cover of episode Glory & Anointing w/ Toure Roberts | Girls Gone Bible

Glory & Anointing w/ Toure Roberts | Girls Gone Bible

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Toure Roberts
Toure Roberts: 本集探讨了敬拜的意义、神的荣耀和恩膏的本质,以及如何应对灵性争战和试探。他分享了自己的信仰旅程,以及如何通过预备内心、洁净心灵来聆听神的声音,并以爱来传达神的话语。他还谈到了如何将挫折转化为动力,以及如何通过认罪与神达成一致来获得赦免和洁净。在面对灵性争战时,他强调要预料到它的发生,并将其视为对恩膏和胜利的验证。他认为,任何争战都无法胜过你内在的力量。他还分享了与妻子Sarah建立美满婚姻的秘诀,以及如何战胜试探,保持灵性的完整性。 Ange & Ari: 她们分享了在Toure Roberts的教会中所经历的神的同在和荣耀,以及如何通过与圣灵的相遇来改变生命。她们也表达了对那些信仰动摇,经历过巨大悲伤的人的关怀,以及对那些缺乏父爱,难以相信神爱他们的人的理解。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Pastor Toure Roberts emphasize worship in his church services?

Worship creates a spiritual connection with the Holy Spirit, fostering wholeness, joy, and freedom.

How does Pastor Toure Roberts handle spiritual warfare?

He expects it, recognizes his victory, and uses it as fuel to intensify his work.

What is the significance of anointing according to Pastor Toure Roberts?

Anointing is a God-given mark that ensures success in the appointed task.

How does Pastor Toure Roberts define glory?

Glory is the manifest presence and essence of God, the atmosphere of God.

How does Pastor Toure Roberts advise dealing with heartbreak and lack of faith?

Recognize it as normal, grieve, but don't close off the source of healing, which is God.

How has Pastor Toure Roberts' relationship with his father influenced his faith?

He realized God had been his father all along, providing protection, guidance, and wisdom.

What is Pastor Toure Roberts' advice on winning the war against temptation?

Hate the temptation, recognize it blocks progress, seek God's help, and have a strategy.

What is the secret to Pastor Toure Roberts' successful marriage with Sarah Jakes Roberts?

They have a strong spiritual foundation, cultivate friendship, and safeguard their relationship.

Pastor Toure shares his journey of finding Jesus at a young age and how he transitioned into ministry later in life.
  • Found Jesus at age 9 through his mother's influence
  • Spent years prospering materially but lacking spiritual peace
  • At 26, rediscovered God and surrendered fully to his calling

Shownotes Transcript


Hi guys, I'm Ange. And I'm Ari. And this is Girls Gone Bible. Today we have, you know if I'm on this side, give it my bad side, you know it's worth it, it means something. Today we have one of the most special guests that we've ever had the privilege of having on. We have Pastor Torrey Roberts in the building. Hi Torrey. Hey, hey. PT. Man, man.

Can we just tell you 18 stories of how you have personally affected our lives? It's ridiculous. Ari and I, we started going to one. So you're the pastor at one Potter's house. And then also in Dallas, you and Sarah have a church. Yeah. Yeah. It's Potter's. We're the assistant pastors. Our title is assistant senior pastors in Dallas. Amazing. Yeah. Incredible.

started going to one probably almost two years ago. And we were just like, I remember the first time we walked into one and there is nothing like the energy in one shameless worship is how I would describe it. There is not a single person in that building that cares about what the person next to them is doing. And I remember we were like,

He was talking about a sick heart. And I was in the peak of my broken heart. I thought I was on my way out. And then I heard you, remember? Yeah, sick heart. I remember you walked in and that was the first time that Ari really felt like a pastor was speaking directly, prophetically into her situation. And I remember we, because we've been to so many churches in LA and we're like,

yeah, yeah. Like you sing the songs and then we go to one and we are just on our knees in the glory on our faces in a second. That's what you guys like have created in your church. Wow. That's, it's overwhelming. And it was intentional. It's kind of part of, certainly part of my DNA. One of my mentors was a gentleman by the name of Dr. Jack Hayford.

And if you ever get a chance to Google him and watch his videos, it will bless you. Wow. But he was big on worship. And I think that worship is just a fundamental part of being a believer. If you don't understand it and experience it, there's so much that you will miss out on. So we create a culture of intentional worship, not worship as some religious expression, but a real...

spiritual connection with the Holy Spirit that brings about a wholeness and a joy and a freedom and an alignment with God, unlike anything else. So beautiful. Yeah. I mean, you can feel it the second you walk in there. It's so real. And you guys bring in the presence of God like nobody's business. And you prepare our hearts, everybody in there to receive God. And that's half of... You know what I love about you guys? So much. And there's no comparison. I'm not comparing, but...

You know, super curated, you know, super curated, um,

Church services, which I'm sure are great for their own thing. Sure. They leave no room for God. They leave no room for the Spirit to do what He wants to do. There might be one person out there who needs just five more minutes of worship. And if we put an end to what God wants to do because we have like a timeframe, whereas you guys are like, I'm so sorry if we go for an hour and a half in worship, it's for your benefit.

You know, I just love that so much. It's true. I mean, and we really exist for the people. Yeah. The people don't exist for the church. The church exists for the people. And we are not delusional about what it takes to really impact the person. Preaching is wonderful. I believe in it. Prophesying is amazing. I believe in it. But at the end of the day...

You can't do more for a person than what their encounter with the Holy Spirit can do. I mean, there are biblical stories where there was worship going on and praise going on and the glory of God filled the temple so much so that the priest didn't even have to minister. I'm not trying to, you know, work myself out of a job necessarily, but, you know, we love the people and we know that there are some that are going to walk in that room and that's going to be the only place

encounter with the Holy Spirit, the presence of God, the yoke-destroying presence of God, they're going to get all weak. And we never want to stand in the way of that. Yes, you know, we've got

to get to the word, move things along. And we've got another service coming up. And so we're conscious of time, but we're not bound by time or the structure. And we believe that the Holy Spirit, if you give it to him, God is aware of the timing and what needs to be done. So just trust the God of the church to minister to the people in the church. So good. Could you please just tell us

The beginning of your story, you are California born and raised. Tell us how you found Jesus, how you got into ministry. And then we have about 17,000 questions to ask you about ministry, if that's okay. Absolutely. I'm here to serve you. I was fortunate enough to have a mom who was raising a kid in the inner city of LA that wanted to make sure, by the way, as a single parent,

She wanted to make sure that she was providing the right environment for me. She wasn't a believer. Yeah, my mom wasn't saved, but she took me to church because she was like, look, I'm raising this kid in a city.

