cover of episode #24 Creating Future-Proof Design Teams with Laura Müller

#24 Creating Future-Proof Design Teams with Laura Müller

logo of podcast Future of UX | Your Design, Tech and User Experience Podcast | AI Design

Future of UX | Your Design, Tech and User Experience Podcast | AI Design

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Laura Müller
Patricia Reines
Patricia Reines: 创新源于尝试新事物并允许团队成员犯错,而害怕失败的文化会损害创新。在现实中,许多设计团队都存在害怕失败的文化,这严重阻碍了创新。 Laura Müller: 未来十年,工作模式将发生巨大变革,例如工作日减少,这将提高员工满意度和公司收益。建立面向未来的团队,应注重招募对学习充满渴望的人才,而非仅仅关注现有技能。面向未来的UX设计师需要对未来充满热情,并积极探索新技术和方法。建立优秀团队的关键在于:领导风格与团队成员相匹配;团队成员多样化,具备互补技能;团队氛围轻松愉快,充满幽默感。寻找面向未来的团队,需要观察团队氛围、招聘流程以及团队成员之间的互动方式等细节。灵活运用各种框架、资源和思维方式对于构建面向未来的设计团队至关重要。在工作中保持诚实,坦诚面对挑战和恐惧,有助于团队共同进步。

Deep Dive

Laura Müller discusses the importance of future-proofing design teams, focusing on embracing new technologies and leadership styles.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of the future of UX, I chat with Laura Müller, the Head of UX/UI at Henkel DX, and explore the world of design leadership. Laura shares her personal journey towards becoming a design leader and provides valuable insights into leadership styles and how to implement new technologies in workflows.

One thing that sets me apart is my approach to failure. I believe that innovation comes from trying new things and allowing myself and my team to fail. I share openly and honestly about the importance of failure in the innovation process and how teams should embrace it.

This episode is a must-listen for designers and leaders alike who are looking to stay at the forefront of innovation and new technologies. My inspiring and insightful interview provides valuable insights into how to approach new tech and implement it in workflows.

So if you're looking to up your game in design leadership and innovation, tune in to this episode and learn from one of the best in the business!

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