cover of episode Level 4-Day 30.Favorite Cookies

Level 4-Day 30.Favorite Cookies

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词汇提示 1.Dutch 荷兰的 食谱 3.wafers 威化饼 4.ginger 姜 5.slang 用俚语说 6.vanilla 香草的 7.crispy 松脆的 8.dough 面团 9.chunks 块 10.foil 箔纸袋 原文 Favorite Cookies North Americans are known for their "sweet tooth". This means that they like snacks with lots of sugar. Americans drink a lot of coffee, tea and hot chocolate, and usually they have something sweet with their drink. Cookies are one of America's favorite desserts. The word "cookie" comes from a Dutch word meaning "little cake." People from Europe brought their favorite recipes with them when they came to America. The English brought their custom of having tea in the afternoon. Usually with their tea they would have cakes or biscuits. Biscuits are usually hard wafers like, for example, ginger snaps. In fact, the Italian slang word for Englishman is "cake eater". In the early days, all cookies were homemade. But, in the late nineteenth Century, biscuits began to be manufacturedin large quantities by machine. In 1912, the National Biscuit Company(Nabisco) in the U.S.A. introduced Oreo cookies. This cookie has a rich creamy vanilla filling between two crispy chocolate wafers. This product was designed to meet the demand for an English-style biscuit. Oreos were good to dunk in a drink, to eat whole, to eat in parts, or to use in cooking. Oreos have become both America's and the world's favorite commercial cookie. New varieties of Oreos are added regularly to the original product. Although commercial biscuits like Oreos are very popular, many people prefer home-baked ones. In fact, there is a whole line of commercial cookies called "home-style,"which try to imitate homemade cookies. The most popular cookie in America can be either bought in a package or baked at home. These are chocolate chip cookies. Ruth and Kenneth Wakefield operated the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts. One day in 1930, Mrs. Wakefield ran out of baking chocolate for her baking cookies. She broke up a chocolate bar and added the pieces to her cookie mix. She expected that the chocolate bits would melt into the dough when she baked them. But they didn't. Soon chocolate chip cookies were being made commercially by adding small chunks of chocolateto regular chocolate cookie dough. Lots of people like to make their own by adding commercial chocolate chips to their dough. Now chocolate chip cookies are the most popular kind of cookie in North America. Over seven billion are eaten annually here. Half of all the cookies baked in American homes are chocolate chip cookies. Experiments in baking and packaging have led to new kinds of cookies. Recently, soft cookies have become very popular. Since they are packaged in foil, they can stay fresh and soft for many months. It seems likely that the love of cookies will be around for a long time. 翻译 最受欢迎的饼干 北美洲人以“甜食”著称。这意味着他们喜欢含大量糖的零食。美国人喝很多咖啡、茶和热巧克力,而且通常他们的饮料中含有一些甜味。饼干是美国人最喜欢的甜点之一。“饼干”一词来自荷兰语,意思是“小蛋糕”来自欧洲的人来到美国时,带着他们最喜欢的食谱。英国人带来了下午喝茶的习俗。通常他们喝茶时会吃蛋糕或饼干。饼干通常是硬的薄饼,比如生姜片饼干。事实上,意大利语中英国人的俚语是“吃蛋糕的人”。早期,所有的饼干都是自制的。但是,在十九世纪末,饼干开始用机器大量生产。1912年,美国国家饼干公司(Nabisco)推出奥利奥饼干。这种饼干在两块酥脆的巧克力薄饼之间有丰富的香草奶油馅。 该产品旨在满足英式饼干的需求。奥利奥很适合浸泡在饮料中,可以吃整个,可以吃部分,也可以用于烹饪。奥利奥已经成为美国和世界上最受欢迎的商业饼干。奥利奥的新品种定期添加到原始产品中。虽然像奥利奥这样的商业饼干很受欢迎,但许多人更喜欢自制的。事实上,有一种商业曲奇被称为“家庭风格”,试图模仿自制曲奇。在美国,最受欢迎的曲奇既可以在包装中购买,也可以在家里烘焙。这些是巧克力饼干。露丝和肯尼斯·韦克菲尔德在马萨诸塞州惠特曼经营收费站旅馆。1930年的一天,韦克菲尔德夫人烤饼干的巧克力用完了。她把一块巧克力棒掰开,并把它加到饼干里。她希望当她烤巧克力时,巧克力碎片会融化在面团中。但它们没有。很快,通过在普通巧克力曲奇面团中加入小块巧克力,巧克力曲奇饼干开始商业化生产。很多人喜欢在面团中加入商业巧克力片来制作自己的巧克力。现在,巧克力饼干是北美最受欢迎的一种饼干。这里每年有超过70亿被吃掉。美国家庭烘焙的饼干有一半是巧克力片饼干。烘焙和包装的实验催生了新的饼干种类。最近,软饼干变得非常流行。因为它们是用箔纸包装的,所以它们可以保持新鲜和柔软好几个月。看来,对饼干的喜爱将持续很长一段时间。