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Girls Gone Bible

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Ang & Ari
Ang和Ari表达了对GGB+会员的感激之情,她们认为GGB+平台能够帮助她们与听众建立更紧密的联系,分享更私人的生活点滴和信仰感悟。她们描述了GGB+平台的独特之处在于能够提供更深入的互动和更真实的自我展现,让听众更了解她们的生活和信仰历程。她们还提到,在GGB+平台上,她们可以更自由地分享生活中遇到的挑战和转变,并与听众一起探讨信仰和生活中的各种问题。 Ang和Ari强调了在信仰生活中拥有良好社区和朋友的重要性,她们认为基督教友谊能够提供互相扶持和鼓励,帮助她们在信仰的道路上坚持下去。她们分享了她们在生活中遇到的挑战和转变,以及她们如何依靠朋友和社区的力量克服这些困难。她们认为,在信仰生活中,拥有能够互相支持和鼓励的朋友至关重要,这有助于她们保持信仰的热情和坚定。她们还强调了在信仰生活中,需要不断地学习和成长,并需要有属灵的导师和朋友来引导她们,帮助她们成为更像耶稣的人。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


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That's why Visa checks over 500 data points on transactions to help stop fraud before it happens. Over the last five years, Visa has invested $11 billion into fraud prevention and network security technology. And last year, Visa prevented more than $40 billion in attempted fraud. What you buy is your business. Protecting how you pay is Visa's.

What's up, babies? What's up, GGB Plus? I die for you. I do. I love you so much. I love GGB Plus.

I love my little babies who would take the time and their resources to support us on here. I just love being on the couch, chilling with my girl. With my girl, with my friends. With our brothers and sisters and just shooting the sheep. It's just been crazy how, and people probably go through this a lot, where you might be in maybe a transition period of your life. I feel there's been so much transition in our life. We have an insane...

life just in general with everything going on with Girls Gone Bible. There's so many different moving parts to it. And I mean, along with everything in our life. Like we don't know. We're like trying to figure out like where do we fit in. I know you and I value purity of heart above everything.

We love Jesus so much. And all of everything we do was birthed from the most genuine, real, pure place. I think the most important thing in friendships is having people that if something went down, who's going to pick up the pieces? Yeah. And I've just always had that. And it's...

To me, that's just it's really important to have your crew that will like literally be at your house in two seconds if stuff hits the fan. 100%. I know. Yeah. It's hard. It really is. I mean, you go from living completely one way. It's interesting. But Christian community is so important. Godly community is.

You can't do the Christian walk by yourself. That's the truth. You can't be the holiest person in the room all the time. You know what I mean? And you need mentors. You need mentors and you need friends that call you higher and make you more like Jesus. Otherwise, you just won't survive in the faith. You won't be a Christian for very long if you don't have people pulling you higher. People buy all sorts of things with Visa. What people buy is their business.

But protecting every transaction, that's Visa's business. That's why Visa checks over 500 data points on transactions to help stop fraud before it happens. Over the last five years, Visa has invested $11 billion into fraud prevention and network security technology. And last year, Visa prevented more than $40 billion in attempted fraud. What you buy is your business. Protecting how you pay is Visa's.