cover of episode 单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day34(331-340)

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day34(331-340)

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听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 34 331. Cancer n.癌症;痼疾,社会恶习;巨蟹座(Cancer) He has got cancer. 他得了癌症。 Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK. 乳腺癌是英国最常见的癌症类型。 Scientists haven't found a cure for cancer yet. 科学家们还没有找到治愈癌症的方法。 332. Candidate n.候选人,申请者;考生;攻读学位者 The examiners failed half the candidates. 考官使一半的应试者不及格。 He is the leading candidate for the job. 他是这份工作的主要候选人。 She was a perfect candidate for this position. 她是这个职位的完美候选人。 333. Candy n.糖果,巧克力;冰糖v.用糖煮;使结晶 The bowl contains many kinds of candy. 这个碗里装有许多种糖果。 Making candy at home is not difficult. 在家制作糖果并不困难。 334. Capable adj.有能力的;有本领的,能干的 You are perfectly capable of doing it yourself. 你完全有能力自己做到这一点。 The aircraft is capable of flying 5,000 miles non-stop. 这架飞机能够不间断地飞行5,000英里。 I'm quite capable of taking care of myself. 我完全有能力照顾好自己。 335. Capacity n.能力,才能;容积;产量 adj.无虚席的 This work is above my capacity. 这项工作超出了我的能力。 The factory is operating at full capacity. 该工厂正在满负荷运作。 This book is within the capacity of young readers. 这本书在年轻读者的能力范围内。 336. Capital n.资本;资本家;首都;大写字母adj.大写的;省会的; Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam. 河内是越南的首都。 Write your name in capital letters. 用大写字母写下你的名字。 337. Captain n.队长,首领;上尉v.率队,指挥 The cup was presented to the winning team's captain. 杯赛已赠送给获胜队伍的队长。 Who's the captain of this ship? 这艘船的船长是谁? 338. Capture v.俘获;夺取;吸引n.捕获,被捕获 The police captured the thief. 警察逮捕了小偷。 His speech captured our attention. 他的演讲引起了我们的注意。 339. Car n.汽车,轿车 Who is the owner of this car? 这辆车的主人是谁? The car was destroyed in the accident. 这辆车在事故中被毁了。 I recently traded in my car for a new one. 我最近用自己的车换了一辆新车。 340. Card n.银行卡,身份证;明信片;名片;纸牌 Please insert your card. 请插入您的卡。 He sent me a beautiful birthday card. 他给我发了一张漂亮的生日贺卡。 Can I pay by credit card? 我能用信用卡付款吗?