cover of episode Bryce Crawford | Girls Gone Bible

Bryce Crawford | Girls Gone Bible

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Bryce Crawford
Ange和Ari:她们认为在基督教内容创作盛行的时代,更重要的是街头布道等面对面传教方式,能够更直接地触及人心。她们赞扬Bryce Crawford的传教方式充满爱与鼓舞,能够影响各个年龄段的人。 Bryce Crawford:他认为许多自称基督徒的人并未真正与耶稣建立关系,只是表面上信奉基督教。他分享了自己过去伪善的经历,以及在Waffle House顿悟的经历。他强调成为基督徒意味着性格和生活方式的显著改变,并分享了他如何克服抑郁和焦虑,以及如何积极分享信仰的经历。他谈到在分享信仰的过程中,会遇到各种挑战,例如被排斥、威胁等,但他坚持不懈,并最终在洛杉矶找到了自己的传教方式,通过视频分享福音,影响了更多的人,包括美国和世界各地的人。 Ange和Ari:她们分享了自己也经历了耶稣的医治,摆脱了精神疾病的困扰。她们也思考如何在没有摄像机的情况下,对他人产生影响,并相信上帝能行神迹医治。 Bryce Crawford:他分享了他见证上帝医治一个人ACL的故事,以及他如何通过祈祷寻求勇气,并相信圣灵是他们的帮助者。他认为美国也需要传教,传教的场所不限于其他国家,并分享了他如何开始拍摄街头布道的视频,以及如何通过视频分享福音,影响了更多的人。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Bryce Crawford initially struggle with having a genuine relationship with Jesus despite growing up in a Christian household?

Bryce grew up in a Christian household but only had a superficial understanding of Jesus. He was more concerned with avoiding hell and getting a 'get out of hell free card' than truly knowing Jesus. He participated in church activities but didn't experience a personal transformation.

How did Bryce Crawford's life change after his encounter with Jesus at Waffle House?

After his encounter, Bryce experienced a radical transformation. He no longer suffered from anxiety and depression, and he became passionate about sharing his faith. He started making videos on TikTok to teach the Bible and evangelize, which marked the beginning of his public ministry.

What role does scripture play in Bryce Crawford's daily life and how does it help him combat negative thoughts?

Bryce reads a proverb every morning to start his day, believing it sets the tone for the rest of the day. He uses scripture as a weapon against temptation and negative thoughts, quoting verses to combat anxiety and depression. He emphasizes the importance of renewing the mind with God's word.

How did Bryce Crawford's experience with street preaching and social media influence his understanding of evangelism?

Bryce found that social media and street preaching complemented each other. While social media allowed him to reach a broader audience, street preaching provided a more personal connection. He realized that America, often seen as saturated with Christianity, is still in need of evangelism and that the mission field can be found in one's own backyard.

What advice does Bryce Crawford offer for those seeking to hear God's voice?

Bryce suggests four ways to hear God's voice: through His word, signs, people, and our thoughts. He emphasizes the importance of reading the Bible, being open to signs from God, seeking counsel from others, and discerning thoughts that may be from the Holy Spirit.

How does Bryce Crawford approach purity in his relationship with Maddie, and what does he consider the most important aspect of maintaining purity?

Bryce and Maddie view purity as a core value in their relationship. They set boundaries based on self-awareness and mutual respect, adding to their boundaries as they learn more about each other. They prioritize waiting until marriage for sexual intimacy, seeing it as a gift from God to be enjoyed within the context of marriage.

Bryce shares his journey to finding Jesus, from growing up in a Christian household to having a life-changing encounter at Waffle House.
  • Bryce grew up in a Christian household but was far from God.
  • He experienced severe depression and anxiety, planning to take his life.
  • A chance encounter at Waffle House led to a profound spiritual awakening.

Shownotes Transcript

hiii GGB:)

in this episode we chat with Bruce Crawford about finding Jesus, his journey to social media, street preaching, miraculous healings from the Lord and how to date the Christian way.

we love you so so so much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari


WE ARE ON THE OFFICIAL GIRLS GONE BIBLE LIVE TOUR! for the first batch of cities we have locked in :) WE LOVE YOU AND CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU!

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