Without a dad, I need to get him into something that's going to be safe and good. So she brought me to church. Well, we both ended up getting saved. In fact, the preacher was preaching and he preached the gospel and he gave the altar call. And I'm nine years old. I looked at my mom and I'm like, she go down there. And so we both literally walked down the aisle. She's a younger mom and we get saved. So that's where it started at nine years old. I got baptized. I believed.

Some really basic things about the Lord one that you know, he died on the cross for my sins Well here this was my big three He died on the cross for my sins if I died I had a place in heaven and if I got in trouble he would bail me out That was it. That was the whole story. But then at 26 I

I found myself prospering in every way with the exception of spiritually. The only problem with getting saved and having an encounter with the Holy Spirit or having the Holy Spirit because you believe in Christ is that there's going to be a conviction in there. So you can only go so far. And I went as far as, I mean, I went to the edge, maybe even jumped off a couple of times, but His grace pulled me back. And at 26, I had everything except

spiritual peace. And I began to seek the God of my youth and I found him and the rest was history. I just surrendered. And then I discovered that yes, he died on the cross for my sins. Yes, I had a place in heaven. Yes, if I got in trouble,

He would bail me out, but he also would empower me to live the life I wanted to live but did not think I could access. And so I began to walk in the spirit and everything changed my life.

The revelation of the scripture just, it just exploded. I used to read it and it was just words on the page. I'm like, what, how, and how, what does that even mean? You know, and now I'm reading the Bible and the words are just jumping off the page. And all my friends, I'm telling them about the Lord. And so for me, ministry, this is kind of give you a long answer to the question, but for me,

like ministry was not something that I chose. It was just the organic overflow of what was happening in my life being expressed in my own language and to the language of a generation that made sense and people started truly being impacted and affected by my interpretation of the scripture and God. And the rest was history. As far as one goes,

I knew I had a gift. I knew I had a calling. God called me and I talk about it in a lot of places, but I'm a business person. I'm a businessman. And so I think, I always think about, I'm wired to think about how to maximize something. And so if you've got, I hate to even talk about it this way, but if you have a product or a service or something, you need to create structure around it so that

it can be maximized. If you really believe in a product, then you think everybody in the world should have it. Well, what sort of systems and structures can you set in place to export this gift? And so

I didn't have a background in ministry, no parents, none of that stuff. Seminary, theology school, did you ever go? I took some classes. I just took what I needed, Greek, Hebrew, a few things. But I'll be honest with you, and this is not everyone's story. And I support seminary for those who feel called to go. But when I tried to lean into it fully, I hate to say this, but it's my stories. Yeah. Yeah.

I felt like I was losing my anointing. Wow. Wow. Wow. I really did because you can't really teach a person how to preach. So interesting. You can't, you can teach a person how to be maybe an effective communicator, but, uh,

Me and Steven Furtick were talking the other day about preaching and how it happens and where it comes from. And maybe we'll get to that. I don't want to over... Please, you can go and go and we're here to listen. Well, we were talking about... Because we... He likes to talk about messages. So like, what are you working on this week? And we'll get into it. And we kind of... I think it's good. Iron sharpens iron sort of bit. But we had this conversation and I said, for me...

I don't necessarily work on a word first. I work on me first. There's a passage in Proverbs that says, the preparation of the heart belongs to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. And if you really study that sentence, the verse in the Hebrew, the preparation of the heart has to do with the proper arrangement of the heart.

My heart has everything to do with my ability to hear from God. Like, you know, blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Right? So if my heart isn't pure, I'm not going to be able to see. We always make that about heaven. Blessed are the pure in heart. They're going to see God one day. They're going to get that. No, that's not what it says. It says they're going to see God. They're going to perceive God. So the purer my heart, the better my perception of God is.

So my sermons start with my consecration. My sermons start with my heart, my desire not to preach a good sermon.

That's never my goal. My goal is to love the people that I'm talking to so powerfully through the word that God has given to me that their life is going to change. So when I'm prepping, as I'm purifying my heart, as I'm laying down, I'm thinking about the people that I'm speaking to and I'm interceding for them. I'm praying for them. That's my job. That's the preparation of the heart.

Then it says, and the answer of the tongue or the word that's going to come to your tongue is from the Lord. So if I get my heart right, God's going to give me what he's saying. And that's why the messages are prophetic. That's why, you know, thousands of people can say, were you in my closet? Were you in my, why? Because God gave it to me. And God knows how to put the right phrase, the right words, use the right scripture to touch everybody that's going to hear that message who has an open heart.

And I will tell you, you heard it here first. All that you just explained is exactly what is portrayed when you speak. Like that's exactly what we've experienced in our own lives. I want to tell you a little story that Ari and I, an experience that we had at one. So at one, you guys do something at the end of most services, maybe every service where you will have

us go to the person next to us. And we basically kind of relay what's on our heart, the burden on our heart, whatever we want to lay down, whatever we're like laying at the cross and giving to Jesus, whatever we need Jesus to do for us, to free us from whatever it might be. And the other person says, it is done in Jesus name. Yeah.

Ari and I, it's one of our first times at one. It's like an insane service. I think, was it Stephanie or was it Tori? It was Tori. It was, wow. You were speaking. It was a service that had completely gone off the rails. Like we were no longer friends.

Like you were letting it go. You were letting it go. No, it was the most amazing. There were people wailing. Women were wailing in the audience. Like I remember I had a friend, Gavin was watching it from home, bawling, like a grown man was bawling his eyes out because he was just like hearing the cries in the audience.

And you told us to turn to our partner and say, it is done in Jesus' name. Ari and I turned to each other at the exact same time. We look at each other. We're crying like little girls. Everyone's staring at us. Yeah. I was like, okay, we got to get out of here. We say the same thing at the same time. And we basically go, we want to lay down the life that we're living and we want to step into what God actually has for us.

We say it at the same time we start Girls Gone Bible two weeks later. Oh, my God. Isn't that crazy? Wow. Something freed us that day when we did that. We stepped into alignment. Something shifted. Something happened. And we stepped. And that's why doing it that way is so important. Like, I really, I protect that. Yeah. You know, and everywhere I go. And it, I don't know. I think, you know, I get, you know, invitations to speak.

