cover of episode Level 4-Day 13.Pocahontas and John Smith

Level 4-Day 13.Pocahontas and John Smith

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词汇提示 1.huts 小屋 2.beads 珠子 3.interior 内陆 4.companions 伙伴 5.dragged 拖拉 6.clubs 棍棒 7.plot 阴谋 原文 Pocahontas and John Smith In 1606, King James of England approved the establishment of two colonies along the eastern coast of America. The northern colony in Maine lasted only a year. The southern one at Jamestown in Virginia became England's first permanent settlement in America In 1607, the Virginia Company sent 104 settlers to Virginia. The settlers lived in tents all summer. By September, more than 60 were dead because they lacked good food or water. The leaders of the colony were not energetic and did little to make the settlers find food. One member of the company, Captain John Smith, was determined that the colony would survive. Smith pressured the colonists to build huts, a storehouse, and a church. He made daring trips to Indian villages, demanding that they give the settlers food in return for beads and copper. He threatened settlers who were trying to leave the colony and go back to England. On one of his trips to the interior, Indians attacked John Smith. They killed his two companions but captured him alive. He was taken first to the local chief. This chief was impressed by Smith's compass and spared his life. His captors dragged Smith from village to village. He finally arrived at the town belonging to Powhatan. Powhatan was the great chief for all of the tribes in that region. Powhatan and his advisors talked about what to do with Smith. Suddenly, Smith was dragged forward, and his head was pushed against a stone. The warriors raised their clubs to kill Smith. Then Pocahontas, who was Powhatan's twelve-year-old daughter, begged for his life. Her words had no effect, so Pocahontas ran to Smith. She took his head in her arms and laid her own head against his head. Smith was released and went back to Jamestown. Soon after Smith returned, one hundred new settlers from England arrived. It was a very cold winter, and in January, Jamestown was accidentally set on fire. The settlers suffered from cold and hunger the rest of the winter. Every four or five days, Pocahontas and her attendants came. They brought food for the hungry settlers. Even so, half of them died. In the summer, John Smith explored that part of the coast of America. He made a map that would be very valuable for future sailors and settlers. On his return, Smith was elected leader of the colony at Jamestown. However, some settlers did not like having to follow rules. Some encouraged the Indians to try to kill Smith. Chief Powhatan agreed. He also refused to supply food to the colony, hoping to starve them out. Pocahontas warned Smith about the plot against his life. Smith had to fight off several attempts to kill him. Finally, the colony seemed to be growing, and the Indians became peaceful. But in late 1609, Smith was injured in an explosion and returned to England. Pocahontas remained a friend to the colony. She married John Rolfe, one of the settlers. In 1616, she traveled to England with her husband and son. There she saw John Smith once again. She was so surprised to see him that she was unable to speak for several days. Pocahontas had believed that Smith was dead. The following year she died and was buried in England. Pocahontas' love for Smith, and Smith's determination to fight for the colony, had saved Jamestown and given the English their first colony in America. 翻译 波卡洪塔斯和约翰·史密斯 1606年,英国国王詹姆斯批准在美国东海岸建立两个殖民地。 缅因州的北方殖民地只持续了一年。 弗吉尼亚州詹姆斯敦的南部定居点成为英国在美国的第一个永久定居点 1607年,弗吉尼亚公司向弗吉尼亚州派遣了104名定居者。 定居者整个夏天都住在帐篷里。 截至9月,已有60多人因缺乏优质食物或水而死亡。 殖民地的领导人精力不足,几乎没有让定居者找到食物。 该公司的一名成员,约翰·史密斯上尉,决定该殖民地将继续生存下去。 史密斯推动殖民者建造小屋、仓库和教堂。 他大胆前往印第安人村庄,要求他们给定居者食物,用来交换珠子和铜。 他威胁那些试图离开殖民地回到英国的定居者。 在他一次内陆旅行中,印第安人袭击了约翰·史密斯。 他们杀死了他的两个同伴,活捉了他。 他首先被带到当地的酋长那里。 这位酋长对史密斯的思想印象深刻,因此饶了他一命。 抓捕他的人把史密斯从一个村庄拖到另一个村庄。 他终于到达了波瓦坦镇。 波瓦坦是该地区所有部落的伟大首领。 波瓦坦和他的顾问们讨论了如何处理史密斯。 突然,史密斯被向前拖,他的头被推到了一块石头上。 战士们举起棍棒要杀死史密斯。 波瓦坦12岁的女儿波卡洪塔斯向波瓦坦乞求生命。 波卡洪塔斯的话没有效果,所以她跑向史密斯。 她把他的头抱在怀里,把自己的头靠在他的头上。 史密斯被释放,回到詹姆斯敦。 史密斯回国后不久,100名来自英国的新定居者抵达。 那是一个非常寒冷的冬天,一月份,詹姆斯敦意外起火。 定居者在冬天剩下的时间里忍受着寒冷和饥饿。 每隔四五天,波卡洪塔斯和她的随从就会来。 他们为饥饿的定居者带来了食物。 即便如此,他们中的一半还是死了。 夏天,约翰·史密斯探索了美国海岸的那一部分。 他绘制了一幅地图,对未来的水手和定居者来说非常有价值。 史密斯一回来就被选为詹姆斯敦殖民地的领袖。 然而,一些定居者不喜欢遵守规则。 一些人鼓励印第安人尝试杀死史密斯。 波瓦坦酋长表示同意。 他还拒绝向殖民地提供食物,希望把他们饿死。 波卡洪塔斯警告史密斯,这是针对他生命的阴谋。 史密斯击退了几次杀害他的企图。 最后,殖民地扩张了,印第安人变得和平。 但在1609年末,史密斯在一次爆炸中受伤并返回英国。 波卡洪塔斯仍然是殖民地的朋友。 她嫁给了定居者之一约翰·罗尔夫。 1616年,她与丈夫和儿子前往英国。 在那里,她再次见到了约翰·史密斯。 她见到他非常惊讶,好几天都不能说话了。 波卡洪塔斯相信史密斯已经死了。 第二年,她去世,葬在英国。 波卡洪塔斯对史密斯的爱,以及史密斯为殖民地而战的决心,拯救了詹姆斯敦,并且成英国人在美国的第一个殖民地。 文稿及音频 关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”