Patricia Reiners
Patricia Reiners: 2023年的UX设计趋势主要体现在七个方面:首先,体验至上,设计重点从效率转向用户体验,注重创造难忘的沉浸式体验,但需考虑目标受众;其次,关注用户旅程中的所有环节,尤其是在错误页面和加载页面等方面创造积极的互动体验;第三,采用先进的交互方式,例如引人入胜的悬停效果,提升用户参与度;第四,利用滚动叙事,通过精心设计的色彩方案和交互方式讲述品牌故事,例如苹果官网的滚动设计;第五,人工智能和聊天机器人技术日益重要,设计需使聊天机器人对话更人性化;第六,AR/VR/MR技术持续发展,硬件改进和公司投资将推动其发展,并与现实世界应用相结合;第七,元宇宙带来无限可能,创造了互联的虚拟经济,物理和数字现实融合,Web3、空间计算和数字孪生技术是其重要因素。

Deep Dive

UX design is shifting from efficiency to experience, focusing on creating immersive and memorable experiences rather than just guiding users through tasks.

Shownotes Transcript

As we enter into a new year, it is important to stay abreast of trends and changes in order to ensure that projects are as successful as possible. The world of UX is constantly evolving and staying up-to-date with emerging trends may make all the difference when trying to create something innovative. Here we will explore seven key user experience (UX) trends for 2023 that could help inform our work moving forward.

Let’s talk about trends ✨

1️⃣ Experiences

UX design shifts its focus from efficiency to experience.

2️⃣ Blind spots in a user journey

Brands need to create captivating interactive experiences on their error pages etc.

3️⃣ Advanced Interactions

Captivating hover effect can draw users in and leave them wanting more.

4️⃣ Storytelling

Strategically incorporating special visuals along our journey.

5️⃣ Chatbots

Let’s talk: challenge ahead to make conversations feel personal

6️⃣ AR / VR / MR

Creating hybrid digital/real worlds experiences

7️⃣ Metaverse

Creating an interconnected virtual economy where physical and digital realities converge.

What are your thoughts?

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