But not a ton. Yeah. And I know that some of it has to do, well, there's a number of reasons. One, people think that I won't come. And that's partially true. But also they don't, sometimes they may not know how that freedom will fit into their structure. Right. But that's why it's so important. I mean, those moments that you're describing,

are moments because people who had the authority to govern the service gave it to God and trusted that God could handle the service where people will be impacted and the service won't be jacked up, so to speak. Totally, totally. And that's important. And I think...

And I know you guys, I can't wait to hear about you guys touring and what that, and I'm going to try to come to one, to be honest with you. I'm going to really try to just to support you guys. Yeah. We'll pop in there on you. But no, that's- I would die. I actually would die. Can I just say, I would legitimately be like, hey, don't worry, why don't you guys come up here? There's no point of us being on stage if you are there. It's like when Stephanie comes on the

podcast, I feel embarrassed to say a word. We don't say anything. I'm like, no, no, go ahead. You speak. No, but you got to trust the grace. I mean, yes, we're different and we've got our different graces and you obviously admire those graces, but we admire yours. And the first thing I came when I came in like, guys, I'm so proud of you. I mean, the difference that you're making, your uniqueness is necessary and it's powerful and there's nobody

like you and i'm not saying that because you guys have a unique thing because you do but no one is supposed to be like you there's no there's nobody coming after you you're it so you've you've got to be it you know you got to be tall and proud and with bells ringing because if you if you're not you there is no other i know so true yeah

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GGB and get your kids the full body nourishment that they need to grow into healthy adults. How do you deal with spiritual warfare being in ministry? Like, how do you deal with that? Because us too, we've been getting sacrilege. How do you deal with it? I deal with it first by expecting it. There was a passage, I think it was, I think it was Peter. If it wasn't Peter, it was James. You know what I'm going to say? Read your whole Bible and you'll find it.

But it talked about counting it not strange concerning the fiery trial that is coming to try you. And so for me, I expect warfare and I'm confident in warfare. I use warfare to validate war.

My anointing, my impact, I use warfare to validate my victory. Wow. That's great. Yeah. I had a moment during Woman Evolve and something came up. Something was just like there was something that just came out of nowhere. Yeah. And it was frustrating. And the Holy Spirit started speaking to me and he said, you have to learn to turn this frustration into fuel. Wow.

What? It's like, yeah, you got to literally transform it into fuel. How do you do that? Well, first of all, you're frustrated because something showed up unexpected. You had a plan. It showed up unexpected.

Why not be affirmed by the fact that if this thing came up and it frustrated you, and yeah, be honest. Hey, listen, I'm not pretending like I, you know, you get punched in the chin and you're like, oh, thank you, Jesus. This is why I feel so good. Hallelujah. Give me two or three more of those. It's not that. You acknowledge the frustration, but the enemy wants you to be frustrated to the point that you depart from the track that you're on. But what if I realize

re-imagine frustration. What if I looked at it differently? What if I said, oh my God, I'm on the right track. And now I'm gonna use it as fuel. Because here is the thing, warfare is real, but you won.

There's no warfare that you will ever experience that is greater than what is in you. Wow. Right? It's just frustrating. It's annoying. It's irritating. But it's not greater than you. Right? The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. But there might. So that's affirmation too. I mean, I'm giving you a lot of explanation. Good. But I expect it.

I recognize that I have victory in it and I use it. There is like a version of me

That comes out of me when I am in a spiritual battle that I cannot get to when I'm in prosperity. Wow. When I'm in this peaceful place. It just, when you back me against the wall and I know it's the devil, oh God. There's, it's like the Incredible Hulk. Like, you know what I mean? I just start, my eyes stop bothering me, you know what I mean? And I just start, I'll just go into my tongues. But it's so, so I expect it.

Um, I recognize that I have the victory in it and, uh, and I, and I translate it into our transform it rather into fuel. So it actually speeds up and intensifies whatever it is I was working on when it happened, as opposed to slowing me down. Incredible. Can I, I have like so many different ways I want to go, but can you describe to us what anointing is? Ooh, yes. Wow. Wow.

Okay, so I'm just going to kind of start and then we'll just take it from there. So anointing has to do with a spiritual, there's another word for it, a spiritual unction. Something that God, it's a God-blessed

God-given, God-induced mark, right? You guys are marked. You didn't do this because you thought it was a good idea. There's a lot of people. We're in Hollywood. A lot of people that came here with good ideas and they're on their way home. The anointing is not a good idea. It's a God idea. It's when God says, I have appointed you for something.

I've placed my hand on you for something. You're anointed to do this.

Which means that every time you do it, it's going to work. David had his slingshot and his stones, right? And it just seemed like a ridiculous weapon against Goliath, right? The armies of Israel had all of this military paraphernalia and he had a slingshot.

and five stones. He didn't even need the whole five, just one that he killed Goliath with. Why? Because that was his anointing.

He was anointed to do that. And no one could will that slingshot like him. So I think anointing is when you have surrendered to God and God has said, this is my hand on your life. This is the thing that you are anointed. I was anointed to come to Hollywood. I was anointed to raise up one. I was anointed. It wasn't a good idea. I didn't even want to come.

but I was anointed to and I went. And so I think, I mean, you can get into the oil back in the days and people were, but all that symbolic of something that flows from heaven and touches you and falls on you and nobody can take it from you. - Wow. - Right? It's yours and it will work. So when you're praying for people, you're praying under the anointing.

Right? You're not praying in your own strength. I'm not praying in the name of Ari, in the name of Angie. No, I'm in the name, according to my anointing.

You got to flee. According to my anointing, this thing has to change in this person's life. And so I know that was a kind of a roundabout way to say it, but it's that thing. God told Jeremiah, before I formed you in your mother's womb, I knew you and I ordained you. I appointed you. That's why you got to do it. Because.

Because if you don't do it, who's going to do it? And you can do it. Yeah. Because you're anointed. Yeah. And the enemy, this is why Christ prevailed. Christ was literally the anointed one. Christ means anointed. So it's everything. Gosh, it's so good.

And I remember when I felt anointed for the first time. Yeah, that's what I was going to ask you. Okay, really quick. So when you felt anointed for the first time and when you're preaching, when you know, like what is it when you like you realize there's an anointing in the room? You realize that something is like, can you just break that down for us? Yeah, it's...

