提示 一、每期五个句子,均是从四六级听力真题中选取的长难句。 二、每个句子念三遍女声,一遍男声,再一遍女声。 三、如果觉得语速过快,可以在播放器上调慢语速,多听几遍。 词汇提示 1.combing 梳理 2.gravity 重力 原文 161. One used bookstore received a month's worth of books in donations in a week when a man gave over 50 boxes of books from his home. 还有一家二手书店一周之内就收到了相当于该店一个月的图书捐赠,只因一名男子捐出了50多箱旧书。 162. After combing through the security video outside a global's shop, Christine has now posted an image of a man suspected of stealing the dog. 克里斯蒂娜在查看了一家全球商店外的安全录像后,公布了一张疑似偷狗者的照片。 163. They adapt remarkably well to their new environment and even using the lack of gravity to their advantage as they push themselves around the cage. 它们能很好地适应新环境,甚至利用失重的优势在笼子里推来推去。 164. The dog owner's beloved 10-year-old dog named Buddy took an unexpected 16-hour flight to Tokyo following a mix-up by the airline. 由于航空公司的失误,宠物狗主人这条10岁的名叫巴迪的爱犬出人意料地乘坐了16个小时的飞机去了东京。(此句有几处读音错误) 165. One worker said an angry customer had thrown a chicken at his head after complaining about how long she had waited to be served. 一名员工说,曾经有一名顾客抱怨自己等了太长时间才得到服务,随后,愤怒的她直接朝他的头扔了一块鸡肉。