cover of episode 四六级长难句精听磨耳朵 14

四六级长难句精听磨耳朵 14

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提示 一、每期五个句子,均是从四六级听力真题中选取的长难句。 二、每个句子念三遍女声,一遍男声,再一遍女声。 三、如果觉得语速过快,可以在播放器上调慢语速,多听几遍。 原文 66. Even if I get a promotion at my company, it's likely to be less sizeable than if I were to get a job elsewhere. 即便是我在现在的公司晋升了,涨薪的幅度可能也还是不如直接换一份工作。 67. Once the fires were over, the family had to fix the damage done to the farm as it was such a large property. 大火被扑灭后,由于家产众多,这家人不得不即刻对大火给农场造成的破坏进行修复。 68. The beans would then be roasted and the heat generated by the crafts 20 minute re-entry into earth's atmosphere. 之后这些咖啡豆将被烘烤,飞船产生的热量将在20分钟后返回地球大气层。 69. Every day after school, Joe's dad drives him to the restaurant, so he can put his ideas straight on the wall. 每天放学后,乔的爸爸开车送他去餐厅,这样他就可以将自己的想法直接画在墙上。 70. I believe we have less connection with a value of our money, when we just tap the approve buttons on our phones. 我觉得,只需在手机上点一下同意按钮的话,我们对钱的价值的感知会变弱。