It's, it's, it's a over one. So I can't help it. I'm very expressive. So I'll be like, I feel God. If you ever watch me preach, I just, Oh God, I feel the Holy Spirit. You know, I just, I can't help it because I just, I have to express it because it feels like an overwhelming rush of,

of the hand and the essence of God that cannot be stopped, that I can hardly contain. Wow. I mean, it literally is, you know, I was preaching Sunday and you got to get that. Yeah, I listed that message. You need a chance. But there was one moment in that service where I felt like if you're in a wheelchair, you

"Come here, I'm looking for you." It was like that. Or you're, let's just go to the extreme, or you just died on me, no problem. When you open yourself up in faith and worship, and you just, so I'm trying to, I've got so many instances, but you just feel God's hand. So when I was talking to Steven, I said, "You've got the vessel,

I said, you've got the message and you've got the room. These three things. I said, if we're going to talk about preaching, we're going to talk about Sundays. I said, for me, there are three elements. The vessel, the word, or the message. The vessel, the message, and the room. The vessel, we talked about. Me preparing myself. The word is what I sense that God has given to me. But the wild card is the room. Because you haven't been in that room before, right? You've prepared yourself. You've got...

a general word that God has given to you, but the room is the wild card. And the room determines how and when the word is administered. So I'll have a thought map. Typically my thought maps are anywhere between four and eight pages at Woman Evolve, but four and eight pages. And there are all these things that God has spoken to me, but the room determines how

I can usually get through what I put down, but typically not in the order in which I put it. Because there'll be a glory because of the room, because of who is in the room. Remember, it's not for me. It's not to check off the box that I ate all these points. It's for the impact of the people in that room. That's

All that matters. Your message, your word, your anointing, your gift, it ain't for you. It's for those people that are listening. And God knows who's in that room. So you're still navigating the vessel, right? Because part of the vessel, navigating the vessel is don't get fearful, self-conscious fearful and fall apart. The moment you make it about you, you get self-conscious fearful. Oh my God, I'm not doing good. The enemy's attacking your head, all that kind of stuff. You got to buy it.

Bye-bye. That's got to lay down. I have to interrupt you. Do you ever experience that where you get in your head and you're like aware of yourself even on stage and you become self-conscious? Does that ever happen? It used to. Yeah. It used to. And see, God always has a revelation for your stumble. Wow. Right? If you seek him for anything that hinders your ability to really move forward.

In God, there's always a revelation for it. And typically the revelation is how you're thinking about something. So for me, what changes my behavior is how I see a thing. So what helped me when I used to like get self-conscious, your mouth gets all dry, you know, you're wondering how you're doing. You're looking at the people's faces and you're thinking and the enemy's attacking your mind saying you're failing miserably or they don't like you or they're not hearing from you. I learned that if I don't make it about me,

If I make it about loving them and getting the word to them, then I have just stepped out of myself so that I can fully be used by God. Totally. So, yeah, it's normal for that. But not as much anymore because I know that trick. Totally. So that's what happens as you grow in God, you keep moving in God, you learn his tricks. And so and then God will give you a revelation for it. Listen, being a servant of God is one of the most. No, not one. It is the most amazing thing on the planet because you've got.

the brilliant strategist, God almighty, who knows everything coaching you. Yeah. Genius. Coaching you. Yeah. Gosh, I love that so much. I know recently I was like, I'll be praying and I'll be like, listen, God, I don't have that many teachers, but you rabbi, the ultimate teacher, would you just teach me, teach me, literally teach me. And the Holy spirit's like, I got you. That's literally my name. I will teach you all day. Yeah. Um,

We're upset. The glory of God is everything to me. I love the manifest presence of God. I am like, I just love it. I love feeling God. I love when he's there. I love when he walks in a room. I love churches and services and pastors and preachers who make space and make room for the Holy Spirit to come in and move.

Can you talk about glory? What is glory? How do you bring in the glory? How do you leave room for God to bring in his glory? Oh, my God. So let me start with this that me and my wife have. Can we just say his wife is Sarah Jakes Roberts? Legitimately, one of the main reasons I know Jesus. I love her more than anything, but that's for another day. Yeah, yeah. You guys have to do this. Oh, absolutely. We have a pact.

And our pact is we won't stop any message until we strike glory. This is our, this is our pack. So if you ever see us and we, we chest bump when the other's preaching and we high five and we're just, because all we want is glory. I know. So what is glory? Glory.

Glory is, in our estimation, it is the manifest presence and essence of God. When you see worship services happening in heaven, and that's why you got to study Revelation 4 and 5, so you can understand what's happening in heaven so that you can align with it in earth. And I've got so much to say about that, but we'll get there.

So if you study the worship services in heaven, the angels and all the beings that are around the throne are always talking about his glory. They're marveling at the glory of God. So part of the essence and the unique essence and the attribute of God is God's glory. Like that, you know, so the angels, holy, holy, holy, the whole earth is full of his glory. You know, all this is happening, right?

So the glory is the essence of God. It's the atmosphere of God. It's the realm of God. It's the reflection of God. It's powerful. It's the shadow that Peter portrayed, that Peter projected and someone got healed. It wasn't the shadow. It was the glory that rested upon Peter so powerfully that it overwhelmed the atmosphere and it was even on the shadow. So just the, okay, the glory is the form of God.

Peter was so saturated with the form of God that was on his form that the glory not only was on his form, but was on the shadow of his form. And that glory, that three degrees of separation, you know, the glory of God on the man of God and then on the shadow of God healed somebody. So that's how powerful the glory of God is, right? And so for us, it is how do we bring people's minds and hearts together?

it's gonna get good, into alignment to perceive the glory of God. Because the reality of it is the whole earth is full of his glory. That's what the beings say in heaven. And those worship service, they say, holy, holy, holy is the Lord. And then it says the whole earth is full of his glory. The problem is we don't have a consciousness of his glory. So it is actually when we talk about, man, you know what? We really brought the presence. You actually didn't. You

You brought awareness of the presence so that the people could feel the presence, right? That's what worshipers are supposed to do. If you're ever looking at the worshiper, you made a mistake. The worshiper is supposed to get you to look at God. Wow. So their worship is supposed to be so pure that they're getting you to look at God. But anyway, so we're talking about the whole earth is full of God's glory. So our job is to be so, I'm going to use this term, so dead when we're ministering, so laid down when we're ministering,

that we are aligned with heaven. Good worship should align with what's happening in heaven so that that environment on earth

Feels like heaven's environment, which is glory. That happens through worship. That happens through prophetic words. That happens through preaching. That happens through corporate prayer. But our goal, every time, we will not stop until we strike glory. And last thing I'll say about glory is sometimes we will go and when the glory falls, might be time to stop preaching. Wow.

