Available on the airwaves and YouTube every Wednesday, Girl and the Gov, The Podcast is an extension
ICYMI, on Tuesday’s we release our top stories of the week episode. The news-focused episode is dedi
Yeehawwwww, we’re getting down with Texas in this episode courtesy of an amazing guest, Uduak Nkanga
School board races have been making the news en masse because this incredibly powerful but incredibl
It’s the year of the farm bill i.e. the year that it expires [it needs to be renewed and brought bac
This week our episode takes us to Arkansas, with an interview with Arkansas State Representative &am
This episode is being released a day early on primary day for the Wisconsin Supreme Court race and g
Ohio, we’re excited to let you know that a ballot initiative focused on protecting reproductive righ
The timing of this interview is kismet, because it’s coming at the heels of one of the biggest speec
IYKYK we had a little audio mishap with our interview for this week, so we pivoted faster than the s
Ever wonder what a White House Correspondent does? Well then this episode is going to be one that yo
The housing crisis the US of A has found itself in isn’t the result of just one cause or catalyst –