提示 一、每期五个句子,均是从四六级听力真题中选取的长难句。 二、每个句子念三遍女声,一遍男声,再一遍女声。 三、如果觉得语速过快,可以在播放器上调慢语速,多听几遍。 原文 191. To that end, they have been studying how other species deal with low gravity, specifically focusing on mice. The results are both interesting and humorous. 为此,他们一直在研究其他物种如何应对低重力,尤其是老鼠。结果既有趣又搞笑。 192. The 77-pound giant pearl that he had kept hidden in his rundown wooden house was the biggest pearl in the world, which was valued at 76 million pounds. 他藏在破旧的木屋里的这颗重77磅的巨型珍珠是世界上最大的珍珠,价值7600万英镑。 193. The most annoying one for Cafe owners must truly be those, usually only two of them, who occupy a table for six with their laptops and paperwork. 对咖啡厅老板来说,最令人讨厌的肯定是那种一般就两个人,却要用笔记本和资料独占一张六人桌的顾客。 194. Some applaud the policy as fair, because it rewards both individuals who maintain a healthy weight and those who are working towards achieving it. 一些人称赞这项政策很公平,因为它既奖励了那些保持健康体重的人,也奖励了那些正在为健康体重努力的人。 195. Christine also believes the video obtained from the shop shows the dog being stolen by a man before driving off in a car, which had been waiting nearby. 克里斯蒂娜还认为,从商店获得的视频显示,一名男子偷走她的狗后驾车离开,这辆车一直在附近等候。