This might be... Because that's the goal, you know? And sometimes you want to finish your message and everything. No, wait a minute. That's it. Let's ride this wave of glory and see where it takes us. We got there. Praise the Lord. You thought it was going to take you eight pages of notes. It took you one. Yeah. Here we go. Maybe we can go home early. Right, right, right. I hope that answered your question. It does. I'm just...

I like, you know, we're on tour right now. And I know Ari and I, people look at us as the biggest amateurs of all time. And we are, obviously. But like God has spoken to me so clearly from the beginning of this, that this is not entertainment. This is for people to encounter me. And I am so, I marvel at the glory of God. I will go to five church services a week just so I can find, like,

I want glory to fall no matter where we are. Every epitome, like no, I just, I'm obsessed. And so thank you for giving us like a grid and a map as to how like you just minister to us so well. And I thank you for that truly. Wow.

How do you, just practically so people understand, how would you describe glory? Is it just goosebumps and crying? Is it hysterically laughing? Is it like what, how would you? So those are responses to glory. I want to say something really quickly. You being an amateur is your advantage.

That's important for you to know that because the enemy is a, and I'm going to answer your question, but I didn't say it before. I forget it. The enemy's number one job, number one attack against you and any believer, particularly newer believers, is inadequacy. And not even older believers is inadequacy. Behold, I do a new thing. And then he says, shall you not know it?

It's really interesting because we focus on the fact that God says he's doing a new thing, but you know what he said, which was equally important? Shall you not know it? In other words, the greatest issue that the church is going to have

is failing to accept or to recognize or to perceive the new thing that he's doing. So you being an amateur is your advantage. I just wanted to say that. Thank you. What you described, the goosebumps, the chills, the falling out, those are responses or those are potential responses to the glory. Some people will just be frozen in it and not do anything. It's the atmosphere of God. It's when God makes himself known to us.

There's nothing like it. You can go to the most amazing concert with the most amazing, talented, creative artists and you feel something in a room and it's wow, it's wow, it's electric. The people are on the same page. Like, yeah, that's wonderful. Glorious on another. It's distinct. - Yeah. - It is a distinct expression

tangible expression of God's presence that touches you in a place inside of you. Sometimes a place that you have never even visited. I didn't even know I had one of those. What is your soul? I didn't even know I had one of those. Whoa, wait, it bypassed my intellect. Yeah.

It pressed through my pain. It pressed through my confusion. It disrupted my conviction about there not being a God or God being, it just wrecked all of that and touched me and pinned me in a place and marked me

And I can't do anything with it because nothing can resist the glory. Wow. Nothing. So good. Nothing. That's why sometimes if someone doesn't believe, just get them to the glory. Yeah, I know. I know because it changes everything. You can't deny it. Guys, think of a time recently when you didn't feel like you could be your full self, like you were hiding behind a mask.

October is the season for wearing masks and costumes, but some of us feel like we wear a mask and hide more often than we want to, at work, in social settings, even around our families.

Therapy can help you learn to accept all parts of yourself so you can take off that mask. Because masks should be for Halloween fun, not for our emotions. BetterHelp, I will continue to talk about it because it helped me, it healed me, and it freed me in so many ways.

And I think it's crucial. I think that finding a good Christian therapist that you can unpack the baggage that you're holding in is freeing and it will heal you in ways you can't even imagine. What I also love about it is it's so convenient. You go right online and you get matched with someone that's perfect for you. If you're thinking of starting therapy, give BetterHelp a try.

It's entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. Just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapists at any time for no additional charge. Take off the mask with BetterHelp. Visit slash Girls Gone Bible today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash Girls Gone Bible. Can you talk about, especially to the new believers...

We're meeting people, especially at our live shows, they're just broken. They have such a lack of faith. Someone who just lost a child and they're just like, how can I have faith when I just lost my child? Their heart is so sick. They can't open up to God. They're struggling. They have a chronic illness. Can you speak to that when they're just struggling so much in their faith? For sure. First of all, that is completely normal when difficult things happen.

beyond difficult, incredibly horrible things, unfair things. Your worst nightmare happens. It's completely normal and natural to have everything in your life disrupted. Your faith in God, your everything, your desire to live, all of that gets shaken in life. And that's normal.

It's a process. I had a pastor friend who lost a son and he was devastated and he couldn't understand it. You're serving God. You're working for the Lord. You know, that's not the natural order. My son, you know, I'm supposed to die. My son's supposed to bury me. Right. Broken, frustrated, asked the Lord to take away the pain. Nothing happened. Got angry with God, you know, and asked the Lord to take away the pain. God said, all right.

I'll fix it for you. Worship me. What a response. Like, wait a minute. I'm hurting. I'm broken. And you're requiring something of me. And I'm a little mad at you. And he goes away and he doesn't do it. And his life begins to become even more miserable. Understandably, he's dealing with the pain. And now he doesn't even have a source to take that pain to. Goes back to God. He has nowhere to go. God, all right, seriously, like, tell me what to do to fix this. God says, no.

Worship me. He's all the more frustrated and he doesn't do so. His life begins to really, really disintegrate. His marriage is in trouble. His ministry is in trouble. He's got nothing. And he goes to the only place that he knows to go. God, please, like, honestly, like, tell me what to do. And God says, worship me. And he found the strength to access a past experience with God and

And he opened up and he worshiped him. And he told me, he said, Toray, the only time that I ever felt any sort of peace, any sort of consolation was when I worshiped God. Wow. In life, we're going to be broken. Yeah. There's no way around it. It's going to be unfair. Good things are going to happen to us in life. But there are going to be moments where we don't deserve or feel like we deserve anything.

what the portion that we're eating. That is what it is, we'll be broken. But one thing that you have to recognize about God is that God is holy. When I say holy, what do you mean like? No, I mean, he's whole. God is whole. When you think holy, think whole. - Yeah. - Well, why is that important? It's important because if I am broken, no matter the reason I'm broken,

What I need is to be whole. And I don't understand everything. And listen, I don't have to understand anything. I just got to get to whole. If something devastating happens to me, I can't afford to not be whole. I can't have whatever the issue is be the issue and me be broken. Those are two separate things. And what I have discovered and what I believe that anyone...

who experiences hardship or anyone in life will experience is that no one can put you back together again, like God. And sometimes you just got to survive it. And what helps you to survive it is knowing that, that God is radically in love with you. His love is,

It has nothing to do with your circumstances. That's not what faith is for. Faith is to get you through these tough circumstances, not to keep you from them. It's gonna happen to Jesus. Jesus was betrayed. Jesus was ultimately slaughtered and murdered. His back was turned on him. Wholeness, I gotta get whole. And once I get whole, then I can walk out healing.

