cover of episode 【特別企劃】金馬獎、奧斯卡就是無聊? 在ICRT Breakdown聊聊第60屆金馬獎有哪些有趣的重點! ICRT Breakdown Tim & Paz + XXY

【特別企劃】金馬獎、奧斯卡就是無聊? 在ICRT Breakdown聊聊第60屆金馬獎有哪些有趣的重點! ICRT Breakdown Tim & Paz + XXY

logo of podcast 搞什麼歷史? 看什麼電影!

搞什麼歷史? 看什麼電影!

Shownotes Transcript

小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: 【特別企劃】金馬獎、奧斯卡就是無聊? 在ICRT Breakdown聊聊第60屆金馬獎有哪些有趣的重點! ICRT Breakdown Tim & Paz + XXY . 很開心這次能夠受到 ICRT 的 PODCAST 節目【English Breakdown】邀請,來聊聊有關金馬獎以及今年第60屆金馬獎中的一些有趣觀點;ICRT做為我從小到大都在收聽的英語電台,能夠受到這樣的邀約真的相當興奮,要聊自己最愛的電影話題那更是期待,但對於一個已經很久沒有用英文對話的我而言,錄音的當下超級緊張,旁邊的節目製作和助理們還一直提醒我要講英文了!不要再講中文了!頓時變成不會說話的白癡,好不容易擠出一些中英文夾雜的對話,真是讓我緊張到胃絞痛。(不誇張,那天錄完音回到家整個腸胃超不舒服的...) 當然,這次節目會是主要用英文主持,ICRT的主持人 Tim 和 Paz 兩個人真的很親切,也很有耐心地要我慢慢說,甚至也會在我講完中文之後用英文再說一遍,畢竟【English Breakdown】是推廣中英雙語為目的的節目,當中也有聊到一些有關電影的英語知識,希望大家聽完會喜歡。 也很推薦大家有空可以打開 ICRT 的 Podcast 節目【English Breakdown】,他們每個月都會邀請一位有趣的來賓,聊不同專業領域的話題;如果你也喜歡這集的內容,也歡迎分享給更多人收聽唷! 📣收看YouTube影像版本: 📣收聽PODCAST聲音版本: #金馬獎 #金馬60 #ICRT  一起來學學英文單字吧!(Ref. ICRT Breakdown) Are you a fan of Chinese-language movies? Join the crowd! Get comfortable with hosts Tim and Paz and their guest, XXY, host of XXY梗你看電影, which covers everything related to movies. Learn what differences are disguised by the common comparison of the Golden Horse Awards to the Academy Awards. Find out what the range of nominated films and people reflects, and more. Then discover some interesting cat’s meows, pet peeves, and borrowed terms: popcorn, blockbuster, MacGuffin, schadenfreude, and deus ex machina! —Vocabulary nickname綽號 (n.) XXY’s nickname is not related to the movie of the same name or to a chromosomal anomaly; it’s an abbreviation created by the initials of the pinyin reading of his Chinese name. dialect方言 (n.) The Golden Horse Awards used to be exclusively for movies only in Mandarin, but in recent years, the Awards has become more inclusive and now considers Mandarin-based movies that include regional and indigenous dialects. essence本質;實質 (n.) The current crop of films with numerous nominations epitomizes the evolution of the narrative essence of Taiwanese cinema towards more serious themes. nominate 提名 (v.) “Snow in Midsummer”, the film nominated in nine categories at this year’s Golden Horse Awards, is a collaborative effort between Malaysia, Taiwan, and Singapore. marching orders逐客令 (n.) After an actor slapped a presenter at last year’s Academy Awards, the Academy gave him his marching orders, banning him from attending its events for ten years. MacGuffin麥高芬(指推動電影情節發展,但本身並不重要的細節)(n.) MacGuffin and deus ex machina are both names of plot devices that serve to move a story along, hopefully without confusing or alienating the audience. Powered by Firstory Hosting)