What are important use cases for the Apple Vision Pro? This is what we are going to talk about in this episode. But first, welcome back to the podcast, to the future of UX, where we explore how emerging technologies like AI, AR, VR, and the metaversal impact user experience design. And in this episode, we will be discussing...
certain use cases for the Apple Vision Pro that are important for us to understand as a UX designer. And this episode is a little bit different than the other episodes because this is an interactive episode. So I am going to share three use cases for the Apple Vision Pro in this podcast.
But on Spotify, you have the opportunity to share other use cases you think will become important in the future for the Apple Vision Pro. So in case you want to share something, you want to add something, you can do that on Spotify in the little description area type and thing and just share your thoughts about it.
First of all, Apple Vision Pro, I mean, it was released a couple of weeks ago. There was a huge buzz around it and I think there still is. I think it's super exciting to have like all these conversations and discussions about the topic. And what I'm seeing is
There are some people who are very positive about it and seeing a lot of potential. I'm definitely one of those people. But there are also people who are very critical, who think it might be even a mistake for Apple. There are no use cases and it doesn't make sense at all. So I wanted to share different use cases where I'm seeing a lot of potential.
So that might be helpful for the people who are very anti and don't think that this was a good idea. So we also need to keep in mind that everything that Apple presented in the little presentation is like a first generation device. This is the first device that
really has these capabilities and these functionalities. Of course, there were other devices before, but you can't really compare it because of different reasons, right? So all from Apple, first generation device, so there are more coming, more advanced technologies. So this is like the first generation device, and I think we need to keep that in mind.
Also, one thing before I get started is I am sharing a lot of Insights resources in my newsletter. So if you haven't signed up for it, it's free. There are a lot of resources inside and it's like a really short and crisp little package of resources that you get delivered right into your mailbox. So in case you want to get that, sign up for free. You will find the link in the description box.
But now, friends, let's get started with the three use cases. So number one is having monitors available. And I think this is like a very important and really, really strong one, right? Because with the Apple Vision Pro, you have the ability to work anywhere without the need for separate monitors, especially interesting for experts, for remote workers who may not always have access to traditional work setups.
right so the way how they present it how they market the vision pro is definitely like a working device it has like really strong capabilities so you can use it like a macbook right so you don't need any other devices of course you can you can combine them use your macbook and then your ipad and then kind of use these screens and transfer them into the apple vision pro which i think is pretty interesting but
it's also a stand-alone device so imagine like you are having like a remote month in bali where you want to work you just get these this device and the appovision pro you take it with you and then you can work wherever you are that can be in a cafe that can be in a hotel anywhere you don't need any separate monitors
So I think this is like a really strong argument because even for me, I'm usually working with my MacBook. I don't have a lot of screens with me, sometimes my iPad, but that's it. I don't want to carry around any kind of monitors, especially when I'm traveling. So I think that might be a really interesting use case and definitely very helpful to like organize your work setup. Then point number two are distraction-free zones during working times.
So the Vision Pro offers the opportunity to choose the level of immersion.
So you can choose how much of your surrounding you actually wanted to see. You're also choosing what kind of things you're seeing in the little space that you're creating. So for example, like a screen with any kind of like analytics that you are analyzing and on the second screen on the side could be like the presentation you're working on because you need to like get the insights from the analytics into a presentation.
And of course you don't see your phone, you don't see any kind of notification, so you are really in this distraction-free zone. I think it's super interesting. Also because of the interaction method like eye tracking, voice commands and also gestures,
It feels a little bit more natural. So this is more like a natural way of interacting. And this can definitely enhance productivity and minimize distraction compared to traditional like clicking and scrolling and switching between different windows and then looking on your phone where there's a new notification or really focusing on your task.
and from my experience at least what is like the most challenging for me is to really have these kind of distraction free zones and focusing. I'm realizing that during my day-to-day work time that I am getting distracted many many times and I wish I would have like two hours of distraction free time where I can just really focus
on one task, get that done and then focus on something else. But the reality is that we are getting distracted so many times. Yeah, that tasks just like take longer and longer. Okay, and then the point number three, and this is probably the most important one and the most futuristic and future guided way. And this is working with 3D content.
So for many professionals, it really involves to use 3D content, not only talking about like, you know, architects, for example, or doctors who are using or like any kind of education where you use 3D content to explain something. Now, imagine you are
sending over like an architect like a how you're planning a house for a client for example and then you could send over like 3d models so that the client could already have a look at it look into the different rooms like turn it around and really experience how it feels
3D is definitely the future, so it's an important factor. But at the moment we are having a look at like 3D content on a 2D screen, which doesn't make a lot of sense. Better than nothing, but I'm seeing a lot of opportunity there. Also switching between the different mediums at the moment. Now when you're looking at the interfaces, they are all 2D windows.
Which is not a problem because it should look very similar to the windows that we already know, that we are familiar with on our devices. But adding like the 3D content where it really makes sense, you know, thinking about education where you really want to explore something three-dimensional, getting an email, getting a 3D model or something like that, explore it without needing to switch the different devices.
And I think these are very, very strong arguments and especially for people who are working with these things because all the use cases that I just mentioned are focusing on people who are working. So the working environment. Not for gaming, not for fun, not for any kind of like personal experiences like FaceTiming or something like that. No, this was all focusing on people who are working. And this should focus on like productivity and being...
being more focused, getting more things done, less distraction and being able to work wherever it really makes sense for you. So I'm seeing a lot of opportunity, especially in that area. Also having a look at the price point, which is pretty high, you know, three, four, nine, nine, which is definitely on a higher level. So it's more like a luxury product, I would say. But people who are
or can say to themselves, okay, I'm becoming more productive with it. I can use that for like the 3D content that I'm preparing for my clients or even that I'm receiving from certain kind of stakeholders or from my clients. I don't know. Super important. Also the distraction-free zones, really focusing on one topic and then having all the monitors available so that I can adjust my working setup wherever I am.
Yeah, a lot of use cases. And if you can think about other use cases that you find interesting also in the future for me to share them, I would love to have a look at it and see it. Also, thank you so much for listening. I'm sharing some more insights about that in my newsletter. So in case you haven't signed up, don't forget to sign up. And my friends, thank you so much for listening. Hear you next week and of course in the future.