I can walk out. I can figure it out. So I would just say it's tough. I get it. You're going to go through it. You got to grieve. But don't close off the only one that can heal you from the inside out. So good. So good. Can I ask, you mentioned at the beginning of this that you grew up with a single mom. Your dad's not in your life. Something I've been working through personally is God as father. Mm-hmm.

That's always been a very interesting place. And he's been fathering me in so many different ways. It's something that's been very... I've had a very confronting year in this area where he's like, "Hi, I know you've ignored this for a long time and things have been very normal, but we're going to process this." And my favorite thing about God is that He loves us so much, He forces us to process what we don't want to process. And so if you can just speak to a somewhat fatherless generation who

Most people would not, so many people don't believe that God loves them because they've never even seen like a physical earthly manifestation of that. So can you just, if you don't mind, talk to us about how not having a present father has affected you in general in your relationship with God? Any thoughts you have on that? For sure. I used to, I remember I had a good friend.

who had this full package family, you know, and I used to spend the night over his house and his dad was there and his mom was there and his sister was there and he had this perfect, like, and I used to, you know, I used to really envy it, you know, I was just like, wow, this, and I just would love to be over just to, I was so desperate for it. I used to love just being in the environment of it.

And so I did walk around for a great part of my life feeling like I had been shortchanged in some sort of way because, well, how amazing would life be if it wasn't just mom, but it was mom and dad. And then I remember I was about 18 years old. And I remember I found myself in a moment where I was complaining, you know, like, you know, how come I didn't have a dad? And, you know, and I just, I may have been a little older than 18.

And I remember God saying this so clear to me. He was like, have you not recognized that I have been your father the whole time? And he says, think about what a father does. A father protects. A father provides. A father guides. A father, so I was older. A father guides. A father, you know, gives wisdom. A father, you know, chastens sometimes, you know. He's like, I've done all that. And I look back over my life.

And I realized that I had a father. It wasn't what I wanted it to be. But the truth of the matter is, and I love my dad, you know, and, you know, he passed away a little over 10 years ago. But if he would have raised me, I would have had to unlearn a whole lot more things than I had to unlearn. You don't.

get to choose where the fathering dynamic in your life comes from. God will make sure that you get what you need from him or elsewhere. And there's a passage that says, when my mother and my father forsake me, then the Lord will take me up, is what it says. Well, what's interesting is that word forsake

is not really forsake. It can apply, but that's not the word. That word that was translated when it says, "When my mother and my father," and first of all, it doesn't say if, it says when. And we know that some parents don't forsake. So what is he really talking about? That word means to relinquish. It doesn't mean forsake, like I'm forsaking you. It means to relinquish you. So it better reads,

When my mother and my father relinquish me, the Lord will, and that verb you had to study, but it means will gather me for a purpose. This means that, yes, it's a wonderful thing to have biological or natural parents or parents, guardians or whatever, but they're going to have to relinquish you because

that you're just on loan to them. Totally. Wow. You have a heavenly father that knows you before you were a glimmer in your daddy's eye. You know what I mean? You didn't start with a natural parent. You started with God and you have to, at some point, get back to God. And sometimes the relinquishing could be the death of a parent, could be the absence of a parent. Something must happen

In order for you to come to your regular father. Last thing I'll say on that point. God told Abraham when he was calling him to purpose, the first thing he says is get out of your father's house and out of your country to a land that I will show you. There's got to be a transfer. It doesn't mean you give up on your parents, but it means that you will ultimately have to get to your perfect father.

Heavenly Father, or you won't be whole or complete. Gosh, that just ministered to me. I don't even know what to say. I'm so lost in listening. I don't even know what to say. I don't know what to say. I, um...

Can I ask you? Okay. So I wrote about you. We did a 30-day devotional. I actually wrote about you in one of my devotionals. It's so funny. I didn't have mentors. He was really my mentor. Can I just say you legitimately discipled us through sermons and through church. We started talking like you. We were saying, come on somebody. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You go on. Yeah. We were. Watch our first few episodes and come on somebody. I remember I was so new in my walk and I was trying...

Everyone was leaving in the comments, can you talk about sin? And it was like, it was staring me in the face and I couldn't and I didn't understand. I had just started reading the Bible. And then I had went to one of your sermons and it was winning the war of temptation. When I was done with your sermon, I never looked back. Hmm.

That's what's up. Come on, somebody. Get that on the wire. That was good. As such a true man of God, I mean, we look up to you and Sarah so much in your marriage. Can you just speak on winning the war of temptation and just being a man, a firm man of God? Yeah. Yeah. So I used to lose the war of temptation all of the time. In fact-

When I was really trying to walk with God and give my life to God, when I realized that you can actually like walk in the spirit, I had to, I was in such a war for my walk against temptation that it was just like...

It was overwhelming. I mean, you know, Paul talks about in Romans, that that I want to do, I don't do. And that that I don't want to do, that's the thing that I do. And I was in that battle. I wanted more than anything to be, you know, walking in integrity, particularly in a particular area. And I just couldn't. And so finally...

I just got to a place where I was like, God, first of all, I recognize I can't do this in my own strength. So let me stop trying to mind over matter this thing, you know, and I need your help. And I also recognize that I needed to, and this is really important for me. And I've got a lot to say about temptation, but you have to get to a point where you hate temptation.

the thing that you're being tempted by because it's not that you don't enjoy it. It wouldn't be temptation if you didn't enjoy it. You know what I mean? It has nothing to do with enjoyment. It has to do with, I hate this because I know that this is keeping me from something. And so I got to a place where I hated the behavior more than I loved

the sensation. I need to say that better. I got to a place where I really like, no, I really, because...

I used to pray, "God, take this away from me." But even as I'm praying about it, I'm thinking about doing it. - Totally, totally. - So there's this conflict within me, right? I'm saying the right things. You know, the Bible talks about your heart, your mouth, your lips are for me, but your heart is far away from me. That was me, you know? And I'd be like, "God, take it." But deep down, my desire for it was greater than my desire for him to take it within me.

Only God can see that. Totally. But I got to a point when I realized, man, this is keeping me from moving to the next level in God. And...

