talks about how this was inspired, the inspired word of God, like it is active and it's living, it is breathing. And so if you're like, because when you're sleeping to it, your spirit is meditating on that. It's so true. Oh, I know. So now the key thing is now when you wake up. So there's how you prepare to go to bed, but it's also how you prepare when you wake up.

So when you wake up, your phone should not be the first thing you reach. I know. Because now you're coming out of the place where God put the message.

So you're coming out of a spiritual place and you go right back into the physical. You're like, oh, phone, distracted. Now your thoughts. Okay, schedule was, you know, X, Y, and Z. So when you wake up, take a moment to just say, thank you, God. Thank you. And even just pray, Holy Spirit, if there's anything you showed me, please bring it to my remembrance. And I say this for even people who have children.

Because sometimes you have, I've had moms, they're like, yeah, but I wake up to my child screaming. What do I do then? I'm like, I wake up to my child screaming too. And I bring her into that. While I carry her, I say, thank you, Lord, for waking me up. If there are things you want me to know, bring it to my memory. I trust you.

You take a moment. Take those first few moments in worship. Yeah. Take it in gratitude. Take it just to focus on the Lord and watch how all of a sudden there might be something even later in the day that comes back to your memory. And you're like, wait, I had a dream. Yeah.

And everything becomes clear. And then you can take some time, write it down, and let the Lord unpack it. Wow. Good. Thank you so much for writing this book. It truly is going to help so many people. Like, it helped me. And I'm just so excited for you guys all to read it. Please. Can you tell everyone how to get this book? Oh, yeah. Wherever books are sold.

Okay, it's everywhere. Yeah, anywhere books are sold. And I'm excited because it comes out in Spanish a few months after. That's so good. So good. But yeah, wherever books are sold, I encourage you, get it for yourself, get it for a loved one. I'm excited for the book because of the mission connected to the book above anything else. Yeah, and we're going to put the link in the description box so you can order it.

You're going to change lives with this. Thank you so much for writing it because we need to walk in the prophetic. We need to be in touch. We need for it to not be weird or taboo or overly spiritual. That's who we are.

It's literally who we are. So thank you so much, Stephanie. We adore you. Thank you for everything you do. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know our GGB family just adores you. How could they not? I love them. I love them. We love you so much. They love you so much. And we love you. We learn so much from you. God bless you. Thank you, Jesus, for your life. Seriously, thank you, Jesus. That's all we have to say. And I'm excited for you. Good to see you guys in the road. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Thank you, guys. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Thank you, GGB. Love you. At Leidos, a brilliant mind is smart, but a brilliant team is smarter.

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