And I hated it. And I said, okay, God, I'm serious. I'm tired of saying yes to you and falling two days later. And yes, and this is the last time and I'm falling. My son wrote a song called Last Time and I'm falling again. And I said, I'm tired of this because I want to progress. And I knew that

This was keeping me. So one day I really meant it. Like, I was like, I don't, I hate this. I don't, I meant it. Like, you know, no more of the thoughts or whatever. And God took it. Like no one laid hands on me. I just, you know what it was?

There's this passage that says that if you confess your sins, he's faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. That word confess is a Greek word comprised of two words, homo logeo. Logueo is to speak, homo is same. So when you confess on a particular level, you are saying the same thing. You're in agreement with God about this particular thing. Out of your mouth, you're in agreement. Right.

And not only are you forgiven, but that's when you get cleansed from it because you're actually, you're no longer divided. You and God are on the same page about this particular thing.

Now, that's how you break it. But then there's maintenance. Okay, there's maintenance. You gotta have maintenance. So for me, maintenance was a renewing of my mind about that. Let's be candid. For me, it was promiscuity. And God is so good. 'Cause I'm just thinking if I didn't, this was before one. So just imagine one has the most beautiful people in the world in it, literally. Had he not broken,

the spirit of promiscuity off of me. All the broken people, the broken people,

that come to LA to make it, I would have been a monster. I would have been in a scandal the first week. You know what I mean? So I didn't even realize had he not broken that off of me, I could not, he wouldn't have even trusted me with that. So there was an assignment, an anointing, a grace connected to me overcoming this giant. That giant isn't there just to be there. It's there to keep you from something. It's standing in the way of something.

So maintenance, so that was the breakthrough. God, you know, okay, I'm going to give you that breakthrough, but you know, you got to be transformed fully by the renewing of your mind. So with temptation, I also, again, remember God's our rabbi. He gives me a way to look at things, right? So as it relates to promiscuity with women, it's not that the temptation isn't, the temptation will always be there. Yeah. But I see it differently. So, okay, so are you going to,

tear down who I'm sending you to build up. Right. You're going to be that guy, PT? You know what I mean? Are you going to, you know, so I, so I, you know, I teach my sons and everything. I'm thinking about a whole bunch of things. I'm thinking about soul ties. Oh, really? So yeah, you, so you're looking at this, this, you know, 30 minutes. Okay. Yeah. Do you, is it worth the soul tie? Is it worth losing your family? Is it worth, no, here's a big one. Is it worth, worth losing your anointing? Yep. Yeah.

That's just you. I didn't get to the impact that it will have on the other person. Totally. So that's maintenance. So now, yeah, I got the breakthrough. I know I can walk in purity in this way. I know I can walk in integrity in this way.

All right, that's a breakthrough, but how do I maintain it? You know, what do you need something for when you're weak, when you're tired, when you're hungry, you know what I mean? When you're hungry, Bible says to a hungry soul, even a bitter thing is sweet. So you have to have a strategy for temptation. Can't just go out there and just like, oh, I can handle it. No, don't do that. You'll

you'll be on your knees repenting the next morning. This is so real. You have to have a strategy for it. So, so, and then you have to avoid it. You know, you get, so it's, it's a, I mean, I could talk about temptation for weeks and weeks and weeks, but hating temptation,

The thing, because you recognize it's keeping you from something. It's keeping you from you, the fullness of you, and really asking God, knowing you can't do it in your own strength, having a strategy, and then asking God, Lord, show me what this looks like. What does this look like really? Wow. And those things keep me in integrity. And God broke that. And that was 2000. So that was, oh, 24 years. Crazy. Okay, so I was promiscuous.

From 12 to 26, 24 years later, that breakthrough has stuck. Wow. Thank you, Jesus. And there have been ample opportunities for it to not. So you can win the battle. You can't not ever be tempted again. Totally. I wish I could tell you. I can't tell you that. Yeah. But you can have victory over it with work and discipline. I just love how real that you are.

Like even Stephanie's the same way, even on stage preaching, like you guys speak and you're like, Hey, this is what you're going to go through. What you're probably going through. And this is how you overcome. You guys aren't sitting there being like, God is love. And he loves you. So safe to listen. Yeah. Because it's so real and we need help and we need wisdom and how to overcome. Exactly. I just have one last question. If that's okay. You and Sarah. Yeah.

Have one of the most beautiful marriages I've ever seen. Wow. You guys love each other so much. Like you genuinely, you're in love. You love each other. You're best friends. I just want to know with all that you have coming against you, because I know it's a lot spiritually, publicly, probably, I don't know. But like I imagine relationally anything. How do you guys, what's the secret? What do you do? Hmm.

- I think I have to start by saying like God really brought us together. - Yeah. - I think, you know, there's a passage of scripture that says what God joins together, let not man put us under, which means that God brings people together. Not every union, partnership, situationship, marriage, not everyone, just because it's a marriage doesn't mean that God joined it together. - Wow. - Right? We have the ability to join something together, right?

God truly, truly brought us together. So this is an incredible song called Bones that Sarah just sent me by, I'll tell you when this is over, but it's about relationships and it talks about if you have the bones, you can withstand anything. So we have that. We have a word from God about relationships.

us being together. And we had that word before we got literally married. We had that. God gave us a word very early that we were to be together.

So that was the foundation of it. And then, but we cultivated a friendship. Like, that's my best friend. Like, when some good news comes in, some bad news comes in, some news comes in for both of us, we're the first person we want to talk to. I mean, it really, I mean, that's my homegirl, you know. And like, for us, I think marriage, a good marriage is like a house, right?

And the house has many rooms. If you've only got a one room marriage, you can be in trouble. You know, if it's just an intimacy room, well, you're not going to always, intimacy is not 24 seven. So if you can only live in an intimacy room, you're going to miss it. We're also business partners, you know, and so we have businesses together and we have some separate businesses and we consult, you know, we, we lean on each other for feedback and

But I think the friendship is the thing. We recognize that we're called to something. We recognize there'll be warfare. And so we really just try to safeguard it. And in all honesty, and I hate to over-spiritualize it, but God gave us a lot of warnings early on in the marriage about things that would come our way, things that we would have to watch out for.

God will prepare you. Totally. You know, he'll send the right person to you and he will give you the right wisdom. Now, I will tell you this. I had to sacrifice Sarah. I had to because I just tell you real quick. Sacrifice Sarah? I had to sacrifice her. Not like Abraham. Like Abraham? No, I had to. Sorry, Sarah. I'm bringing you up. I had to. That's amazing. I fell in love with her quick.

- At a way now. - Yeah, it was quick like first,

When I first met her, I just felt like there was something special in her life as a minister. I didn't even see her. It's crazy because Sarah's beautiful. I didn't see her as not beautiful. I just didn't see her like that. Because I was in this space with God where, God, it was just me and you. I'd stopped dating. I'm just going to focus. And my first book was coming out. I was just going to focus on my calling.

So I think I was in that vein. So I wasn't really looking for anything. And sometimes when you're not looking for...

you can see something for what it truly is. That's actually a word I almost wanna digress. If you're not looking for something, you can see things for what they really are. If you're looking for something, sometimes you will see something that is not there in something. - I gotta stop looking. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you have to stop desiring, but- - Wow.

But stop looking. So I wasn't looking. So I was able to connect with Sarah spiritually first because my world was spiritual. It was all about what God is doing. And I saw that she had like a grace on her life. And then, so I felt like, man, I'm a protector by nature. And I'm thinking-

And you're kind of like fly and everything. And you're in this church world and they're going to eat you alive. This is what I'm thinking. Because I'm like, you're different. You're not like churchy. And I didn't know much about her dad other than him preaching. And I didn't really know, you know, how cool he was and how cool of an environment he had set up. Yeah.

I had a preconceived idea about churches like his, to be honest with you. And I was wrong. But I had a preconceived idea. And I was thinking, man, if you I felt like she had ministry on her. She wasn't really ministering then.

I felt like she had ministry on her, but I felt like I'm gonna eat you alive. And so I was like, we need to stay connected because remember I passed in Hollywood and I know that a lot of people in the industry are called and the church will eat them alive. So I had that been going. I didn't see her that way. Well, when I saw her a month later in Orlando at a conference,

And God kind of opened my eyes. And I don't know. I wasn't looking. He opened my eyes. She asked me to dinner. She asked you to dinner? She did, yeah. She ran up on me after. Really? She ran up on me after service. And she told me she was coming to LA and I was taking her to dinner. But she's the best. I am obsessed. She's so not churchy. I don't know how she is now. But she's like, she's just. That's why I love her. She's the best. She's the boss. But I sacrificed her.

Because see, I came, I took her to dinner. We shut down, there's a restaurant called Capital Grill. It used to be run here in Beverly Hills. They closed it. I think we shut it down. We took all the sauce out of it. But she, I fell in love with that same night. I got home and I said, God, this is so strong that either this is you

or it's the devil. Because I committed to no dating, you know, like just me and you, God. And so, and this is strong and it's overwhelming. So either it's you or it's the devil. And I said, because I don't know which one it is, I got to sacrifice it. I got to let it go. I said, and if it's you, you got to show, you got to make it clear. And you'll have to, and of course, obviously he made it clear, but you have to also be willing to do that too, because what I want more than anything

is what God wants for me. Right. I want what God wants for me more than what I want for me. 100%. Because it's better. Yeah. It really, really is better. And when you let God do it, it's going to be things that you wanted and things that you didn't even know to want. See, guys? Yeah. See, guys? We're dwelling over the past. Listen to him. Your ex, he's not even worth it. No, no, no. So good. My gosh.

Thank you so much for staying even over time. You are insane. You are insane. You are one of the most anointed communicators I've ever... The fact that God put us in a position to be able to sit across from you and just like absorb this wisdom. We're so grateful. Thank you. So grateful. It's an honor. And like I said, I'm just beyond proud of you.

We're rooting. We're cheering. We're with you. We're for you. You got backup in the spirit. You guys are anointed by God and you've got all of heaven backing you up, but we are for you. Thank you so much. Tremendously. That's me. That's Sarah. That's Steph. That's the whole community. That's Potter's House LA. That's one. That's Dallas. That's you and people you don't even know. Wow. And I'll say, I

I don't make a big deal of haters, but the haters are real. I had somebody on my page last night and just hate. And I was trying to be so nice and responding. And I went back and forth and just said, brother, you're just not seeing it right, brother. And then he finally said something. I said, bye. And I blocked him, you know, but, but you guys are going to get that. Uh, I just feel compelled to say it. You're going to get that. And

and people are gonna be jealous of you. They can't even fathom how you can be so you guys. Beautiful, blessed, bright, trendy, stylish. They can't even fathom how you can be all those things and equally anointed. They can't even fathom it. And they don't hate you, they wanna be you.

And you've got to love them and not be distracted by them sometimes. Because I'll be honest, I thought about that. There were hundreds of comments of just, my God, this changed my life. And thank you, I was in the room. And this one guy. It won.

And I'm thinking about, I said, oh, he won. He won. He won. He got me. I've blocked him. He can't even talk to me anymore. And I'm still thinking about it. So I'm just saying, don't fall into the trap that I fell into last night. Just keep going. You really, like, you are, I love when I, you do comment on every, like, you are always showing support. Oh, yeah. We know if we get a comment from you, we're like, okay, we're good. I know, literally. Every time I'm like, okay, stamp of approval.

approval we're good and one of the reasons why I do it is because you're gonna get support but you're gonna get

You're going to get, you know, someone that just needs Jesus. Yeah. So I want to make sure that I, if I see it, I'm going to like, now, if you say something crazy and you don't, you say something crazy, I'll just say, oh, please God, I don't have to pray for the ladies, I don't have to pray for them. You know, but, but you don't, you know, it's always on point. It's always excellent. And you guys are going to continue to win big for Jesus. And there are no limits and never doubt yourself and be

Pray that God will continue to open the right doors, close the wrong doors, and go, go, go. Anything we can do to help too, by the way. I know. We got you. Thank you so much.

- Praise Jesus. Thank you, Toray. We're gonna put all of Toray's links, his books. He has so much, all of his sermons. He has so much, so much out there for you to learn from, for you to gain from. So we thank you. We love you, PT. God bless you. - God bless you. - Thank you guys so much. We love you. - Oh, he should do the May the Lord. - Number six. Could you give us a blessing? - Oh, come on. Do I need to look anywhere and do it or? - Maybe this one. - This one? Okay, okay. All right.

May the Lord bless and keep you. May he make his face to shine upon you and be gracious towards you. May he lift up his countenance over you and grant you shalom, shalom in Jesus' name. Shalom, shalom. That's another thing that we got from you guys. Me and Ari, there's a dead silence. Shalom, shalom. It's ridiculous. Thank you for discipling us. We have no community. We thank you.